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Very first day today!


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I got it from a vape thing in the middle of my mall. I know, sounds silly. The only other vape shop was clear across town. I have no idea what I'm talking about so, bare with me please. I bought from TKO vapor. I've read some bad things online. The top part says iClear 16D VW/VV and my battery says firefly v2. Was this a good choice? It's kept me from smoking an analog(correct term?) All day! All in all I'm pretty happy, but it's only day one. What should I expect?75645e4ecfe699b97024f32cb2527aa4.jpg

Also, how do I know when it's fully charged? When it turns green? If so it only lasted me about 4 hours before it turned yellow again. Is that normal?

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From the looks of the battery it is an ego style device and typicaly will charge until the light on the button goes out, however the charger light may be green when that happens. Yours looks like it could be about 6-800 mah based on size, which means it could last a few hours to a day based on your use. If you have any paperwork with specs that will help us for sure.

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I know that the guy who sold it said it was a 1000 mah battery. However, he didn't give me ANY paperwork. Which is frustrating. Because I'm not sure if the light is supposed to go out or just turn green. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to clean it, or what the % of the vg/pg is (I think I got those acronyms right). I see a lot about replacement coils on here. I have no clue about that either. I just need any and all info you guys can give me. Haha I've been browsing the forums.

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There are 2 versions of the IClear 16. One has replaceable coils, the other doesn't. The Dual coil IClear 16s have the replacable coil assembly.


These last about 2 weeks under normal use. If you have the type that is don't have the replaceable coil you will just through the tank away and buy a new one when it starts tasting burnt. The disposable one can not be cleaned easily. However, the style with the replaceable coils can be. A little vodka and a paper towel is all that is needed to clean a tank.

Pg/Vg refers to the E-Liquid that you put in the tank. It should say on the bottle what it is. :)

Hope this helps... Welcome to VT :)

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That is a good start. I don't use the iclear16's for daily use any more, but they are a great little atomizer to start out with. I keep quite a few around to test liquids. I have the dual top coil versions, not the bottom coil like yours show to be. You can clean these, but only having one tank, and no spare coils, about all you can do is to disassemble and rinse the tank out. The coil/wick is cleanable, but you will have to let it dry and that can take a while.

The battery looks like a standard ego style, they all work pretty good. Most are not totally drained when the light turns yellow it is usually around half or less left. All of them I have had the light would turn red, and then quit. When charging, the light on mine would go out when fully charged. Mine was so cheap it had no markings, but lasted quite a while.

You are in for a fun journey! I would keep going with what you have, but be looking at larger batteries and glass tanks. I don't want to discourage you, but to stay off of cigarettes, you will need backups. If you have to buy something, buy the "good" stuff. I would start here at the Vapor Talk Store, they have quite a few choices in batteries like the Vision batteries http://www.vaportalk..../variable-voltage-ecig-batteries/ and somthing like a Nautilus, Nautilus Mini or Kanger Aero Tank http://www.vaportalk.com.../ecig-tanks/

Good Luck, and Keep up the Good Work!

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Kanger ProTanks (KPT), KPT2 minis, Aspire Nautilus Mini, Vivi Nova Mini (plastic tanks), and a host of other styles out there :) Kanger and Aspire are considered "standards", and generally are very cheap to buy and maintain. Kanger's coils are probably the cheapest, @ $1 or less each.

BTW, welcome aboard!

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From what I see, your tank does have a replaceable coil. (They have made many different iclear16's)

It is just my opinion, but if you are trying to save a little money, I would look for a local shop (either where you bought it or another one), pick up a couple of coils, and another iclear16. You can then have a coil soaking in vodka while you vape another, and a complete backup, or for another flavor. This should be relatively inexpensive. I would guess around $2.00/ea for coils and $4 - 5 each for tanks.

This would get you by until you save up some money and can buy some next level equipment. Shipping also takes a bit so you don't want to be without.

I found these links on a supporting supplier (in china) from this site. I have never bought from them so I can't endorse them. I am assuming based on pictures and your descriptions that this is what you have. I am not positive though.

iClear 16D: http://www.healthcabin.net/...products_id=8597

coils: http://www.healthcabin.net/...products_id=8583

I hope this helps!

PS: As you can probably see, buying online is substantially less expensive!

Edited by jasonculp
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From your picture, I'd bet that the battery you have is only a 650 mAh, which is why you'll need to charge it more often. If it's 1000 mAh, I'll eat my socks! Lol.

I would highly recommend the Vapor Talk store right here, and I'm not saying that just because I'm an admin on the forum. The Vapor Talk store never sells any knock offs, they're all genuine brand name products that you can trust at the lowest prices I've seen online.

The members on this forum can also back me up that the Vapor Talk store has excellent customer service. If something isn't right, they'll make sure that it's fixed and then some. Christopher, the founding member of this forum is amazing!

When you get a little money ready to spend, I would highly recommend getting a Vision Spinner II (get two, one for a back up while the other is charging), a charger and AC adapter, a couple of Kanger Pro Tank 2 (the mini version if you want it to be about the same size around as your battery), and some replacement coils. I use 1.8 ohm coils but you'll figure out what works best for you.

The KPT2 (Kanger Pro Tank) mini has a Pyrex glass tank. That means you can use any flavor juice in it without having to worry about what we call "tank crackers". Plastic tanks (like the one you have), have been known to crack when using juices high in citrus, cinnamon or mint/menthol. You can use any flavor without worry with a Pyrex glass tank. Just be sure not to drop it or bang it hard on anything because it is glass. :)

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To determine if it is the disposable. Look at the wicks coming down into the tank. If there are 4 then yes it is more than likely replaceable. If there are only 2 then it is more than likely the disposable. At the base where you see the knurling and above that where it says IClear 16 it will unscrew between those two points if it is replaceable. If it won't unscrew there, it is disposable.

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Here is a good deal from a very reputable member.

It is about $300 worth of gear for $80. It is a Very good deal!

Yep. Bcarter is a longtime forum member and I would personally vouch for him. He won't steer your wrong and that's a steal for all that stuff for such a low price. :)

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