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Posted (edited)

I had a near disaster this week. I dropped my MPV and Nautilus from about waist high onto concrete. It came apart at the airflow ring. It thankfully went back together and works fine. Because of this, I ordered a new one and threw in a 49 clone (it was less than $20) I'm sure it isn't a great one, but heck I have been using a $15 GP Paps clone since I started.

I have read that button top batteries are needed because of the hybrid top cap. What are your recommendations for a 18650? I have VTC4's and they may work fine. All of my RDAs have longish positive pins.

I also want to pick up some 18350s just for fun.

I don't super sub ohm. I am usually in the .4 to .8 ohm range. What brand works best for y'all?

Oops, should have posted this in Modding Forum, sorry!

Edited by jasonculp

I have both flat top and button top. My Vamo only likes button top. I had some small button size magnets that I use on the flat tops when I put then in my Vamo. This way I can use any battery I like. When you doing the Sub ohm builds you want the best battery you can use. I have not seen any button top VTC 4 or 5s so this would be a way you could use the better batteries you already have.


Here is a site that you can get them at. Click Here

EDIT: I changed the link. I had it taking you to the wrong type, you would not want the hole in the middle. ;)


xtardirect sells button top Sony VTC4s but has their logo on it. but i like the magnet solution comp suggested if you plan on using the cell you already have


I have both flat top and button top. My Vamo only likes button top. I had some small button size magnets that I use on the flat tops when I put then in my Vamo. This way I can use any battery I like. When you doing the Sub ohm builds you want the best battery you can use. I have not seen any button top VTC 4 or 5s so this would be a way you could use the better batteries you already have.

Here is a site that you can get them at. Click Here

I have seen these. Do they stay put? I was really scared they might eventually cause a short if something went wrong. Of course this is just something I have ran through my head, not something I have any experience with. I think I may need them anyway to take up some of the length. From what I read the sonys are a little short and makes the switch throw a little long in this mod. One way or the other, magnets and other spare parts are cool, and you never know when you might need them!

xtardirect sells button top Sony VTC4s but has their logo on it. but i like the magnet solution comp suggested if you plan on using the cell you already have

I ran across those last night. It really sounds interesting. I may order a couple if my flat tops don't work and try these out. Has anyone had experience with them?

I also would like to know a reputable brand of 18350's. I know there are a lot out there, but don't know how many are sub ohm capable. I really think the size is more practical for me, because I only use my mechanical in the evenings in my recliner. I don't need the big capacity (repetitively speaking) of the 18650's because I only use them for a few hours and they go on the charger.


The ones I have stay put and are the same Neodymium type of magnet.. Mine were meant to put into sockets to hold the bolt or nut in the socket. It takes some force to move them around so you shouldn't have any problems with then at all.


Well, I ordered a couple of the xtar 18350's. I think I should have found the specifications first...lol They are only 4.5A. Not going to try subohming with them :no

I also bought a couple of efest 18500 button tops, these will probably work with my builds.

I accidentally clicked and added a 454 bigblock clone...oops. (I have to quit doing that)

Posted (edited)

I have several Panasonic button-tops (3400mAh)... I'm not sure what they're rated, but "think" I read they were 20-25A. I've pushed them up to 8.5A before (4.2V @ 0.5 Ohm), and they didn't even get warm, so I'm guessing 20A minimum rating? The nice thing about them is that they last for 2-days in my MODs... although I primarily use them in flashlights, where they really "shine" :devil::D

My go-to battery for my MODs, though, are Sony VTC4's...

Edited by Earthling789

I agree with the Sonys. That is what all of my 18650's are. They have been great. I really have not pushed them too hard, except charge cycles. I only use the mechanical for a few hours in the evening when I am not on the road, and weekends. I charge the one I used until morning and rotate.

I am going to get the magnets that Comp was talking about, and I may try a set of the xtar's. The 18650's are supposed to be wrapped Sonys with a button top.

I was looking at the Panasonics, and they look good, I just don't understand their nomenclature. I have read to stay with IMR batteries, but Panasonic makes so many different ones I don't know which ones are the correct chemistry.


... although I primarily use them in flashlights, where they really "shine" :devil::D

*points* AAARRRGGGHHHH! PUN PENALTY!!!! :evil:

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