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This Sucks


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Just one more thing we have to worry about as suppliers. Although we cleary state on our store

"Vapor Talk Products are intended for use by adult smokers over the age of 18 and not intended for pregnant women or those who are sensitive to nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and may be dangerous to your health. Vapor Talk Products are not intended as a smoking cessation device. Vapor Talk offers smokers a tar-free way to enjoy smoking. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy."

Everyone please give a nice big thank you to the assholes over at the FDA. Good job guys!

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God forbid too many people quit smoking - can't take that cut in tax revenue!!!

The FDA had deemed the "illegal"? Why are they still being sold? Good grief, I'just baught illegal paraphernailia - better go burry it in the back yard with my guns! :mad:

Edited by Brian
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I sent him an e mail as well. I doubt the fat spankmonkey will even read it. If you look a his website, hes a glory seeking sue everyone under the sun scum sucking parasitic low life shyster a-hole of a man who gives lawyers a bad name. ( Like thats possible). When I get my thoughts gathered, I'll tell you guys how I REALLY feel. :angry::angry:

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I sent him an e mail as well. I doubt the fat spankmonkey will even read it. If you look a his website, hes a glory seeking sue everyone under the sun scum sucking parasitic low life shyster a-hole of a man who gives lawyers a bad name. ( Like thats possible). When I get my thoughts gathered, I'll tell you guys how I REALLY feel. :angry::angry:

Yeah.. I noticed the douchbaggery emitting vapors coming from his page.... I actually think they are worse for you than the vapor that comes from the e-cig. I wonder who is paying this guy to PUSH the issue with the FDA? They're all asshats.

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So I could file a lawsuit, then use the money to start up my own e-cig company, on which I'd have a monopoly after putting the others out of business, and use the multi-billions I'd make to hire ummm "professionals" to take care of scum like this. Bwaahahahaha

Seriously, look at this from the bright side. Since the FDA study was incomplete, it's very possible that the courts would order new, full testing of the safety profile of the e-cig. Since anyone with common since knows that e-cigs are safer than their analog counterparts, the case would go nowhere, but there would finally be independent lab testing showing exactly how safe e-cigs truly are.

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So I could file a lawsuit, then use the money to start up my own e-cig company, on which I'd have a monopoly after putting the others out of business, and use the multi-billions I'd make to hire ummm "professionals" to take care of scum like this. Bwaahahahaha

Seriously, look at this from the bright side. Since the FDA study was incomplete, it's very possible that the courts would order new, full testing of the safety profile of the e-cig. Since anyone with common since knows that e-cigs are safer than their analog counterparts, the case would go nowhere, but there would finally be independent lab testing showing exactly how safe e-cigs truly are.

Unfortunately, common sense is NOT a job requirement for these judges, researchers, lobbyists and goal seekers. Its NOT about the health and well being of the many, its the lining of the pockets of a few. Thats not to say ALL judges, researchers , etc. are that way, but the higher up in the system you go, the more corruption you will find.

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Obviously that is not a real news release but rather a site where you can make your own. I want to write more but I think there are forum rules against using swear words. So I will put it nicely. He's an *******. :thumbsdown:

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Nah, the F.D.A just "called" it illegal, no part of the e-cig or properly made juice is in fact illegal. nicotine, bought over the counter (patches, gum etc..)PG, food flavorings, water, LI batterys, wire, threaded metal pieces, metal spring (in the atty),ceramic, plastic and polly fill. All these things are not illegal in whole or in part, this is just another type of scare tactic ( it does not have to be tru for them to say it) I challenge anyone to find a law on the books in any state in the U.S that even mentions electronic cigarettes. Just another scare tactic. Calling them "dangerous" may scare some people, then calling them "illegal" may scare other people the first statement did not, the F D A can make "unfounded" statements just like tv advertisers, and they are just trying to cover all the scare tactic bases.

hope this clarifies.

Edited by DannyBoyfromWashington
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God forbid too many people quit smoking - can't take that cut in tax revenue!!!

The FDA had deemed the "illegal"? Why are they still being sold? Good grief, I'just baught illegal paraphernailia - better go burry it in the back yard with my guns! :mad:

I am very happy to Vape instead of smoke and am glad that my Sin Tax money is going to a more usefull source.They took advantage of us for too long!!!

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