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I'm CanOdope, and as the title states, I've been vaping for about a month. I'm trying to quit analogs. Making slow progress. This is my introduction.



It is a slow process for some, so don't get discouraged... What device(s) are you using? Tell us a bit more about yourself...

Posted (edited)

I started on an eGo Protank 3, recently upgraded to an Omega atomizer with a drip tip on a Nemesis mod. The main reason I got into vaping is because my friend is opening up a vape shop here in Phoenix, and has asked me to help out, so I figured I better learn the ropes. What better an opportunity to quit smoking?

Anyways, I decided yesterday that I'm not buying any more tobacco. I've quit before, this time it's for good.

Thanks for the friendly welcome.

Edited by CanOdope
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update: Went on a camping trip, had to break down and buy another pouch of tobacco... now I can't get back into the habit of vaping. My juice doesn't taste the same, and it itches/burns my throat... What am I doing wrong? Could it be because I haven't changed the coils in a while? I've got a real nice Clapton on there that I've been using for about a month or so now. I fairly regularly clean it by dry burning a few times and then rinsing with HOT water. Is there a better way to clean coils?

Edited by CanOdope

Yes, change the coil. If you're wanting to clean the coil, instead of dry burning, try soaking it in vodka for a few hours, rinse well and let dry overnight. :)

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