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Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole vaping craze. I've been been smoking for almost 20 years. I have a couple of mark ten e-cigs. But could never really drop the cigarette habit. I happened to be doing some walk & talks with my wife a couple weeks ago and came across a local store in town. Asked what it was about and have been happy with it so far. He started me off with a kangertec evod.

My question is what everyone here would suggest on upgrading too. I'm kind of at a loss.

Thanks for any suggestions in advance.



Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you will get an answer to your question. I am a newbie also so I don't think I really know enough to answer you. The peeps here are so helpful.

My name is Deanna and I've been vaping for about 4 months, quit cigs about 3 months ago. I love vaping and don't miss cigs at all.



Thank you for the kind welcomes. Thank you Tam for the link. It has been helpful. Still not sure what I'm going to be upgrading too in the next month or so. I did get another tank and liquid yesterday. The liquid is non nicotine. Love the taste and aroma that it has. I still have a couple cigarettes a day and trying to get completely away from them. There is so many different types of vapors out and so many different brands. It's hard to distinguish one from the other.

Again thank you for the warm welcome



Tam gave some great links and info there... but I'll add to that... :)

First, there is no "need" to upgrade... if you're happy with what you have, you're happy. Many people vape years using only starter-style equipment, but upgrading to higher mAh batteries (and more versatile batteries) and "better" tanks is a natural evolution once you decide vaping is for you!

Spinners and Twists (variable voltage devices) were never my cup-o-tea, as I found my sweet-spot to be in the median 3.7V range anyway (standard voltage for eGo-T and EVOD batteries). A lot of people jump from juice to juice, and that is where a Spinner shines, so you can dial in the voltage to meet your juice's needs. A VV device also is handy to have if you are using coils with higher resistance, or have several tanks with different resistance coils.

I do love my KPT3 minis... they are my go-to tank for sporting events, riding my bike, or any time I want something very portable. They hold a half-day's worth of juice, very rugged/durable, and are same diameter as my eGo-T batteries :)

I can't recommend the KPT2's enough. Adding in the Aerobase to allow for adjustable air-flow makes them a perfect tank, IMO. They're not too top-heavy on an eGo battery, work perfectly with a more advanced battery like MVP, VTR, ProVari, etc., and even work well on a mechanical MOD.

Upgrading your tanks from starter-tanks is always a good thing (Pyrex rules over plastic, IMO), and I recommend picking up a tank or two whenever you get the chance... everyone should have at least six (again, my opinion, lol) - 2 or 3 smaller tanks and 3 or 4 larger ones. Batteries... two are bare minimum... three to five are average must-haves.

Just like juices, everyone's tastes are different, so tank and battery choices for you will be different than most everyone else... but you can't go wrong with battery choices of 1100mAh or larger (higher mAh = longer life between charges).

Having all this "extra" equipment is what we consider "backups for your backups"... and you'll one day be thankful to have that extra tank or battery that you thought you didn't really need :)

Welcome to VT, BTW!


Thank you for your insight. I'm thinking of moving to the itaste mvp2.0. I like that I can use the cpl tanks that I already have and that I can adjust the settings to my taste. Eventually I want to build my own vv box mod. Nothing crazy but a max out of 50 watts. I've been doing a lot of research and really like the options they can give and would be tailored to me. I'm thinking of going the wood route. I'm still trying to understand ohms law. I've always been good at building things or fixing things ( like rc cars or working on cars). I've read the sticky to ohms law a couple times and still a little confused about it. Is there a easier way to understand it?


You could try steam-engine.org or if you have an android phone they have free ohms law calcs and vapers tool box as well. I have the mvp 2 and love it.


....... I've read the sticky to ohms law a couple times and still a little confused about it. Is there a easier way to understand it?

I guess, the way it applies to us in vaping, there are really only 2 things we can change. (I am not taking into account advanced vaping such as Variable Voltage/Variable Wattage power supplies and building your own coils)

An example:

A simple battery has a voltage of 3.8 Volts

Your Atomizer has a resistance of 1.8 Ohms

Using this calculator: http://www.ohmslawcalculator.com/ohms_law_calculator.php you plug in the to "known" numbers. This tells you that you are putting out about 8 watts.

As you increase voltage or decrease ohms your wattage will increase which will mean a hotter vape.

Another good tool is: http://www.steam-engine.org/ohm.asp

You will catch on soon, it seems intimidating at first, but is pretty simple. Don't get too hung up on the numbers (unless you are working with mechanical mods and making you're own coils).

Mess with it a bit, and come back and ask questions, we are all glad to help you get started!

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