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Ok so a cat showed up at my house about a week ago. I have decided to take her in. Been feeding her the past week and now allowing her to stay in the house.

Anyone got any pointers. I know dogs but not cats lol

Posted (edited)

Litter box and clumping natural, organic kitty litter. A good scratching post is a must unless you don't like your furniture very much.

Other than that... I got nuthin'.

Me? I'm a puppy person. Been looking for another ear muff with teeth and legs Maltese. :D

Edited by Tam

Got all but the post. Made her an appointment tomorrow at vet to get checked out and shots. I just cant leave an animal out in need.

Myself I'd rather have a dog lol. Want another akita


I hear ya. There was a 4 or 5 week old kitten that I took in and bottle fed until she was old enough and I could find her a new home. My nose was constantly red and my eyes were watering since I'm allergic to cats. It was okay for a little while until she got a little older and developed the dander that all cats do. I won't leave an animal in need either.

The wild cotton tails in my back yard love me. They get baby carrots every morning. The sparrows, finches, morning doves and prairie quail wait for the birdseed too.

If we had the room I'd love to get another Irish Setter. We used to breed them when I was growing up, but with an apartment, we gotta stay small. :)


I can advise better tomorrow when I get to my computer. ai hate this cell phone keyboard. Have had cats all my life. That is why most dog see me as a chew toy lol


I was raised a cat person. I have had them all of my life. They are really simple, like Tameiki said. Ours has a box, a bowl of water, and a bowl of dry food. We would never know that she was in the house if it wasn't for the cat box... She isn't a normal cat. She is half Manx and Maine coon she is virtually wild. She stays outdoors most of the time, and she only comes around about once a week to be pet. She shows little to no affection, and has been that way since we got her 13 years ago.

I have had many strays, and they always seem to be better pets. My mom has had 4 registered cats in the last few years, and I have had 2 of the "special breed" cats and they are all crazy...IMO.

Comp is right about the laser pointer, they go nuts, and have a blast!

We are down to 2 pets, a 10+ year old boxer, and the 13 year old cat. I have a No Pet Replacement Policy. I just don't think my wife does...


Have the cat spayed or neutered. You probably don't want a litter of kittens and you don't want a male to be spraying. I've been lucky enough to have an indoor/outdoor cat who does his business outside. I have a litter box inside for "emergencies", It doesn't get used much and that is great. I don't know how to train a cat to do this but this is the second cat I've had that does this. He is in and out of the house constantly and the only bad thing about it is he meows at the door to go out all the time. .


I'm not a "cat-person", per se, but I've had cats in my home since I was old enough to remember... I currently have two, an older cat that we took in because the family was in need (kids were allergic), and a kitten that my son rescued during a flood back in the summer. I really prefer my big dogs... Great-Dane, English Setter, and English Mastiff.

Cats are not really pets, IMO... they "tolerate" humans by letting you live in their house, and they keep you around to clean their litter box and feed/water them, only because they feel entitled to human servants :D

Seriously, a "good" cat can be a good friend and lap-warmer. They do go nuts over a laser pointer (then again, so does my English Setter). A litter-box (with a dome-top to contain odor and keep the area clean), clumping cat-litter, and a bowl for food and water and you're pretty much set. Most cats will find the highest point in the house to lay down, so don't freak out if you find it on top of the refrigerator or shelving, lol. A scratching post is a good thing too, but it's better to get them de-clawed (because they rarely ONLY use the assigned post for scratching/sharpening claws). Spay/neuter is also a must for cats... females will get knocked-up simply by stepping outside, and males will scent your furniture, walls, carpets, etc to mark their territory once they hit puberty... worst smell EVER (and can ruin your house)!

Now, if you tend to have mice in your area... keeping a cat (with claws) is a good idea, especially females. Only the laziest of cats will ignore a good "hunt", so they will help keep your home mouse-free... although you have to learn to accept their "gifts" of partially chewed mice... which they will leave in conspicuous places (to get your praise/approval) :)

To me, the only bad things about cats are the fact they tend to shed 10x worse than my dogs, and they get in/on places they should not be... such as kitchen counters, dining table, bed (leaving hair all over fresh bedding or clothes), etc.


Hi Joe, I am definitely a cat person, and every other kind of animal person too. My cat that I have now is 15. He was a kitten of a stray I was feeding. Cats are probably the most easy to care for. They are loners for the most part so if he or she seems to ignore you most of the time don't worry. He will let you know when he wants attention. Good food, water and a litter box is all you need. All the extras like toys, treats, etc will be good too. I have one stray that I feed outside that rides on the golf cart with me. He sleeps on the porch with a heating pad lol. I'm always feeding stray kitties. I think the one tells all the others hey you should go to the house next to the pond she has good food there! Lol



So...since she's keeping you, Joe, does she have a name?

I'm thinking Princess because you will treat her like one. Lucky kitty! :)


Speaking of names but only a little off topic here, I remember you said something about wanting to change yours. Now you can! Go to the top of the page and click on your name with the little down arrow. Click on "My Settings". Then, click on "Display Name" on the left side of the screen. You can change your display name twice in a 30 day period.

Just let us know what it is so we know who you are. :D


Looks like you have a lot of good info here. I would also suggest getting cat toys like these:


My cats love it when I snake it across the floor and hide it around a corner they can't see. They will crouch down give the butt a wiggle and dart after it. LOL I can also get them to do some acrobatic moves by dangling it just out of reach. All cats have there own attitudes. Not personality so much as attitude. I call it Catitude.

Here is a pic of Catitude:


Be mindful of how they act too they will tell you what they want in most cases. They like to get your attention and want you to follow them. If you ignore it, they will just ignore you too, it's that Catitude thing. They like to bring you presents too, mice and such. Don't get mad, praise her and then dispose of it. ;) It is a cats way of showing it is contributing. Cats can be very social or independent depending on the mood. They also choose who they like. Some cats only like one person others don't care so long as they get a pet or two. (Kinda Like dogs in that way) If they are getting mad most will give warning in a slight growl. If they do this stop and let it go. Forcing a cat to do what it don't want to do can you bit or scratched. They do not call the claws "Stiletto's" for nothing. ;) If you are training it to not bite, a very light one finger tap on the nose and say "Ouch" you only need to do this once or twice. Then all you need after that is say "Ouch" and it will back off. If it is getting in your face when you eat, same thing but say "No". Cats will beg like a dog if they like people food. Do not allow it to get up on you when you eat even one time, it can be hard to break after that. With mine all I have to do is raise my finger and say No and it will walk away. Ears going back is a sign of being irritated, when accompanied by a growl, look out, Stilettos are next.


this is Mya. Newest member of the family

Looks right at home!

I really miss the the more affectionate cat that we had. He was a very old tom, and he had been through many battles. His tail was no longer flexible, only at the base, and the tip. His ears were gnawed down quite a bit. We adopted him from a family member. He was so smart, you could tell you not to get on a piece of furniture once and he wouldn't do it again. He would also sit at your feet and meow, as if to ask to get in your lap. If you patted your leg he would jump in your lap. If you didn't, he would go about his business. We finally had to put him to sleep a couple of years ago, it was tough.

My wife is ready for another, but I am not.

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