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Hi All,

I've decided to post and let everyone know about the experiences I had while I was on my vacation from November 15th, thru November 24th

I went on this trip with my mother and father and we flew out of Atlanta. We parked our car at the Airport Clarion Hotel and took the shuttle bus to the terminal. While on the shuttle bus, there was an AirTran Flight attendant (we were also flying AirTran) so I decided to ask her about E-cigs. She told me that she recently read a memo from the FDA saying that they were banning them in-flight. She told me she didn't have any specific information on them and couldn't remember the details of the memo other than they were not allowed. When we all arrived at the airport, I vaped all the way thru checking the bags in and waiting in the security line. No one ever said anything to me and I never pay attention to whether anyone is looking at me from a distance or not so I don't know if anyone was talking about it or not if they did notice something. I also vaped while waiting to get on the plane. I decided not to try and vape on the plane because for one, someone was seated next to me I didn't know, and because of what the other flight attendant had told me. I also didn't try it on the return air flight either due to the same reasons. IF there had been an empty seat next to me, I definitely would have discretely vaped though not producing a lot of vapor.

The cruise was for seven nights and left out of San Juan, stopping in St. Thomas, Tortola, St. Lucia, Antigua, and Barbados. During the entire cruise, I vaped everywhere I went without any problem at all. I vaped at the dinner table in the main dining room, and even in the elevators with people in them. I also vaped at the resort I went to and hung out all day in Antigua as well. I think one of the main reasons no one ever said a thing to me about vaping was because I didn't produce a lot of vapor when I vaped and I also think you have a much better chance at having no issues if you do it with the attitude of I'm not doing anything wrong. I think its a mistake to always ask people permission since what we are doing does NOT cause any problems for other people. Vaping does not produce any 2nd hand smoke, and there is no odor or residue left on materials. There was only ONE TIME during the entire 7 night cruise that one person said something to me. I was vaping in the non-smoking area on the pool deck beside the windows. The crew-member who said something I'm pretty sure thought I was smoking a regular cigarette when He approached me. I actually sort of got really pissed off at him because I thought to myself, even if I was smoking an analog, I was outside afterall, and I wasn't bothering anyone. So when he said something to me, I didn't take it very well. I made sure to let him know it wasn't a cigarette and that I was NOT smoking. He apologized and then went on his way. Other than that I never heard a word from another crew member OR a passenger thru out the entire cruise.

When we arrived back in San Juan, we went to the Ritz Carlton hotel. Because Ritz is part of Marriott's chain, its US and Caribbean hotels are also Non-Smoking. Again, I vaped everywhere. in my room, in the club lounge, by the pool in my lounge chair, and even at the front desk checking in. Still, no one said anything to me even when I know for sure they could tell I was inhaling some type of smoke. I guess all they knew was it wasn't tobacco or a cigarette and as such, said nothing.

I was very happy with the POSITIVE EXPERIENCE I had on this trip with regard to vaping.


I wonder why they would be banned during flight. In places that have no smoking section like planes it seems like an obvious place for it to be acceptable. I think the opposite would make more sense: Selling e-cigs in the airport.

Posted (edited)

I think in flight--it has more to do with confusion. people see 'smoke' and it causes people to either complain or think they can smoke also. You can carry the parts in your carry on, putting the liquid in a quart baggie, but most airline are adopting the no e-cig use in-flight. it's very easy to vape in the plane restroom--no smell and doesn't set off the alarm (wouldn't try to blow directly into detector).


Very glad you had such a great vacation. I went to Hawaii the beginning of November and also had good experiences Vaping. I tend to remain discreet in any area that is non smoking

Edited by kitsune

So, they ban it based on other people's ignorance? That doesn't seem like a solution.

Very true Schizo, but, ignorance begat ignorance, and there are way too many of them out there to reason with. As Joe Walsh said, "You cant argue with a sick mind"

Posted (edited)

Funny, I thought he couldn't do it because of what the FDA said and the flight attendant wouldn't allow him to.

The Government working HARD for us again.....NOT!

Oops, nice trip! Glad you had a good time as we all (even though we can't afford to) need a vacation from our rutine days from work and home.

Edited by stubear62

I am glad that your trip was a great one. thanks for the info. and as far as the plane goes its always better not to piss off people that can turn around a whole plane and ban you from flights


I am glad that your trip was a great one. thanks for the info. and as far as the plane goes its always better not to piss off people that can turn around a whole plane and ban you from flights

Jiminy Crickets ! I just could not IMAGINE being the person responsible for that ! Forget about the pissed off people on the plane, the Govt would throw a slew of charges against you, and it would be next to impossible to ever board a plane again. Not worth it, youre right Gazoo. Id just slip off to the loo and vape away there ! :dribble:


Jiminy Crickets ! I just could not IMAGINE being the person responsible for that ! Forget about the pissed off people on the plane, the Govt would throw a slew of charges against you, and it would be next to impossible to ever board a plane again. Not worth it, youre right Gazoo. Id just slip off to the loo and vape away there ! :dribble:

its a whole new meaning of the mile high club


its a whole new meaning of the mile high club

ROFLMAO ! Could you imagine asking a stewardess, " wanna go in the bathroom and vape with me ?" I am curious about that FDA memo though. Seems if they got the memo, we could find a copy of it SOMEWHERE on the web.


I don't think it is AirTrans policy to ban E-Cigs, the FA simply told me she saw a FDA memo about it. However I certainly don't think the pilot would turn the plane around from the taxi way if you were to vape. Even if you lit a cigarette and said it was by accident (like sort of automatically starting to smoke after a meal or w/ a drink) I think even then, you could simply apologize, and the FA would probably not even alert the pilot. Now if you were being a jack *** about it (or anything for that matter) then thats another story. I think a lot of how you get treated has to do with how you present yourself. As far as vaping in the restroom, I thought a member on HERE who said he was some type of electrician said that smoke detectors went off due to air density changes, and that e-cigarettes caused the same air density change as a cigarette. Although I question whether or not that is entirely true due to the large number of people online reporting Vaping successfully in a lavatory on a plane. If I knew for sure the damn thing wouldn't go off I would do it in a heartbeat in the lavitory, considering it won't produce any lingering odor, and you aren't endangering anyone by lighting a match or using a lighter. I would really like someone on here to give us a for sure answer on this smoke detector going off with juice vapor. I think I'll buy a new one soon and blow it directly in it and see if it goes off. Most of them in the past were way too sensative and would go off even if smoking on the sofa and they were 30 feet away.

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