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I just started vaping today. Spent most of the afternoon trying flavors. Now I smoke llights called Tahoe Gold 100's. My question is has other noticed that there taste buds get cleaner/stronger after they have been on Ecigs? Dinner tonight was a major burn do to chilli podwer that should not have burned. I notice all the flavors in the dish tonight. Now when I came home from the vapor store, I did light up my pack I have left over so I could finish it. Noticed the differance there too. Had about 3 cigs then went off to take care of things before dinner. So it was over two hours since I had smoked till dinner. I also noticed I could smell the eliquid I bought plus one I tried before in the store that was more cig type.

OK my starter pack is the Ego-T with 6mg apple cinnamon. If this is norm it could make some trouble here do to BIL and his love for over spiced food. :) I will just have to let him know to tone it down more when he cooks.


Your taste and sense of smell will really begin to come back after a couple of weeks of being smoke-free, and the senses continue to "hone" for a few months.


The more and longer you vape the more your taste buds will come back. Smoking tobacco cigarettes screws with our sense of taste and smell due to all the carcinogens. Getting off analogs will revitalize your sense of smell thus revitalizing your sense of taste. In the next month or so, especially if you get totally off cigarettes, you'll notice all kinds of new smells and flavors. Things you used to love will no longer hold the same appeal due to your senses changing. Things you may not have liked so much before will become the best thing ever due to your sense of taste and smell coming back.

If you're still craving cigarettes, it's probably due to your nic level. 6 mg is very low for most who are getting off cigarettes. Most do best at 18 - 24 mg to start. Once they get off the cigarettes for a week or more, then start dropping the nic level a little at a time. Even after all this time I keep juices from 24 all the way down to 0, it all depends on what I want/need for that time. When I can't vape very often I'll hit the 24 mg so I can take a couple of puffs and get the nic I need. If I'm at home and chain vaping I'll go down to 6 mg or even sometimes down to 0 mg. An hour or two before bedtime I'll also decrease the nic level so I can sleep better. Of course your mileage may vary. :)


Well, that is good to know. I thought I was comming down sick. I have never smoke much and one of the few people not addicited. I can drop it on a dime and leave it with no bad results. Probably do to how I started and broke the additiction early do to circumstances not to mention genetics. I have never craved a analog it has always been when around others. Can't stand the smell of analog smoke. I have always done for many many years ultra lights or lights. So the 6mg works for me. I could go 0mg but did not too start. Thanks all.

  • 1 month later...

That my friend is what happens the longer you are smoke free!!!! Say welcome back to your tastebuds babyyy! Your smell will improve after some time as well!
Get better for better health and way better tasting fooooooood! Yahoo!

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