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I recently won a mvp 2.0 from a local shop. So far I like it. The only issue I'm having is after a few puffs I get a slight dry hit. I have a kanger pro tank 2 on it with a 1.5 ohm coil. I've read to keep the colts low and I could run the watts in the range of 8 to 11 which is the max the unit will do. Could someone help me understand why it would act like that?

Thanks Rob

Posted (edited)

The MVP can be ran in Power mode (Wattage) OR Voltage mode, but not both at the same time.

Your juice will tell you when the Power or Voltage is too high (burnt flavor), but your issue seems to be coil-wicking related... So, what is the PG/VG of your juice? It sounds like you're juice is too thick, and possibly you're chain-vaping, which is causing the coil to not be able to wick as fast as you're trying to use it?

Most of my juices prefer 7.0 up to 9.0 Watts, so use that setting (Power Mode), and it will not matter what the resistance of the coil is, because the unit will "read" that resistance and adjust the Voltage to give the Power (Watts) you have selected.... It's the easiest way to use the MVP, IMO.

Edited by Earthling789

Try doing a "dry draw" every so often - otherwise called an unpowered draw. It can pull juice into your wick without having the heat going into it. You won't get vapor or anything, it's just getting juice into the wick. It's the same thing that's recommended when you fill up a tank, and presumably let it sit for a few minutes to get the wick saturated before you fire up a new (or newly rebuilt) coil/wick assembly to get juice in the wick before you but heat in it.


I'm using an Aspire Nautilus Mini (1.8 ohm coil) with 65pg/35vg juice at 10.5 watts on my MVP 2.0 and have no problems with dry hits, and I chain vape.

It sounds like your problem is with the tank and not the MVP.

My dad got a kit with the protank 2 included and he didn't like the tank.

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