DJ Colonel Corn Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 (edited) Hello fellow vapers ! Well should I review such an easily available and cheap clearo as the iClear 30s ? Granted, it has a polycarbonate tank, OK, I like the idea of glass better. However the COIL system in this thing is what impresses me the most, and I'm looking forward to more companies using these. If you know of any other tanks using this coil system, please let me know, especially if they are glass tanks. OK so what can I say other than great vapor, great hits, long-lasting coil, ease of use ? All of the above. Here's a pic of it. iClear 30s I love the coils it uses. Basically it's like the iClear or vivi nova type coils with 2 or 3 cotton threads hanging down.. but these are encased in a metal sleeve with flow holes and inner breathing tube. Here's a pic of the coil. iClear 30s coil Has anyone seen this type of coil used in other atomizers/clearomizer/tanks ? Please let me know (in this thread). So basically, excellent performance for a reasonably priced device. Highly recommended ! Comes with 2.1 ohm coils. Holds 3.5 ml. Coils last for weeks. Stay vaped. Edited December 15, 2014 by DJ Colonel Corn
Earthling789 Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 These have been around a while, as an upgraded version of the original iClear30 design. I've tried the original iClear30 and iClear16 (with the hanging wicks), and was not impressed with them, so I didn't bother trying the upgraded version. Glad to hear you approve of them, and I'm glad Innokin has a better tank available... I too wish they were Pyrex... I think that is my #1 reason for not giving them another try? spydre 1
spydre Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 These have been around a while, as an upgraded version of the original iClear30 design. I've tried the original iClear30 and iClear16 (with the hanging wicks), and was not impressed with them, so I didn't bother trying the upgraded version. Glad to hear you approve of them, and I'm glad Innokin has a better tank available... I too wish they were Pyrex... I think that is my #1 reason for not giving them another try? Same. For one, I don't like top coils, I switched to bottom coils the first replaceable coil clearomizers I bought (Evods). Easier for me to deal with. Secondly, anymore, other than my Kayfun 3.1, I only vape out of glass tanks (I have a Davide and ProTank 2's). I even switched out the Evods for mini protank 2's (for juices I'm trying), because I prefer the taste from a glass tank, and you don't have to worry about a tank cracker juice and you don't know it. But all in all, I wasn't impressed with iClear 30, so I never tried the iClear 30s. I didn't think encasing the wicks in the metal tube would make much of a difference in the vape.
Compenstine Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 I got one with my VTR that sits on my desk unused. I also don't like the drip tip and since I can't put what like on it... I'm also not to fond of the top coil tanks but I do use the Iclear 16s with my EVOD batteries. I do like them for those batteries when I'm stealth vaping. spydre 1
spydre Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 Comp, I do think you can get an adapter to put a regular 510 drip tip on it, but from everything I've heard, once you put the stock drip tip in, it doesn't come out. Yeah, I had one that came with my MVP, and then one that came with my VTR. I tried the one with the MVP for about ten minutes (after letting it sit a good long time to soak the wicks). So yeah, the one that came with the VTR, which I'm pretty sure was the s model - I don't feel like digging in my box to check right now - is sitting unused. I'm sure there are those that swear by it that don't mind plastic tanks, and that are fond of top wicked tanks. It's just not for me.
Compenstine Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 The drip tip screws in and out, I just don't feel the need to get an adapter for it. I do much prefer a glass tank as well. The one I got with the VTR is the same as he has pictured here. spydre 1
spydre Posted December 15, 2014 Posted December 15, 2014 (edited) The drip tip screws in and out, I just don't feel the need to get an adapter for it. I do much prefer a glass tank as well. The one I got with the VTR is the same as he has pictured here. Yeah, I got the regular iClear 30 with the MVP, and 30s with the VTR. Like I said, after ten minutes of actually vaping with the first one, it was enough for me to decide I didn't like it. There's a girl at one of the B&Ms I go to who swears by them for the tanks she doesn't have to worry about cracking, and that she doesn't build herself. But gosh, those coils are expensive, too, compared to bcc coils. I'm assuming a combination of the extra wicking material and the fact that it's dual coil. Edited December 15, 2014 by spydre
DJ Colonel Corn Posted December 22, 2014 Author Posted December 22, 2014 Well guys, I had exactly the same thoughts as most of you, I didn't like the iClear 30, I used to swear by glass tanks, bottom coil, etc etc. However , as someone who preferred all that , I'm quite impressed with the 30s. I guess my main question here is, if anyone knows of any glass/pyrex tanks using this type of coil. I feel it performs great. I thought it was bottom dual coil, but, ok, it would be easy enough to turn it around and make it a bottom, as there are no dangling threads or any of that. So, anyone know a tank using these coils ?
Squid Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 I liked my 30s from the first hit. Over the last almost 5 years I have gone from my original Ego with the screwon atomiser and little tip stuffed with cotton to the bigger cotton stuffed cartomisers, to the IC4 and 16 to a T-3 tank, and finally the IC30s. The T-3 was ok, but I was burning through atomisers every week or faster. The 30s was good on the Ego cells, but I finaly got a VTR, and now I like the 30s even more. There is a rare dry hit when the fluid level gets low, but nothing regular. I can generally run the tank until it's empty with no dry hits. I haven't tried building my own coils or dripping, as I am a traveling service tech and don't like the idea of dripping at 70 MPH on the highway, so a tank is the way to go for me. I like the VW feature as I don't have to worry about chaseing settings if I get a different rated coil. The coils are a bit pricy, I was going through 1 about every 2 weeks on the ego cells, but I have yet to change the one I am useing currently since I got the VTR 3 weeks ago. Still even at $3 each not bad for 2 weeks. As far as top or bottom coil, I rarely hold it upright while in use, usually almost flat while resting my arm on the truck door. The tank has no issues, doesn't leak, no cracks or crazing, and I am on my first one that is somewhere in the neighborhood of a year old and it has been dropped many times. I also used to carry it in my Jeans front pocket with the screwon batteries. I don't use fruity flavors, mostly coffee. 11mg 50/50 mix from the local store.
spydre Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 I've never tried a cartomizer. Before my husband started using his bottom feed RBA, he was using tank/cartomizers with his mod and with his Provari. But something the guy that owns the B&M we frequent the most said stuck with me - when he was using carto tanks, he always had the problem that the carto itself (the cotton batting) was always either too dry or too wet in the experience he had with it. I don't know if that meant he was vaping thicker liquid, and with the regular sized single hole it wasn't wicking enough fast enough, and then he tried making the hole bigger, and essentially flooded it because then TOO much juice got in, or what. But also, the type of tank that my husband uses - heck, I can't remember the name, but he had difficulty finding the right sized carto - it didn't take the standard size, and he could only reliable find the right size on one site - the site he ordered the original tank from in the first place.
kfolse107 Posted December 29, 2014 Posted December 29, 2014 I bought an Iclear 30s about 6 months ago and used it mostly at night with a cinnamon juice. That tank and original coil is still in use (believe it or not!) and still puts out pretty decent vapor. The tank is cloudy from the strong cinnamon/menthol juice.
DJ Colonel Corn Posted January 19, 2015 Author Posted January 19, 2015 Yep....... 1 month and 2 tanks later, I always go back to the iClear 30S. I've got other tanks, like ProTank 3, and even an Aspire Atlantis... but I always find myself going back to the iClear 30S ! Great to see the action on this thread !
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