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Hey guys, my 28.5mm cerberus rda is supposed to get here today by the time I get home from work and I was wondering: Can anyonr tell me how many wraps I should make each of the three coils with 24g kanthal in order to get about a .24 ohm build? I would like to know before hand so that I don't waste a bunch of wire trying to figure it out on my own.


Depends on the diameter spindle you are wrapping around.

You can "ballpark" resistance using your ohm meter by making your wraps and measuring your resistance across the coil (without cutting the wire) then re wrapping or unwrapping as necessary.

Hope that helps

Posted (edited)

Use a good hardware store ohm meter with probes.

Just measure the coil before it's mounted and approximate the leg length.

Edited by Bebop12

Each coil should be around .72 ohms to get .24 ohms as the ending ohm reading. One other way to get the wraps per coil would be to install the app "Vapors Toolbox" it can be found on Google Play. As Bebop said you will want a good multimeter that can read 2 decimal ( .xx) points to do this build safely. There are no shortcuts that can be given to a sub ohm build safely that don't require checking the ohms on it before you fire it up.


Good point comp. I forgot to include that...resistance in parallel


I might be completely off and please correct me if im wrong.

with a dual coils I get 0.24-25 with 7 wraps around 1.6mm drill bit

I usually test it with one coil. and then get that, and then with the second coil and get the same resistance... by memory... mind you I havent made that build in over a month so i might be off lol

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