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I needed some new coils badly because mine are all giving bad burnt flavor.

So I bought some here and I think I bought the right kind even though it seemed like it said they would work with my Kangertech Protank 3 Mini.

Please tell me these will work! My juice is tasting terrible! :( :(



Without seeing what they look like it's a little hard to tell if they're the right ones or not but the coils for Evods should be the same... Can you post a pic of the actual coils? You don't have to take them out of the package, just the box. :)


It looks like they will screw in just fine, but the part right above the threading looks different...



Ahhh, the photo you posted is the upgraded dual-coils... same thing as what I posted above, but newer version (enclosed wick area).

Still, though, the singles won't work in the KPT3-mini without modification to prevent leakage... the little silicone cap won't seal-off the center-tube because the head-area of the single-coil are shorter than the dual-coils.


Not sure about the KPT3 mini but my full sized KPT3 will take single coils even though they came with the dual coils. I would think the mini should too?

Posted (edited)

I've tried the single-coils in my KPT3-mini, and even with a second silicone cap added to the shaft, they still leaked (BADLY).

Bone, I'd take those back to the shop and grab the dual-coil unit... either the original or upgraded design (both are the same function and size). Those singles will only work "well" in the KPT2, KPT2-mini, Unitank, or original EVOD tanks.

Here's an image of both dual-coil designs (Version 1 is same as V2, but with shorter shaft above the coil):


Edited by Earthling789

Sorry, I thought you bought them locally, not the VT store...

This is the one you want - http://www.vaportalk.com/shop/pro-aero-tank-refill-dual-coils/

I think (know) the description of the other link has incorrect data, as they say they will work in virtually every Kanger tank, which is incorrect.

Tam, perhaps you can let Christopher know the description (and title) is incorrect on this link (http://tinyurl.com/kxd4byl), and maybe help Bone out with getting him the correct item?


Kanger needs to pick a coil design and stick to it lol

Technically, they only have 4 designs... But I agree, they can be confusing if you're not 100% sure of what you need!

Dual-coils (3 versions over the years, but all are the same size - short-stem, long-stem, and invisible-coil)

Single-coils (2 versions -short-stem and long-stem)

T3S/MT3 coils (the "original" coil)

Sub-ohm coil (latest version for the sub-tank only - much larger diameter col-head)


I'm a moron, I can't even order coils correctly....

Nah, not a moron... just did what all of us have done at one point in time or another...

If I had a $1 for every time I grabbed the wrong thing, I'd have quite a few dollars :D

And, based on the description of the coils (online description), there was no reason for you to think they wouldn't fit your KPT3-minis... The description IS incorrect, so unless you knew a Unitank and AeroTank take different coils, you would never have realized something was amiss...

Christopher will get it fixed for you, and make it right, I'm sure... since an incorrect description led you to purchase an incorrect coil...

Posted (edited)

This will give you a better idea on why the single-coils won't work (or work well) in your dual-coil tank, and give you a full-list of the different versions of the dual-coil heads, compared to the long-stem version of the single-coil head:


As you can see, the height of the coil-head is much shorter on the single-coil, which means it will not touch (and seal) the bottom of the center-shaft in your tank. The silicone cap must seal-off the center-shaft (to maintain the vacuum seal), else the juice will just flood into the center-shaft, flood the coil (from the top) and leak all your juice out the drip-tip, and bottom air-hole ports.

Edited by Earthling789
Posted (edited)

This is not the only mistake in the coil section. I have been meaning to alert someone to this:


Show the description:

Aspire Nautilus Coil Replacements 5 Pack

Replacement coils for the Aspire Nautilus. BVC Coils. Please note, these will NOT work on the Aspire Nautilus Mini. If you are looking for the “one size fits” all coils that work with the mini and standard alike please Click Here

While the picture is of the coils that fit K1, BDC, ET, ET-S,CE5,CE5-S

Replacement coils for the Aspire Nautilus. BVC Coils. Please note, these will NOT work on the Aspire Nautilus Mini.

If they will fit the Nautilus, they will fit the Nautilus Mini....so far as I know.

To my knowledge, and according to the aspire website, there are 3 series of aspire coils

1. Nautilus/Nautilus Mini

a. BDC

b. BVC

2. K1, BDC, ET, ET-S,CE5,CE5-S, Vivi-Nova

a. BDC

b. BVC

3. Atlantis

I could be wrong, but it looks like they have part of each description reversed....



Edited by jasonculp

Hopefully, Chris will contact you soon to help get this fixed. I've sent him a message. :)

Don't feel bad, like Earthling said above, we've all done something similar at one time or another. You just got yours done right now instead of waiting for later. :)

Hopefully, Chris will contact you soon to help get this fixed. I've sent him a message. :)

Don't feel bad, like Earthling said above, we've all done something similar at one time or another. You just got yours done right now instead of waiting for later. :)


Thank you, Tam...and everyone else. I felt kinda stupid.

Nah, with all of the different choices out there today, it's an easy thing to order the wrong coils for something. Even though Jeff and I regularly use the single coil with our KPT3s, that doesn't mean it'll work for you or that it'll work for the KPT3 mini. Better to be safe than sorry. :)


Glad you're all set! If you run into any issues don't hesitate to hit the contact tab and open a ticket, we're always happy to help :) (Don't feel bad about ordering the wrong coils, we even do it when ordering from the warehouse sometimes. The shipment arrives, we open the box then "oh crap"" lol Kanger seems to have this obsession with changing their coil design.

As for the Natti coils I'll take a look at the SKU's Descriptions and see what needs to be changed, thanks for bring that to our attention :) (By the way if you ever find mistakes in the store we usually issue out coupon codes for those who find them) ;)


(By the way if you ever find mistakes in the store we usually issue out coupon codes for those who find them) ;)

To put you one the spot, Chris, I think coupon codes should be going out to Jason and Earthling once you confirm there was an error in the store? :evil:

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