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Ok, I got a couple gift cards and one gift certificate to one local shop. Totaling 100 bucks. I would like to get a complete setup around that price. Looking into a box mod that's around 50 watts max. I'm not into dripping or rebuildables. Rather work with tank setups right now. I want something that'll produce a good flavor.

So my question is to everyone. What would you buy and why?

Thanks in advance



As far as tank I'd go with the nautilus aspire. Or a Kanger Protank adjustable airflow? The nautilus aspire tank tastes yummy and then the kanger Protank was wat I quit smoking with wat are you using now.. Btw it's soo depends on ur style of vaping... I liked kanger Protank also because I began rebuilding the coils... Amazing how much money you save... Lol


Not knowing the prices of your B&M it is very hard to hit your mark. I don't think you will find a quality box mod at 50watts for less than $125-$150. You may find one online, but not sure about a B&M.

You may find a 20 watt Hana clone or the 15 watt VTR for that price. As far as Tanks I vote for the Nautilus as well.


I like the IClear 30s, and recently picked up a VTR. Made the 30s much better than it was on the Ego cells. The VTR comes with a 30s.


Without knowing what your b&m is like price wise. I'm going to have to agree with comp and say your best bet is something like the VTR and a Nautilus. If you're lucky you might find a clone of DNA style device like the Hanna in your price range.

If I were you I'd go down there and see what they have in your price range. Then see if they have some display pieces they let you test out. Not all b&m's will but mine will let me test out the displays for mods and boxes before I buy.


Keep in mind that a VTR will only go up to 15 watts and you'll have to use the extender that comes with it to use the Nautilus (full sized) as the tank won't fit into the ring. You can fit a Nautilus mini without the extender but it takes contortionist movements to get it in and you have to put it in upside down, through the ring and then put the bottom part of the tank on, and then screw the thing into the VTR. :)


What's another route that everyone would suggest if a box mod is out of the range that I'm willing to spend? Could I go the mechanical route and still use tanks? I've seen a couple that I like that are much less than the box mods.


I use Kanger Pro Tank, Pro Tank 2, Pro Tank 3, Aerotank, Anyvape Davide, etc. on my mech mods when I'm not using an RDA. You just need to make sure to use either a 1.5 or 1.8 ohm coil in these to get performance. With a mechanical, you'll need to buy batteries and a separate battery charger.


If I had to build myself an All Day Vape rig for $100 here is what I would get:


$25.95 Aspire Nautilus


$24.00 Aspire Nautilus Mini

and (5) coils $12.99


$31.99 iStick

There are a lot of different ones in the price range just above. I am currently looking at the VaporShark DNA30, they have finally got down to $99.99. I am also enjoying the Joytech Delta 19 and it cost around $36.00

Good Luck!


I appreciate the helpful incite. I am looking at the Tesla mechanical wood mod. What's your thoughts on it. I'm trying to find reviews for it before I even take the plunge. Also, could I run the new sub ohm tanks on it also?


I appreciate the helpful incite. I am looking at the Tesla mechanical wood mod. What's your thoughts on it. I'm trying to find reviews for it before I even take the plunge. Also, could I run the new sub ohm tanks on it also?

I do not have any experience with the Tesla. Being a dual 18650 you should get some respectable vape time out of it. (If you buy the sub ohm tanks) Make sure to read up on the all the safety stuff in the rebuilding/modding forums. I understand you are not rebuilding, but subohming is subohming. Mechanical mods have no real saftey for shorts and low voltage. (I have never seen one taken apart, so I am assuming)

My only problem with a Mechanical mod/tank combination is the reduction of power as your battery drains. Earthling was talking about it in an earlier post. With the most regulated mods you keep the same power at the coil until the mod's battery cut off kicks in. Another problem is that they are not powerful enough on tanks. I run my Nautilus and Delta at 13 eleaf watts which is nearly 17 normal watts. A mechanical mod with fresh batteries can only put out around 9.8 watts (4.2volts with a 1.8ohm coil). It will fall off pretty quick after that.


I went to the b&m store that I have a certificate too. Yeah there is no way that I'll be able to get a 50 watt box mod , heck not even a 30 watter for what I'm able to spend. I like the look and feel of the tesla invader. I just wish it was a vw box mod.

So what are my options now?


Istick....? What kind of price did they have on those, provided they have them. :) If your wanting a way to replace the battery, a 18650 battery) then look at the Vamo 5 or 6. The Vamo is a 15 watt mod though.


I'm wanting something around 50 watts. So I didn't even look at my the Istick. Not really into cylinder mods.

Is it possible to upgrade the tesla to a vw device? Or am should I look into something else.

Thank you for everyone's thoughts


The Eleaf iStick isn't a cylinder mod, it's a smaller box mod that goes up to 20 watts. For under $100, I think it would be hard to find a 50 watt box mod...


Sorry, the cylinder comment was meant for the vamo. Not really digging the Istick.

Is it possible to upgrade the tesla to a vw device? Or am should I look into something else.


It could be with the right design, but you would do better just to build a wood mod with a 50-100wat chip. I honestly don't think that Modding it would be worth the hassle.

I am with comp on this. You might be able to convert it to VV depending on your electronic capabilities using a Naos Rapter, or an OKL2-T20. It would be extremely challenging to get a display, fuses and a variable resistor in that top part...

Other mods not mentioned, would be the ipv mini, and ZNA clones.


I appreciate the helpful incite. I am looking at the Tesla mechanical wood mod. What's your thoughts on it. I'm trying to find reviews for it before I even take the plunge. Also, could I run the new sub ohm tanks on it also?

That should be fine as long as you go no lower than ~0.4Ω (about 10A). These inexpensive China parallel mods are not a good choice for ultra low subΩ builds (over 10A draw under load.)

I know you are stuck with the B&M but there are many decent PVs out there priced right these days online.



It's like he was embarrassed to like it. His constant harping about it using a single battery grew old. That it's capable of 100W doesn't mean you have to run it there all day. They also make a 50W version that is ~$4 cheaper. :)


They do make a DNA 30 clone for around 50-60 bucks at my B&M but I've heard the chips in them are a little wonkie and aren't as good.But honestly I still want one yo try out.


I think the big issue is what does your B&M have to offer? If you're tied to them with gift cards you will only have what the carry to pick from. Most B&M's charge more for devices. If you can pick 2 or 3 devices they sell that you like we can help narrow it down from there. If you had cash, it's a whole different ball game....


Use your gifts as an offset to the cost of the full price of the box you want. If the box is $150 then you have $50 to makeup the difference. Don't just buy what is in the value of the gifts, save a little and get what you want.

Even at $10 a week five weeks you will have the device you want. I personally have a Vamo V5 + V6, good inexpensive tube vv/vw devices. I also have a Sigelei 100W box.

I waited until I had extra cash for the Sigelei $150 at my local B&M. Found it online for as low as $89. Kind of wish I went online.

But for what I would have spent on cigarettes I got it when I wanted it.

You do pay a bit more at the B&M's

Also, I prefer the Nautilus tank.


I ended up using the one gift certificate that I had that was tied to one place. The others are visa gift cards. Those equal $95. So I'm not tied to any b&m store or online. So I'm just thinking it might be better to build my own mod. But if anyone has a suggestion to a site with a good deal. I'm all ears. Thanks everyone for all the help.

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