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Got my first vaping set up in n the mail today. It is an Kanger Tech Evod starter kit (2 complete units and 5 extra coils)

After reading some more tonight i see that there is an Evod 2. Can my Evod use the coils that are for sale for the Evod 2?

If not should i worry about them phasing out the coils for my Evod? Should i stock up just in case? Where can i buy coils for my original Evod at the best price?

Also i was thinking of picking up a different set up mainly to have 3 different flavors going without refiling (regular tobacco, Menthol, and fruity). I like uniformity so it would be nice if the next one i get can take the same coils as my Evod? Are there any other brands that would use the same Coils? I like the options and price of the eGo V-V3?

Sorry for all the questions. Any help would be appreciated. I basically need a rundown of how the replaceable coils work.



The EVOD takes the Kanger single coil. They are very plentiful and cheap. The Evod 2 takes the Kanger dual coil it is taller than the single coil. The Kanger Pro2 would take the same coils as you Evod and is also a very easy tank to get and not that expensive. The Kanger Pro 3, Mini 3, Mega and a few others take the Kanger dual coil. The dual coils are a little more expensive, not to bad. The tanks are reasonably priced as well. I hope that helps and is not too confusing. I know it can be when you are first starting out. :)


Thanks that helps alot. Are the dual coils much better than the single coils? Do they last longer? More vapor? Better taste


I'll answer the easy one first. Yes you do get more vapor from them, Taste yes somewhat, that can depend on the juice and settings of your battery and what kind of setup you are using. As far as lasting longer, not really, but that can also depend on what you are vaping. In general a highly sweetened juice or very dark juice can gunk up a coil fast dual or single. Where the juices that are clear and have less sweetener in them can allow your coils to last longer..


Take a look at Comp's first reply to your post. See all the words highlighted? Those are links that will take you to the Vapor Talk store to the item noted. The VT store offers only genuine brand name product, great customer service, and some of the best prices around the net.

To add to Comp's info, you can also use the single coils in the Kanger Pro Tank 3. I have one and it takes the single coils just fine. The dual coils also cost more than a single so that may factor into your decision. :)


I have both Kanger singe and dual-coil tanks, and use both regularly. The EVOD and KPT2 use singles, and my AeroTanks and KPT3-minis use duals.

As Comp stated, the duals do produce a slightly better flavor and in some cases more vapor (depends on the juice, etc.), and as both Comp and Tam pointed out, the singles are slightly cheaper. Both last relatively equally when all other variables are the same (juice/battery).

Do I prefer one over the other? Not really :) But each has their place, and one of my juices only tastes "right" in a single-coil tank... which is why I regularly use both, lol.

As for cost... For max-savings, I'll only buy in bulk (50-pack cases), so YMMV on costs, but in-general, dual-coils will run from 10-50-cents higher cost (each). B&M prices will break-the-bank, charging upwards of $3 each, regardless of single or dual-coil, so stick to online purchases when you can, and once you have a little stockpile, you can have the luxury of looking for bulk-deals (where the real savings are).

comparing a single-coil to a dual-coil, and found overall, annual cost-savings (using singe over dual) to be about what you'd pay for a nice dinner out with your significant-other... so it really boils down to what you want to use... yes the dual-coils offer a slightly better flavor, slightly better vapor, but cost a bit more and burn more juice per "hit"... so it's a give-and-take.

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