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Posted (edited)

DIPPING, I want to try Dipping. Mostly because I find dripping to be a horrid pain in the backside. Or, I'm just bad at it. Looking to try something I can drip around the house.

I was looking at the M401 Dragon, but I've since seen things about the 306.

I have a 510, multiple batteries for it, a VP1, a VP-PT and a KR808D-1 (Vapor King). Should I get the 306, simply because it interchanges with all the 510 stuff and adapters I already have?

Edited by mergryphon

  On 12/1/2009 at 3:57 AM, Sinikal said:

Is your 510 not working?

Wanna dip, not drip. I got confused writing that. Tired, needs more coffee. :) For those times I'm too lazy to refill things.

I've tried dripping, I make a mess.


I don't like either model to be honest, although you can dip them no problem they do have their fare share of issues. One is the fact that even if you dip, it really doesn't lost long on those atomizers, the other problem is that they use "mic style" batteries. If you use the auto batteries you can actually take your hand, slam it on a counter next to the unit and it will turn on. Then when you take a draw it will cut in and out.

We at first thought the M401's where ok, but I have to say since learning as much as I have I think both units suck. Just my opinion. You would be better off using a Pyramid Tea Bag Mod. Very simple and very cheap.


  On 12/1/2009 at 4:07 AM, mergryphon said:

Wanna dip, not drip. I got confused writing that. Tired, needs more coffee.

You should get that cup of coffee, and drip a doughnut in it!

(sorry, couldn't help myself)


OK. What is dipping? I haven't heard of that yet.


The way the atomizer is Atomiser_K401_Small.JPG people tend to dip the atty into liquid, like you would an apple into caramel. dipping.jpg


From what I've read about, it means dipping the atty into the liquid. On the M401, the "bridge" sticks up over the edge instead of being down inside. That way you can dip it instead of drip it. Did that make any sense?


Whoa! What a surprise. I hit add reply and a picture of someone dipping into caramel pops up on my screen. I had to look a minute to figure out someone else beat me to a post by about a minute, so that's what came up. It sure was interesting.


ha ha NeRo9k that was an awesome epic win post! Plus bonus points because as my wife will confirm, I'm a caramel apple junky. If your ever in California there is a tiny little town called Julian that makes the best damn caramel apples, HMMMM!


I don't see any need in getting any type of kit for either of them. Just get some 306 attys to use with your 510 batteries. I had a 306 that I gave to my mother, her atty died and I didn't have a spare so I just slapped a 510 atty on her 306 batteries, and she loves it now, so I can vouch that they should work perfectly.


The dragons work for a little while, then as my experience with them goes, out of the blue, the atty starts heating up, heating up to the point of glowing red. Then it either will finally go out on its own, or you can unscrew the batt. Either way, the thing is DEAD. They replaced two of them already for me, but I certinaly will NEVER buy another one of those crappy things. So far the only really decent e-cig I've had is the Kissbox. But even with those, often the switches it uses goes bad. I've even had 2 bad batteries come with a kit! The VP1 used to be allright, but those awful chinese blue batts are the worst. I just ordered that new one on Vapor talks store that $99 it uses a 510 atty and the batt supposedly lasts 5 hours, and the batt is silver, but probably still from china and will go out in a couple months max. I had hoped for better with the VP1, but as long as any of them use crappy batts, they will end up going dead quick. The regular 510's batteries go out in a hour and half max. The 901's are better batt, but the cart they use doesn't hold decent amounts of juice, which worries me about this new one I ordered that uses a 510 part. If I will have to use one of the regular 510 filters, they definitely don't hold more than 3 drops of juice, and I don't like direct dripping. One thing about both the VP1 and the Kissbox is that they both use really really good carts. Someday, somebody has GOT to come up with a better device. I"ve spent over a grand on these things and still can't find a decent one!

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