firefighter334 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 Hi, I am Jacob and I am new to vaping. I fell like my vaping is not satisfying my craving for an "analog." I have an ego-t and a haus (cheap walmart vaper) for my back up. This is my second day. I smoke and chew I am trying to quit both but still feel the need to smoke not so much chew anymore. I don't know anything about vaping and had some awesome help from a store here is central kansas who has gave me a lot of info. So can you do too much vaping? How do you tell if you have done too much? Any places to get free samples? Not sure what e - liquid to go for. I have searched this forum and others but unable to answer my questions. Thank you for you time.
Tam Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 Hi Jacob. Welcome to Vapor Talk. You're probably going to get a bunch of people trying to help you out but here's my two cents: First, I would get a better tank. You have a good battery in an eGo T but your delivery system needs a little work. I would suggest getting something like a Kanger Pro Tank II (KPT2) or a Kanger Pro Tank 2 mini. The mini is more the diameter as your battery and won't stick out and look like a lollipop like the full sized KPT2. Next, get some decent replacement coils. For a non-variable voltage battery like the eGo T, I would recommend a 1.8 ohm to get the "best" performance. "Best" being relative and totally depends on what you find to work better for you. Either way, you'll want a 1.5 ohm or 1.8 ohm coil. The 1.5 ohm coil will deliver a hotter vape. Any higher resistance coils like a 2.0 ohm or higher, is going to be too high for the 3.7v that your battery puts out. If you want to go with a higher resistance coil, you'll need a variable voltage device. Since you're new to vaping I wouldn't suggest anything fancier than an eGo Twist or Vision Spinner II for now. Later, when you get things fine tuned, you can expand more and the gear you started with can become your back ups. For juice, I would recommend starting out with 24 mg nic at a 50PG/50VG blend. The chewing tobacco gives off a lot of nic, more so than an analog, so you'll probably want to start higher at the 18 - 24 mg nicotine. You'll know you're getting too much nic when you start to feel dizzy, get a headache, feel nauseous... That's your cue to put the vaping aside for a little bit. Don't forget to drink lots of water. Not coffee, tea, soda or juice, just plain water. Vaping dehydrates you so increased water intake is important. Free samples of e-liquid? Not that I know of. There are a couple of places that give a free sample with an order like The Vapor Room and EC Blends. The Vapor Room gives a free bottle of e-liquid (10 ml bottle) to a first time customer. You'll need to read the FAQ to get the instructions. EC Blends occasionally throws in a 5 ml sample with your order but it's when they have some available and you can't choose which flavor. Most online vendors have sampler packs you can purchase, though. The Vapor Talk store has two different kinds of sampler packs to choose from. EC Blends sells all their juices in 5 ml bottles at around $2.50 per bottle (or bigger bottles if you want but the price goes up when the size does), so you can go a little nuts trying out new flavors. Good luck! Others should be along shortly to give you their recommendations.
fishguy1123 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 (edited) Welcome to VT! I'd say Tam pretty much covered the main questions. If you have B&M stores in your area they often let you try flavors before you buy them. Might help in selecting your first cpl to start out. Keep in mind, as you continue to vape your sense of taste will change, so what you like now may also not be the same in the future. Best advice I can give is upgrade your tank as Tam mentioned and find a cpl liquids you like well enough to keep the ball rolling. You will most likely learn what works best for you after a short period of time. Then it's just sit back and enjoy! It does get easier! Don't feel like you are on any time table. Ask any questions you might have and we'll do our best to help guide you through it. Edited October 20, 2014 by fishguy1123
bcartervol98 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 I second everything Tam said! Cant really think of anything to add to be honest.
bcartervol98 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 Welcome to VT! I'd say Tam pretty much covered the main questions. If you have B&M stores in your area they often let you try flavors before you buy them. Might help in selecting your first cpl to start out. Keep in mind, as you continue to vape your sense of taste will change, so what you like now may also not be the same in the future. Best advice I can give is upgrade your tank as Tam mentioned and find a cpl liquids you like well enough to keep the ball rolling. You will most likely learn what works best for you after a short period of time. Then it's just sit back and enjoy! It does get easier! Don't feel like you are on any time table. Ask any questions you might have and we'll do our best to help guide you through it. Great advice! It definitely gets easier. Only thing I would add is when trying flavors at any B&M realize most samples are either 0 or very low nicotine so when you get 24mg it will taste completely different. It can however tell what "type" of flavor profile you like and would assist you when ordering online (which will always be the best deal, there are countless GREAT companies out there VaporTalk Store, Sweet-Vapes, Fuzion, ECBlends and Fadora Vapor just to name a few. Remember too that everyones taste is different and what tastes like heaven to you might taste like baby diaper to another lol.
mkauthen Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 It does get easier. I'm only a couple of weeks off of analogs, but when I bumped up my nicotine levels to 24 mg, I noticed a definite change. For the first month of vaping, I did have a cigarette now and then, and I noticed that the taste and smell was horrible. So when I finally stopped buying analogs, and just stopped having them all together, I felt so much better. I still feel the urge to have one every now and then, but I just pull out my vape and get over it. Hang in there, you can do this.
MSmom601 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 (edited) I had to increase my original nic level also...I smoked a pack a day and started with 12mg, I increased to 18mg after a few months and have never looked back. Hang tough! Multiple tanks with multiple flavor options also worked for me, in the beginning I got bored with a flavor after an hour or so and had to swap. Best of luck! Edited October 20, 2014 by MSmom601 mkauthen 1
firefighter334 Posted October 20, 2014 Author Posted October 20, 2014 The nic level says 2.4 that can't be right
ParkwayNightmare Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 I will share my "success" story.. When I first made the switch to vaping, I thought I did enough research on the subject however the only thing I wasn't able to account for was the nicotine levels. I went from smoking a pack a day (Camels, non menthol) and this one guy recommended I start at 12 mg's of nicotine. I trusted him, and got 2 bottles of 12 nic and 1 more bottle at 6.. BIG MISTAKE! I was vaping almost all day long with my cravings barely being satisfied. So my close friends all told me they were at 24 mg's of nicotine (which is high, but I think it's perfect for those just making the switch).. So I went to a local gas station and found they sold eliquids, and I got a bottle of strawberry at 2.4% (24 mg's) of nicotine. I filled my tank up, and after like 4 or 5 hits my cravings were fixed because it does pump out some nicotine. I put my pen down until my cravings came back and I would repeat, take a few hits and put it down.. Since the 24 mg's were very high in nicotine level, I told myself I was only going to buy a few bottles (3 if you want to know how many I personally did) and then make the jump down to a lower level. So after my 3rd bottle at that level I made the jump down to 18 mg's... I say the biggest trick is finding the right eliquid that you like. I personally find myself drawn to fruit flavors, but once you find the right nic level and flavors you like. You will be set...
Junky62 Posted October 24, 2014 Posted October 24, 2014 Another relatively noob here, this Sunday will be 4 weeks without a stinky cigarette. I went two weeks smoking 2-3 analogs a day along with vaping, then quit the analogs altogether. It seemed to me that there were a few times everyday that I really craved a cigarette, and to combat it, I found a 24mg juice I really liked and used that during those peak craving times. The rest of the day I puff away with a different 18mg juice and it seems to keep the cravings at bay without making me dizzy. Hopefully you will have better success with juices than I have, I threw away about 1/2 of what I have purchased so far. Do not buy into reviews on websites......some of this 5 star stuff sucks!
jonnoh Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 Welcome to VT! I would like to pass on my pearls of wisdom such as they are. I was a two plus pipe sometimes and occasional Cuban cigar, Marlboro or Dunhill reds smoker for almost 50 years. I really thought I would die choking to death, but preferred that to quitting as life without cigs didn't seem worth living. But once I discovered vaping with good equipment, and high enough nicotine content, (18mg for me), quitting was almost totally painless. The difficulty was for me, making the decision to go off the cigs completely in favour of vapes. Because a few times I've been caught short when equipment failed, or batteries couldn't be charged and I used analogues to 'survive', I really came to believe that the other 4000 chemicals in tobacco and tobacco smoke are far more addictive than admitted. So be prepared for those cravings that aren't satisfied with nicotine and vapour clouds and hand to mouth action. They are there but easily managed and hardly noticible, yet sneaky. If I had known this the decision to exchange vaping for smoking would have been a lot easier. Best of luck!
Tony Mike Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 Hi, I am Jacob and I am new to vaping. I fell like my vaping is not satisfying my craving for an "analog." I have an ego-t and a haus (cheap walmart vaper) for my back up. This is my second day. I smoke and chew I am trying to quit both but still feel the need to smoke not so much chew anymore. I don't know anything about vaping and had some awesome help from a store here is central kansas who has gave me a lot of info. So can you do too much vaping? How do you tell if you have done too much? Any places to get free samples? Not sure what e - liquid to go for. I have searched this forum and others but unable to answer my questions. Thank you for you time. When I first tried making the switch I tried 2 different styles of cigalikes and several egos. They didn't work. In fact they made me smoke more. It was the gradual voltage drop as the. After was dying. So I went big and for an MVP and an aerotank worked charm cranking up the power and a fullest draw on the aerotank easy giving me what I needed. Now they have that istick which I think is a much better option over the mvp for the same price. So many new products coming out foe good prices i wouldn't feel right suggesting anything foe much more. Ebay has them dor about 32-39 dollars its the istick by eleaf. That with a Nautilus mini would give you plenty of vapor and with the right liquid youre looking at a great setup. Congrats on making the choice to put the stinkies down.
jasonculp Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Now they have that istick which I think is a much better option over the mvp for the same price. So many new products coming out foe good prices i wouldn't feel right suggesting anything foe much more. Ebay has them dor about 32-39 dollars its the istick by eleaf. That with a Nautilus mini would give you plenty of vapor and with the right liquid youre looking at a great setup. Congrats on making the choice to put the stinkies down. I am very interested in the iStick. I just have not pulled the trigger on it. I have been running the MVP with the full size Nautilus and a BVC. I was thinking that the iStick and my Nautilus Mini would make a good ADV. I am also trying to make my mind up between a Sigelei 100 watt, IPV3, and Cloupor T6. I am currently leaning toward the Sigelei, but not sure. I am wanting a regulated mod to drip on. I really don't need that much power, but I sure like the options... Tony Mike 1
Tony Mike Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 I am very interested in the iStick. I just have not pulled the trigger on it. I have been running the MVP with the full size Nautilus and a BVC. I was thinking that the iStick and my Nautilus Mini would make a good ADV. I am also trying to make my mind up between a Sigelei 100 watt, IPV3, and Cloupor T6. I am currently leaning toward the Sigelei, but not sure. I am wanting a regulated mod to drip on. I really don't need that much power, but I sure like the options... I have a DNA 40 shipping out Thursday and ordering 2 more tomorrow. I'm transitioning to all temp Control Mods. I normally drip my Dial coil builds at 24w so even a 30w mod is enough for me when I want to place cloud chaser I use my 454/stingrayx with a 0.3 build. I have however read quite a few unflattering things about clipper in general and other than the sigelei having a bad 510 Nothing bad about it. They fixed the 510 issue so if it were me that's what I would go with.
jasonculp Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Well I am thinking about getting the box mod in a few weeks. I just ordered an iStick. I am currently dripping a 454 (clone) on a 4nine (clone). It isn't anything fancy, .4ohm dual coil 26ga. I am really enjoying the setup, I just really want the regulated and dual battery option. I use tanks all day, and drip in the evening. It is my relaxation. Tony Mike 1
Tony Mike Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 (edited) Well I am thinking about getting the box mod in a few weeks. I just ordered an iStick. I am currently dripping a 454 (clone) on a 4nine (clone). It isn't anything fancy, .4ohm dual coil 26ga. I am really enjoying the setup, I just really want the regulated and dual battery option. I use tanks all day, and drip in the evening. It is my relaxation.I used to do the same till I got a magma and that would let me drip and drive without having to redrip. (Sounds like a syphilis patient) . For a while I wasn't using a tank at all, just couldn't compare to a stopper. However; I just recently went back to tanks by day with the erlprinz. Loving that tank. At 22w and a 1 ohm single coil build it hits almost just like the magma. But it's a 5 Ml tank. So much better than any tank I've owned or used. Let me know what you think of the Istick. was planning on pulling the trigger and then evolv screwed up my plans. Edited October 27, 2014 by Tony Mike
Tony Mike Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 (edited) Here is that siglei at FT for under a hundred bucks... has me wanting to pull the trigger. **** for 4 dollars more that clipper is in the US Edited October 27, 2014 by Tony Mike
jasonculp Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 I am excited to get the iStick. I keep a pretty good supply of backups, and was hoping this with the mini would be a good all day rig, that is a little smaller than my MPV. I drive most of the day and stop frequently, refilling is a quick easy thing. I have some amazon gift cards burning a hole in my pocket and I found the Sigelei for a little over $100. I was hoping to eventually put a big dripper on it. I am not sure if it is really the way I want to go though. I really like my fruity flavors during the day, and my relaxing creamy flavors in the dripper in the evening. It has kind of turned into a ritual. I was hoping that the iStick would allow me to go to 15 - 20 watts with the BVC coils, but I think i may be a little limited due to the ohms of the coil and max volts.... dang you ohm's law.... I think all of my coils are 1.8 ohm, so 16.8 watts may be the limit. It is still higher than my 11 on my MPV.
Tony Mike Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 (edited) YEAH I haven't used a coil like that are higher wattage. Back in Feb I got went from the MVP to a provari and got into RBAs. A few months later I moved over to dnamods and mechs so I've never used a coil/head like that. On anything with higher wattage so I'm curious to see if they can wick fast enough to not cause dry hits. If I put a kayfun any higher than 16 Watts all i get dry burnt cotton. But that the nice part of a higher wattage mod. I can drip with my DNA at 25 w slap on a tanks and drop the wattage and keep vaping with the same mod. Or grab my erl and just swap tops and nor have to hit anything but the fire button. Lol. I what I'm really curios to see is the sx250w what chip. Supposed to come out in dcember 250w with temp control. I've vaped an Atlas at 50w and after My lings recovered decided that's the most I'll ever do. Lmao!!!! Anyway... too much coffee sends me on a tangent. That istick is an unbelievable mod for the money. It's gonna put a serious hurt o. Innokin. Edited October 27, 2014 by Tony Mike
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