Mr Smith Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 (edited) Everybody has to have an opinion on this...So tell us if you like it, hate it, not sure/don't care, and why? Aspire has recently released its newest clearomizer tank to its line up and it is a game changer... The tank is called the Aspire Atlantis. This is the first replaceable coil tank to come SUB-OHMED! That's right a replaceable coil clearomizer tank that comes with 0.5ohm coils, and adjustable airflow that opens up quite a bit for massive airflow for big lung hits. They have also introduced a new sealed non adjustable battery for this tank that charges off a usb charger but works like a mech mod. no adjustments. IMO: not a very noob friendly tank as I didn't see any battery warnings or campatibility warnings. Also this tank gives the lazy noobs the ability to blow some huge clouds and keep up with the sub-ohmed rebuildable tanks and drippers. I'll leave it at that: what do you guys think? Edited November 25, 2014 by Mr Smith igotit 1
bcartervol98 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Personally I find sub-ohming in any form to be a little ridiculous and sort of a black eye on vaping in general. I have tried to be respectful and not voice that opinion near as often as I would like but with this tank coming out its just another way to make vaping a little more dangerous. Like I said when I see a news story about vaping its always the tattooed guy with piercings and ear stratchers (not judging, I am covered in tattoos lol) that gets featured making the mainstream think this is the "norm" for vapers. I never see a husband and wife that use standard Ego devices to keep off cigarettes featured. Its not all that unlike when Colorado and other states legalized cannabis. It wasn't the businessman in line at the shop buying cannabis on the news, it was the unemployed unkempt dreadlock 20 something still living in his dads basement that was featured. Again I mean no offense but subohming, cloud chasing and all the other "hobbyist" aspects of vaping completely steal the message that we are doing this to quit smoking. igotit 1
Compenstine Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 I somewhat agree, I think this may be a disaster as there are too many people I see getting this tank that have no clue about such things and get hurt. igotit 1
fishguy1123 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 Everybody has to have an opinion on this...So tell us if you like it, hate it, not sure/don't care, and why? Aspire has recently released its newest clearomizer tank to its line up and it is a game changer... The tank is called the Aspire Atlantis. This is the first replaceable coil tank to come SUB-OHMED! That's right a replaceable coil clearomizer tank that comes with 0.5ohm coils, and adjustable airflow that opens up quite a bit for massive airflow for big lung hits. They have also introduced a new sealed non adjustable battery for this tank that charges off a usb charger but works like a mech mod. no adjustments. IMO: not a very noob friendly tank as I didn't see any battery warnings or campatibility warnings. Also this tank gives the lazy noobs the ability to blow some huge clouds and keep up with the sub-ohmed rebuildable tanks and drippers. I'll leave it at that: what do you guys think? I've heard about the lack of warning/info included with the atlantis tank and agree the safety aspect should be included whith the product. However, I take issue with your discription of "lazy noobs". Everyone of us were noobs at some point. We choose our path as we learn what works for us. Unfortuinately if we call ppl lazy because they are new, they likely won't ask questions to learn the important facts that go along with a product like this. Our goal should be focused on education for all. Promoteing that for the new members/vapers. I don't meen to rant, just would hate to see a guest/lurker to feel like they can't ask a question for fear of being labled. tazl37, trickydick666 and igotit 3
Itsmedeanna64 Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 I am not interested, says the 50 yr old wife and mother who started vaping to get off cigs.....)))))) Dc
Mr Smith Posted November 26, 2014 Author Posted November 26, 2014 (edited) I've heard about the lack of warning/info included with the atlantis tank and agree the safety aspect should be included whith the product. However, I take issue with your discription of "lazy noobs". Everyone of us were noobs at some point. We choose our path as we learn what works for us. Unfortuinately if we call ppl lazy because they are new, they likely won't ask questions to learn the important facts that go along with a product like this. Our goal should be focused on education for all. Promoteing that for the new members/vapers. I don't meen to rant, just would hate to see a guest/lurker to feel like they can't ask a question for fear of being labled. Haha, yes we were all noobs at some point. What I mean by lazy is: some people I've heard from feel that sub ohming should be learned and earned so to speak.. As in you should have to go through the process of learning about different gauges of wire and how many wraps and what size etc, to make your coils sub ohmed, and learn about batteries and their limitations, etc, etc... This new product has come and basically made it so you can just buy this mod, buy a sub ohm battery, and vape away. no learning involved at all. As for noobs: nothing to be ashamed of! I always welcome questions and try to answer without sounding too judgemental. personally I think while this mod is pretty slick for advanced users that want reliable RBA performance on the go and maybe can't carry around their tools to make a coil and wick on the go for traveling or what not, however: this tank can be very dangerous to novice vapers/first time vapers... a novice might pick one of these up, and hook it to a provari or a vamo v2/v5 and wonder why the eff it doesn't work, or they might get the proper mod/battery and run 24mg juice in it and have the worst experience ever because they don't know that you want to dial the nic level waaaay down for sub ohmed devices that burn a lot of juice at once. So that is where I have mixed feelings about it. rebuildables are a different story because it is highly unlikely that a first timer will pick up a RBA or RTA, mech mod, and build a .5ohm coil and vape away... Edited November 26, 2014 by Mr Smith
jasonculp Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Is it weird that I want this with a higher ohm coil? Possibly a 1.5 - 1.8.
jasonculp Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Perhaps I am looking at it wrong. I am much more worried about a noob buying an RDA and some 24 gauge with a mechanical mod. (without proper guidance) I assume that these coils are built to some kind of standard and will not be shorted on arrival. I would lots rather see someone with this setup, rather than asking "how many wraps?" The battery is presumably safer than a mechanical mod. As for public perception, sub ohm or not to sub ohm, cloud chasing and all that, I will leave that to others to hash out.
jasonculp Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 rebuildables are a different story because it is highly unlikely that a first timer will pick up a RBA or RTA, mech mod, and build a .5ohm coil and vape away... I see this all the time. There are a few good shops out there that steer newbies away from this. In my experience this is the exception. I have watched quiet a few shops sell mechanical mods, with a cheap battery, rda, and a hand full of wick and wire to a first timer. In fact it happened to me 2 times in the last month. I stop at as many as many different shops as I can find in my sales area (all of the Northern half of Texas, except DFW) I am always on the hunt for a new flavor...
igotit Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 heres what im going to say....for a manufactured coil burner....the cloud produced by the atlantis is impressive. I think this tank should only be sold with a mod that can handle the load of sub ohming.that way aspire can backup and be held liable in court if anything went many dangers involved with sub ohm. after saying all that....I steer clear of manufactured,unpredictable coils.coil quality is hit or miss. if someone wants to sub should be as it is now,research,learn,buy,build. safety is key and our responsibility. from a marketing pov...aspire will sell a ton of these.
jasonculp Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 I am not trying to defend aspire, and say if it is a good idea or not. They are marketing it with a battery, which I would suggest to any newbie: It is a regulated tube device. As we hash out all the time, subohming is dangerous if not done properly. As for holding them responsible for accidents due to misuse...good luck. I know in America we can sue anyone for anything, but it would be very improbable for them to every be held liable for the misuse of their product. Of course this is just my opinion. It is hard enough to get an American based company to stand behind a product that you purchased, even harder to hold them liable for the improper use of their product. With Aspire being a Chinese company, this would be even more difficult. As for the quality of the coils, you are so correct. I have measured them between +/- .3 ohms in the same box. I have never got a shorted one though.
igotit Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 (edited) I mostly meant ....I think aspire should only include the atlantis with there own mod to help avoid improper use,along with a warning about sub ohming. asfar as coil hit or referring to kanger mostly.i went through 4 5 pack.....out of all those coils,i ended up with 7 coils that burned longer than 4 days.most were shorted out,assembled wrong and wouldn't install properly.ive only used a few aspire coil,sofar they were all decent.a few only lasted 2 days,some lasted 2 weeks. Edited November 27, 2014 by igotit jasonculp 1
jasonculp Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 I mostly meant ....I think aspire should only include the atlantis with there own mod to help avoid improper use,along with a warning about sub ohming. asfar as coil hit or referring to kanger mostly.i went through 4 5 pack.....out of all those coils,i ended up with 7 coils that burned longer than 4 days.most were shorted out,assembled wrong and wouldn't install properly.ive only used a few aspire coil,sofar they were all decent.a few only lasted 2 days,some lasted 2 weeks. I have the same luck with Aspire coils. Some last forever and others don't. I think that is one reason I am not in a big rush to go buy one of these. I would really think about it if you could get a 1.5 - 1.8 ohm coil, just because I like the looks of the tank. I use tanks 90 percent of the time. I only drip, at home in the recliner.
trickydick666 Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 Personally I find sub-ohming in any form to be a little ridiculous and sort of a black eye on vaping in general. I have tried to be respectful and not voice that opinion near as often as I would like but with this tank coming out its just another way to make vaping a little more dangerous. Like I said when I see a news story about vaping its always the tattooed guy with piercings and ear stratchers (not judging, I am covered in tattoos lol) that gets featured making the mainstream think this is the "norm" for vapers. I never see a husband and wife that use standard Ego devices to keep off cigarettes featured. Its not all that unlike when Colorado and other states legalized cannabis. It wasn't the businessman in line at the shop buying cannabis on the news, it was the unemployed unkempt dreadlock 20 something still living in his dads basement that was featured. Again I mean no offense but subohming, cloud chasing and all the other "hobbyist" aspects of vaping completely steal the message that we are doing this to quit smoking. From the " covered in tattoos with stretched ears" guy, not all of us are dumb about's the morons who subohm and "chase clouds" cuz it's the "cool thing".. I personally don't believe that noobs and the uneducated should mess with subohming with help, guidance and proper knowledge. I've been working with friends from work and in my area to educate them on battery safety and checking for shorts and such because of them just wanting to jump into it. But I do agree it's never the older mature people who you see in the news about mod accidents. Aspire should put warnings on the label for the Atlantis but shops should also be doing their part as well
Acidvape5 Posted December 2, 2014 Posted December 2, 2014 I will agree with what is said but not all of it there a few of us that vape cause we feel it's safe and relaxing to us....... We are not all tatted up hipsters..... We are moms dads sons daughters(over 18 of course) who vape.......I too think the news is bias in showing one type of vaper when there are so many of us out here from all walks of life......I think they do it for ratings....... I like the tank, I use it on an APV (smok BEC pro) I like the clouds I can get from it and I don't have to vape the same juice all day...
Mr Smith Posted December 3, 2014 Author Posted December 3, 2014 I go for flavor more than clouds. clouds just tend to accompany the flavor. which is why I run a kayfun Lite + with 26g @ 0.5ohms and japanese cotton on either my mech mod or eholly 35w variable.
Tennjed Posted December 5, 2014 Posted December 5, 2014 Ok i am a nood. 5 days no ciggerates and happy vaping with my EVOD 650. My set up seems to produce a very satisfying taste, throat hit, and vapor. The batteries seem to last over 2 days without needing a charge (smoked about 1/2 a pack a day) So here is my dumb noob question. What is sub ohm and it dangerous? My starter kit came with 1.8 coils and i have ordered some 2.2 to see the diffetence But what is dangerous about the set up in the OP?
Mr Smith Posted December 8, 2014 Author Posted December 8, 2014 (edited) Ok i am a nood. 5 days no ciggerates and happy vaping with my EVOD 650. My set up seems to produce a very satisfying taste, throat hit, and vapor. The batteries seem to last over 2 days without needing a charge (smoked about 1/2 a pack a day) So here is my dumb noob question. What is sub ohm and it dangerous? My starter kit came with 1.8 coils and i have ordered some 2.2 to see the diffetence But what is dangerous about the set up in the OP? So you better understand this I will need to first explain ohms law. ohm is the measure of resistance from a material to electrical conductivity. The higher the ohms = higher the resistance. more resistance = less flow of electrons. the ohms law equation can be done 3 ways: V= IR, I = V/R, R = V/I. Most commonly we will use I = V/R for vaping because we usually already know the values of V and R. (V= voltage or pressure, R = ohms or resistance, and I = amperage or current.) So for your average replaceable tank we will say it has a 1.8ohm coil in it. Now we will assume you decide to use it on a mech mod which has zero regulations on it. whatever the battery is charged at is what is going to that coil when you fire it, so assuming we have a fully charged battery (4.1-4.2v) this is the amperage we would be pulling from the battery: 4.2V / 1.8R = 2.33I which also translates to 9.8watts of power. now lets look at my current sub ohm build: 4.2V / 0.5R = 8.4I (35.28watts) notice the amperage and wattage difference just by changing the coil? This becomes very important because batteries have an amperage rating that should not be exceeded, and it is important to know what that rating is, and what you will be demanding from it. In my case for example I know that my batteries are rated for 10Ampers (10I) of continuous use, or 15Ampers (15I) of short pulsed useage. If I were to draw more than 10A continuously I can risk the battery exploding because it would become hot very quickly and drain faster than it was made to drain... think of a wrench falling between the posts of the battery in your car...very bad...sparks and rapid heat and explosions may occour... so if I were to run anything lower than 0.42ohms from my batteries, I could risk my battery overheating and exploding in my mech mod when my battery is fully charged... more realistically 0.41R would be the limit for my batteries as my chargers both stop at 4.1V. Now the fancier and safer VTC5 batteries from sony can handle 30A continuous load (30I) so that means they can handle firing a coil with 0.14Ohm resistance max. beyond that gets dangerous for them and probably ridiculously hot for the user... if/when you decide to use a sub ohm setup, download the ohms law calculator on your smart phone and be sure the coil you use will stay within your batteries limits. As for the reason people like to use sub-ohm setups: more flavor and more vapor as the wire is generally thicker which has less resistance so we can make a coil with more surface area on the wick and with that less resistance it gets more power to get hot faster thus vaporizing more juice in less time which gives us the bennefits of the flavor and vapor. the higher the number of ohms, the slower it fires, and generally produces less vapor and less flavor. Edited December 8, 2014 by Mr Smith tazl37 1
jasonculp Posted December 9, 2014 Posted December 9, 2014 (edited) So you better understand this I will need to first explain ohms law. Great post Mr Smith! What was said is correct. I think this is why they are marketing it with the battery. It is sold separately, and that can cause a problem. If someone tries to throw it on an eGo it will not fire, the ohms are too low. If they put it on a sub ohm capable electronic box mod, it will work fine, and be safe (the box has built in circuitry to keep itself safe). The big problem comes when the newbie, goes out and buys the cheapest mechanical mod, with the cheapest batteries he can find and throws this tank on it. It could definitely lead to big problems. These problems could be nothing more than a loss of a little money with ruined parts, or could be as bad as an injury. Anything we do in this hobby that is unsafe, or perceived as unsafe can give the "powers that be" an opportunity to regulate our rights away. Edited December 9, 2014 by jasonculp Tam 1
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