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Preface: I built some new coils last night, vaped on them last night and today, and just rewicked to put some different juice on. In the process of rewicking, I heated up my coils like usual, ran them under cold water, dried them and then put the cotton in. While doing this, I noticed black specks accumulated in the deck of the atomizer, but I just blew them out of there.

Now, with it rewicked and juiced, I noticed after vaping a few times, there are AGAIN now black specks in the bottom of the deck and some were in the cotton. I vaped it a few times and they are gone from the cotton (presumably either vaporized or in the drip tip, my mouth or lungs), but they are still in the bottom of the deck.

Has anyone encountered something like this??

For the record, I bought 6 feet of GPlat 24 to try it out, and that's what these coils are made of. So far, I've seen no real benefits from it, it's not significantly easier to build with than kanthal, there's no better flavor, I frankly like how kanthal heats up more than gplat (but that may be a factor of just the build set up), and plain kanthal has never made these specks. Perhaps it is also worth noting that my kanthal builds the oxidized layer around it, causing the coils to look like a matte gray. These coils look more like a shiny black. I feel like they're trying to oxidize, but for some reason chips of that layer just don't stick, and subsequently fall right off.

Anyone know what's up with this??

Kinda done with gplat after this one......


I've gotten that with the stuff that I have from the vape store... Unlabeled and I'll tell you that I never got to wat it was.. I was first starting to build attys and I started seeing the same thing... No clue wat the stuff is I figured it was my juice cooking into the coils and blackening gunking up to coils... It dry burns away ect but it's always back.. I have pure kanthol 24 and it's too low for way I vape and build so I have not compared the two?

Btw.. One days vaping too..


It is the carmelized residue from your juice. The byproducts of heating the juice and flavorings. It builds up on your coils and flakes off, especially if you do the water dunk. You should try and clean it off as much as possible. This where the burnt taste comes from on a bad coil.

Posted (edited)

It is the carmelized residue from your juice. The byproducts of heating the juice and flavorings. It builds up on your coils and flakes off, especially if you do the water dunk. You should try and clean it off as much as possible. This where the burnt taste comes from on a bad coil.

Well that's good to hear, and seems to make sense. I honestly had no clue so I decided to post this. At least it's not shedding oxidized metal particles like I thought it could have been!!

Btw.. One days vaping too..

I'd just never really seen this before and it sort of spooked me..enough to sit my vape down until I knew what was up. What can I say, I'm still a noob sometimes. :on2long: I'll give the rest of my GPLAT another go. Fwiw, GPLAT might be nothing more than repackaged 317L stainless wire. Figured it was repackaged something, just not sure what (and still not 100% sure despite the article).


Thanks guys!

Edited by VapeBerry

If your concerned that it is metal, put a magnet to it and see if the magnet picks up the particles. If it does, then you know. If it don't, then it is as Bebop said, it is just bits of char. Bebop is correct though in this case in that It is a 99.9% chance of just being char.


I agree that it's bits of char. I've seen it happen even on my Kanger coils when I've taken the wick out to dry burn after cleaning them, I'm pretty sure.

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