xomska Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 I smoked one, it felt so good. I haven't smoked another and i'm honestly really worried i'm falling back into it, the nicotine is pretty good from the vape but it's nothing like actually smoking a cig. Should I throw them out? Is this my one realization I might have before falling into the trap again? i'm worried
mkauthen Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 how long has it been since you smoked real cigarettes (before today)?
Compenstine Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 Ohhh Your in Trouble! I'm Tell'en.... Oh wait you just told on yourself. LOL Don't worry about too much, it happens when you first get started Vaping. You may want to consider upping your NIC a bit. If you are not already doing 24mg, you may want to get some for the rough spots. It is not uncommon to have a analog or two when you switching over. There is some will power involved and they will start tasting nasty in time. Just try not too give into the craving to much. Once you start back on Analogs it is very hard to go back to vaping. Tam 1
xomska Posted October 1, 2014 Author Posted October 1, 2014 yeah I noticed it tasted way worse and I didn't like it as much step in the right direction I suppose
xomska Posted October 1, 2014 Author Posted October 1, 2014 Is it good if I just flushed them down the toilet? hehehe
mkauthen Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 good for you? Yes. Good for the plumbing? Probably not, lol.
Bebop Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 Comp's gonna be good cop I'm gonna be bad cop haha You "think" it's the nicotine from the cig. But what it actually is, is the oxygen deprivation giving you the rush and euphoria. It's the tar and crap you're body is used to getting. It's no different than any other drug or chemical addiction. You fed the monkey and he loosened his grip a little.......a little. Welcome to chemical addiction. Okay, good cops... take over.... CanOdope and Compenstine 2
Earthling789 Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 When you start vaping, a rare few of us can make the change to vaping on day one and not look back... but it is a rare few Several members here have admitted to hanging onto that last pack (or carton) for weeks, months, even years after vaping... just in case... There's nothing wrong with slipping back to an analog, seriously! But each time you do, you'll find they are less appealing than you remember. They'll taste worse, smell worse, and make you feel ill... and the longer you can go without them, the more pronounced the effect will be. Bebop is spot-on... Nicotine is only one of 4000+ chemicals you are/were addicted to, on top of the hand-to-mouth action and smell of the smoke! Vaping is a good way to quit, but you have to rid yourself of all the other toxins by sticking with vaping. Flavor, nicotine, vapor, and hand-to-mouth action will help you with those cravings you have, but don't beat yourself up if you slip and have a smoke while you're training your body and mind to accept a (healthier) alternative. The cigarette police won't come and kick down your door... unless of course you live in NYC or LA mkauthen and jonnoh 2
MSmom601 Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 I had an analog a couple times a week during the first 5 mons of vaping...Then one day my sis-n-law fired one up and I thought I was going to choke...I haven't had one since it has only been 3 mons, but that is progress. Hang in there keep at it. mkauthen 1
christov11 Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 what I used to do was to buy a pack and give it to a coworker. when I was having a really horrible day or the urges were too strong I would ask him for one. I had no shame in bumming a cig since I would give them out to whoever needed. karma i guess. either way the gradual decline of actualy smoking was what worked in my case. some days i would have a few and other days i wouldnt have any and now if i have one(because it still happens from time to time socialy) i find it completely grosse and regret it after 2 puffs. im completely turned off the "habit switch" and thats what works for me. might not be what willw ork for you but dont beat yourself up. see it as a step in the right direction as you said mkauthen 1
Garrett1234567 Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 Try and find you a flavor that mimics what you used to smoke. I smoked Marlboro reds for 15 years. I found a Marlboro flavor at the local vape shop and that's what got me to stop, I still use it when I'm drinking and really want a smoke. They have a camel that's awesome too. If you can't find a bottle anywhere pm me and I'll get you one and send it to ya.
jonnoh Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 About a month before I set my target date, 4 May, 2013, my 61st birthday, I vaped and smoked. I unconsciously cut down on the analogues. It really wasn't an effort. I just liked vaping and trying new flavours and devices. It was kinda cool. I'd actually go a day, then 2 then 3 without cigs, then smoke some. On the last day at the last hour I put my last one out next to sig other's shop in the grill of the next shop in the corner. It was an Indonesian clove cigarette. They last longer then the normal ones. It was there for quite a while after. Then I stopped. On that day. But to show how powerful the addiction is, my mind kept playing games like well it's midnight here so it's only noon yesterday in New York, and only 9 AM in San Francisco, and only 6 am in Honolulu, so it's not really my birthday yet because I was born in the USA. Ridiculous! But I used it to cheat a few times over the next 18 hours or so then I couldn't come up with any more excuses.
ValerieeRJackson Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 Hey don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to crave for analogs when your in transition to vaping. I know how you feel, it's a hard habit to get over with. When I decided to quit analogs I gave my self a "cheat day" just to ease my cravings for analogs. Then after 4 months of vaping i finally ditch it. Maybe you should try a much higher nic level but don't give in too much okay
kerk Posted October 13, 2014 Posted October 13, 2014 Personally, I don't see how anybody could do an analog after vaping. For me it was 'instant switch' for good. Started at 24mg, now down to 6. I still have my last unopened pack bought July 2, 2013. I still look at it occasionally just to bring out an 'ugh'. IMO they have no taste and stink. Plus I've probably netted $1400 in savings so far. The only drawback I have is that I vape more than I smoked. But I guess that's because I can do it ANYWHERE.........no stink. And IMO, if you think you can 'gradually' switch.......forget it. jonnoh 1
Itsmedeanna64 Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 I smoked a few packs after I started vaping for maybe a month before I made up my mind no more cigs. Don't beat yourself up about it because from what I've read here a lot of people did it like this also. For me, as long as I knew the cigs were in that drawer I wanted one. I would finish up a pack, vape for 3 or 4 days and then go buy another pack and did this several times before I finally decided no more. I just finally said to myself, "self, that's it." And that worked. As long as they were where I could get to one i 'thought' I wanted one, even though when I was smoking one I was wondering why in the world did I want this? Yuck! So it's been 6 weeks since then and I don't miss it one bit and I'm so glad. I was never a heavy or long term smoker and I was still amazed at how much it had a hold on me. I never realized the addiction, or the 'attachment' could be so strong. I couldn't have done it without reading this forum for my motivation and vaping made it easy for me once my mind was made up. Dc jonnoh 1
oliviamia168@yahoo.com Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 I think everybody falls off the wagon ! The longer you don't smoke and continue to vape the easier it will be to avoid the temptation of tobacco !
JonnyKansas Posted November 17, 2014 Posted November 17, 2014 This thread makes me feel good. I only started vaping this weekend & I was considering buying a pack today. The hard thing was being at work, because I couldn't just pick the vape up & hit it any time I wanted to like I did all day yesterday. Now that I'm home, I'm feeling better, but I know I won't have to feel bad for picking up a pack of analogs & making my switch more gradual. My other issue is that I started phasing in to vaping with the vuse & the nic is nuts on those things, so I'm not feeling the 18mg juice I bought like I was. That thing tastes horrible now that I got some real vape though. I'm gonna hold out as long as I can, but good to know that I'm not alone. My sense of smell is already coming back a bit & it's trippy. Took me a while to realize the smokey smell I was picking up yesterday was my hoodie. Haha! Hang in there & keep the faith & so will I.
johnsoncook Posted November 18, 2014 Posted November 18, 2014 never do that again, flush them all immediately....
Taajsgpm Posted November 18, 2014 Posted November 18, 2014 good for you? Yes. Good for the plumbing? Probably not, lol. LOL, Well of course its good , I cheated for months I admit even now I will sneak one, but hey thats one not 40 a day , dont worry my friend its all part of the process of recovery from a very very powerful poison habit
@hope_photography123 Posted November 18, 2014 Posted November 18, 2014 Haha I did try to smoke too I feel sooooooooooooooo much better.... Lol I wasted the cig though... I puffed one two hits then.. YUCK I realized I like watermelon nicotine muuuuuuch much better... But I did try twice.. Second time was to really make sure I hated the taste now.. Lol I do... Don't feel bad it happens! Perhaps you are not fully satisfied with your vape? That was me and the skinny ecigs I got a vv and a adjustable airflow tank.. So now I can adjust my satisfaction.. Make sure ur nic level is good for you as well! Xoxo stay strong don't give up...
@hope_photography123 Posted November 18, 2014 Posted November 18, 2014 This thread makes me feel good. I only started vaping this weekend & I was considering buying a pack today. The hard thing was being at work, because I couldn't just pick the vape up & hit it any time I wanted to like I did all day yesterday. Now that I'm home, I'm feeling better, but I know I won't have to feel bad for picking up a pack of analogs & making my switch more gradual. My other issue is that I started phasing in to vaping with the vuse & the nic is nuts on those things, so I'm not feeling the 18mg juice I bought like I was. That thing tastes horrible now that I got some real vape though. I'm gonna hold out as long as I can, but good to know that I'm not alone. My sense of smell is already coming back a bit & it's trippy. Took me a while to realize the smokey smell I was picking up yesterday was my hoodie. Haha! Hang in there & keep the faith & so will I. I wrote to you above too.. But yes throw them away give them away sell em to a smoker... Don't keep them... I would never quit. I smoked one, it felt so good. I haven't smoked another and i'm honestly really worried i'm falling back into it, the nicotine is pretty good from the vape but it's nothing like actually smoking a cig. Should I throw them out? Is this my one realization I might have before falling into the trap again? i'm worried
jeanrose770 Posted November 19, 2014 Posted November 19, 2014 Well if you truly believe that you won't crave another one, and that this was the only time, then get rid of them now!!!] Better safe than sorry. Because more than likely, the urge to have another will sneakily arise within you again. A feeling that can easily enough be distracted if you don't have a handy pack of smokes. However if you so (in)conveniently have a handy pack, the temptation shall surely be as strong as the tricky devil on your shoulder telling you that you are strong enough to just have one, and no more again EVER! ....just like last time!!!! CIGARETTES MEET THE GARBAGE CAN!! @hope_photography123 1
@hope_photography123 Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 Ohhh wow I agree toss Emm... Lol
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