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Hey guys...

So, just found this site/forum today while looking for more information on my 26650 VAMO e-huge.
Was curious about 'mean power' vs 'RMS' power. Found some good info.

So, decided to join the forum. This is my 3rd vapor forum, as I'm also on FC Forum and Ecig Forum.

Looks good ! It's so far answered my questions better than any other.

So !

Myself ?

Well I've been vaping for about a year, and I got (mainly, I enjoy a couple here and there) off of cigarettes thanks to ecig vape after 30 years of analog tobacco abuse. Praise be the vape!
I also vape cannabis flowers and cannabis concentrates. So I'm %95 off of combustion, and loving it !!

Would love to meet other Mendo Vapors. I'm on the Mendo Coast. If you are too, message me here on the forum.

That's about it, I enjoy Nature, Vape technology, Networking, Web Design, and discussions about all of these things via chatrooms and forums.

Thank you for the warm welcome to the forum, and I expect to be coming back often !



Hello everyone, thanks for all the welcomes !

This certainly seems to be a very nice forum...

Looks like I can no longer edit my 1st post in this thread, otherwise I'd have removed that 1 line referencing plants.

Thanks for the heads-up.

So, hello everyone... ! Yes thanx to vapor I have cut down from a pack a day for 30 yrs to 0-3 cigs per day the past 8 months !

Nothing else worked to reduce my consumtion of analog tobacco. I tried everything.

Nice to be a part of such a welcoming community, I look forward to particpating !


luvin' my 26650 VAMO


Just wanted to let you all know I'm enjoying the heck out of the site !

Going to check out the liquids now ! :detective:

By the way, shameless plug here, (only for your entertainment and knowdledge) I uploaded pics to the E-cigarrette pic section here!

So yeah, noticed people were following this thread, so, just giving a shout out here.

Happy Vaping ! :animier:


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