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I literally just smashed my ecig to pieces, so sick of having to put in a new wick once a week, they are expensive. I need a new ecig without all the fuss. Is there a model or type without this part that needs to be replaced constantly? I am a person that smokes it a couple nights a week, but when I smoke it, it is for like 4-5 hours.

I want something where I do not have to worry about a wick or any other little part that needs replacing.




First, welcome to Vapor Talk. :)

Now, what were you using that's so expensive? Can you give us a brand name so we can know where to start? I don't know of anything that doesn't come with a wick of some sort, even direct drip atomizers have a little bit of wick. If you could also let us know what the PG/VG ratio of juice you were using, that would be helpful. We're all sorts of "I want to help" around here. I'm sure others will be along shortly to lend a hand. :)


There are "No Wick" builds you can do but that is more hassle that just replacing a coil for a KPT 2 that is around $0.99 for a 5 pack or less if you buy a 50ct carton.


It was a DreamVapor Dream EP - I had never used one before and it was the only one they sold at my local smoke shop. The owner of the shop actually showed me the whole thing so I could save money and quit smoking cigarettes, both of which happened....which is great. But I really just want the simplest ecig possible.

I am sorry I do not know what you mean about how much juice...I just buy the 16mg regular tobacco eliquid that is at, again, the local smoke shop. As you can tell, not an expert here....just want something simple to use without the cost of switching out a wick so much...

If you have any models you think are VERY simple...not a lot of upkeep, please let me know.

Thanks :)


Here's a link to a post I made for people starting out -- just like you. :)

With a Vision Spinner or the Spinner II, you start at the lowest setting (3.3v) and vape. Go a little higher, vape. Repeat until you get a slight burnt taste then back it down just a touch. That's where the sweet spot is for the juice you're using. How often you change the coil will depend on what kind of juice. A sweeter, darker juice will gunk up your coil faster so you'll need to change it more often. Lighter colored, less sweet juice will work with your coil for a longer period of time. We have excellent juice vendors on site through the VT store. Fadora is one of my favorites. Compenstine is a member here and he'll help you till the cows come home to make sure you get what you need. :)


The no wick model, the holy grail of vaping, haha....

Pro tank II - coils around $1 ea. swap out coil 1x per week prob with a tobacco ejuice. It's really not that difficult or expensive when weighed against a $35 per week (average) smoking habit.


The Nautilus coils have been lasting for about a week and a half for me and I chain vape.Best clearomizer I've ever bought!

Posted (edited)

I'm at a week on my first coil on my new Nautilus mini tank. Looks like it may go another week before needing changing. I also chain vape.

Lets see: 1) a bvc coil every 2 weeks = about $2.50

2) $8 a day for cigarettes X 14 days = $112

Get a good setup with extra coils and you'll still come out way ahead of what smoking costs you.

Edited by kfolse107
1) a bvc coil every 2 weeks = about $2.50

2) $8 a day for cigarettes X 14 days = $112

Get a good setup with extra coils and you'll still come out way ahead of what smoking costs you.

Factor in your juice costs, and most of us vape all week for the price of a pack or two of analogs!

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