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I'm still pretty new to the site and I can't seem to figure out how to post pics! Do you have to do the <IMG> code to post them?


Heya TugBoat...

You can put pictures in your albums and then use the "My Media" button to get links for them.


I'm still pretty new to the site and I can't seem to figure out how to post pics! Do you have to do the <IMG> code to post them?

You probably need to use BB code not html. Try %7Boption%7D

I suggest using Tapatalk.

I can give you pointers & help using it if you'd like.

I will have to agree with JohnnyKansas. From my mobile device, I have found the Tapatalk app is the easiest to use. I also like the notifications.


My only complaint is with this forum actually. I joined via the Tapatalk app and it told me "congratulations! You've linked vapor talk to your Tapatalk account. You can now sing in without a password" now I gotta figure out how to recover the password I never created to login on the pc. Though I ordered some e liquid from here, so maybe I already did. Or are those separate accounts?


You should be able to do a password recovery and get a new password sent to your email. Either that or ask an admin to reset it for you.

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