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So nice set there.. I know that I said mec forum.. But I noticed that our builds on the parallel are both close.. I buy wire at the vape store first time ever knew nothing about different sizes yet.. Lol so the girl gives me a real of some Idk wat? How do you think I might find out what it is?

Kanthel wire comes in different gauges.. like 27g 26g 24g, etc. The lower the gauge the thicker the wire, and lower resistance.. Higher gauge like 28g 30g 32g are thinner wires and offer higher resistance.. The first thing I do would is check the ohm limit on the batt to be used, and determine what wire/build would be safe ...I use 26g a lot but sometimes use 24g..parallel builds is two wires wrapped side by side but keep in mind it cuts resistance in half compared to a single wire wrapped the same amount of turns on the same dia bit...always use a ohm meter to check the resistance on your build and use a ohms law calculator to see what power requirement is needed..(several available online as a download )

Ohms law is always applied to be sure these builds don't exceed the amp limits on the batt being used.

Safety involved in building requires a understanding of basic electronics, a working knowledge of ohms law and an accurate ohm meter...

It can seem intimidating at first but in time building safely will come a lot easier, and blow clouds that have to be seen to be believed ...lol


I can appreciate the good cloud ☁ nothing quite satisfies.. Lol

I wish Tam on this thread realises other people likes blowing clouds besides us..lol

I wish Tam on this thread realises other people likes blowing clouds besides us..lol

I do realize there are many who enjoy blowing clouds. The point I was trying to make, and you evidently missed, is that not "everyone" or even "most everyone" (as you asserted), has to gravitate toward cloud blowing just because they took up vaping. Some people do and they enjoy it. Great. More power to them, I just hope they're taking the proper safety precautions. Others might not feel the need nor want to blow clouds even if they can. That's why there are tanks, RDAs, RBAs, RTAs, atomizers, cartomizers and a whole host of different delivery systems available. Isn't it great that we can like what we like and not have to do what "everyone" else does?


From what I've seen over the past few months here, no matter what your vapeing style may be, the only 2 common denominators are that you are able to enjoy a better way of life than when on analogs and that you are safe while doing it. Whatever that is for someone, the goal is to be better off than we were with analogs! The fact that any member would show concern for another is exactly why we joined VT in the first place. To learn, share, and keep on the road to a better way of life.

Posted (edited)

I keep saying I've been vaping for over 2 yrs now..I've learned alot, always try to help others and upgraded to where I'm at now..mostly from 6 other different vaping forums...I just recently joined this one but I'm not gonna stay ..There just isn't too many people here that are into high-end mods, or cloud blowing competitions that are held all over the place here in southern CA.. Thousands of people attend these competitions as alot of us enjoy blowing good clouds..and learning about how it's done along the way..I'm one of them, and at this point all I can say is Keep'on Vapin'on..so long, take care..

Edited by smacksy

See yea, To bad because there are people coming here looking for that info. They just don't stay long. If you stuck around you may be able to change that. Just saying.

See ya!

I keep saying I've been vaping for over 2 yrs now..I've learned alot, always try to help others and upgraded to where I'm at now..mostly from 6 other different vaping forums...I just recently joined this one but I'm not gonna stay ..There just isn't too many people here that are into high-end mods, or cloud blowing competitions that are held all over the place here in southern CA.. Thousands of people attend these competitions as alot of us enjoy blowing good clouds..and learning about how it's done along the way..I'm one of them, and at this point all I can say is Keep'on Vapin'on..so long, take care..

Noooo smacksy! You're my new buddy here you and comp! No leaving allowed.. Stay around.. Please!

See yea, To bad because there are people coming here looking for that info. They just don't stay long. If you stuck around you may be able to change that. Just saying.

Exactly comp!

I keep saying I've been vaping for over 2 yrs now..I've learned alot, always try to help others and upgraded to where I'm at now..mostly from 6 other different vaping forums...I just recently joined this one but I'm not gonna stay ..There just isn't too many people here that are into high-end mods, or cloud blowing competitions that are held all over the place here in southern CA.. Thousands of people attend these competitions as alot of us enjoy blowing good clouds..and learning about how it's done along the way..I'm one of them, and at this point all I can say is Keep'on Vapin'on..so long, take care..

Like I come here to learn stuff.. Ur a teacher now.. Must pass on the knowledge so we may help others here learn to be where you are!
Posted (edited)

I like it that way, those over hyped Nitecores always undercharge.

I just got one and it sure seems like it...even given the MNKE 26650 voltage drop, it just doesn't seem like I'm squeezing much out of them. Can any of you guys recommend a good dual (or quad) 26650 charger? I'll test some voltages when I get home to verify, but I'm swapping out 26650's every few hours because they just quit hitting and I have to take 2-3 primer puffs just to get a good vape.

Sorry to hijack :shuriken:

Edit: Nevermind! Tested 2 MNKE 26650's that came off the charger about 3 hours ago and have been sitting. 4.212 and 4.216. I guess it's just the voltage drop!

Edited by VapeBerry

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