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IPV3 150 watt box mod

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Anyone else got an IPV 3 on preorder? Mine is supposed to ship from kidneypuncher.com next week on the 24th. Supposed to be updated to 150 watts instead of 100 and fire down to .1 resistance. At $149 and how much I've loved both of my IPV 2 50 watt box mods I had to give this a shot. That's probably way more power than I need but I have a lot of gplat wire that is hard to get dual coil builds above .2 so with a copper mutation x RDA and gplat build between .15 and .2 this mod should blow serious clouds. Runs on two 18650 batteries and I have about 4 pairs of Sony VTC 5 that should work great.

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They will be flooding the market for a while. The god mod looks nice but it's bigger in the hand obviously with that extra battery. I also know they're only rating the god mod to fire down to .3 and I can get that with my two IPV2's so I'm interested in something that can push a dual coil gplat setup around .2 and see what I can do. I'm sure the god mod will be good for what it is and it's got a great price but I have no experience with that company and I do with Pioneer4You so I think I'll like this one with the sx330 v3 chip. I'm still on a waiting list for a darkstar 30 but that's been months and now I can't even see what need I have for a 30 watt box mod. It looks great and I know it will be higher quality than the IPV series but it's also twice the cost and I have basically given up on my rebuildable tanks. That's the only use I can see with the darkstar at this point.

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I hear you, man. Lots of higher wattage APV coming down the pipeline soon which is my only reason for waiting.
There will be firmware updates and probably newer versions. These companies do not want to play catch up. When someone releases 50W - another will release 75W just to undercut the other one. Next thing you know we are at 180W.
Yeah, Smy is relatively unknown. With my bad experiences with cloupor and Hana modz in the early stages of the 30W rollout,I ended up with Dovpo E-Mech. I was reluctant getting them because they are not a mainstream brand but am very glad of that decision.It turned up to be rock solid for what I needed them for.
With that line of reasoning, I am keeping an open mind with Smy, not that I need 180W (75W is probably all I will ever need) but I likethe triple cell and how it looks, and the price is not so bad compared to others.
In the end, I will most likely go for what I feel is the most reliable one in the 75W+ segment whoever they might be. I am in no hurry and my mechs willhave to suffice if I want to go low on my builds.
I am also contemplating getting SX350 chip to do a little project but don't have time to do that and I have to be in the mood for a project like that.Otherwise, I will never finish it.
Let us know how yours is when you get it... sharing is caring. :)
Edited by iQuit
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I'll update once I get it. It was pushed back to ship on Oct. 1st now so that stinks but it happens with preorders all the time. I've got a new copper mutation X RDA and cherry vape cloud chaser tip for it when I get it. Probably do a 26g GPlat dual coil build on it to hit right about .2 ohm and crank it up to 100 W or so and see what she does. I like the .5-.7 sweet spot for the IPV2. Right around 40-45 watts but this new one will be a hardcore cloud chasing setup I think. Loving the mutation X for builds and airflow options. Don't think I've ever seen a box mod in a cloud chasing competition but I think that's going to change soon. With the right airflow and juice I think it will be hard for any mech mod to compete once these new box mods are out and can support the .1 or .2 builds.

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That's a lot of wattage to play around with lol. you should be able to blow some great clouds at .1-.2 ohms with the IPV 3 you'll have to post a review on it after you get it I was thinking about pre-ordering it but I think i'll wait a little bit. It should be really nice with your mutation x build.

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So now this is pushed back to the 17th. Almost a full month later than it was supposed to be. They are claiming the maker of the cases are having issues filling their need. I understand there are 50k preorders for the device but I'm sick of these manufacturers opening up preorders so early and not being certain they can meet the demand on time. Have at least all the parts so if anything it only gets pushed back because of assembly and things out of your control. Not having the cases to make the mods is not an acceptable excuse. If my unit doesn't ship by the 17th I'm just going to cancel it. I want a good product but this is not waiting for that. This is bad planning on their end and wanting people's money to fund production and then making excuses on delivery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What do you need more than 50 watts for??

It's not just the wattage. It has dual 18650 batteries. The chip fires down to a .1 resistance. That's basically a cloud chasing regulated beast that you could only get with a mech mod before and even then you're getting about an hour of battery life before you start getting voltage drop. Regulated box mods don't have that issue. So I know I've said it already in this thread but I'm curious what can be achieved with a gplat dual coil build around .2 or maybe some 22g kanthal builds with fewer wraps and really high watts. With the right airflow, juice, and drip tip I think the cloud chasing potential for the high watt box mods are going to be pretty sweet.

Just because a device goes to 150 watts doesn't mean you have to run it at 150 watts. I can build to .3 on my IPV2 and crank it up to 50 watts and it's basically like a mech mod with no battery drop off. It's cool and all but that's all it really is. Now you take a chip that can go down to .1 and you can crank that wattage up to still deliver 6+ volts to your coils then you're talking about massive clouds on a regulated device that can double or even triple your battery life before swapping out. That's awesome. The days where you have to build non sub ohms on a box mod to really get the high volts and enjoy it are coming to an end. With one device that can fire .1 all the way up to 3 ohms at 7w up to 150W is a do it all device. Clearo tank, rebuildable tank, rebuildable dripper for flavor, or even a drilled out dripper for cloud chasing. All those possibilities on one device.

Anyway I'm still waiting on it. I know it's not really kidneypuncher's fault but the lack of communication from them is pretty lame. No emails and now it's saying 10/31 for shipping. Over a month from the original date when I paid. I've found one in stock on ebay that I should have by the 22nd. I'll have a pair of them to go with both my copper mutation X's. Looking forward to playing with the builds.

Edited by SteezeOG
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I'm using my IPV v2 and I stay at 36.5w on a .4 single coil. This thing at 36.5w and a single coil is putting out clouds equivalent to my .12 dual coil on my mech. I love this dam device..

I also have the cloupor t5 but it's still sitting in the box just cause I been loving my IPV. I might update the firmware on the t5 so it can hit 75w (granted it doesn't break my device in the process)

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Yeah since getting my two IPV 2 50 watt boxes I haven't really used any of my mech mods at all. Maybe for an hour one or two days. I do dual coil builds anywhere from .4 up to 1 ohm and usually 40-50 watts. They just create massive clouds and work great. That's why the IPV 3 and all it's potential is really got me excited.

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lol well I got 1 of 2 ipv 3's today and this thing is just insane. I've got a copper mutation X RDA on it running mostly wide open on the airflow. 8 out of 9 of the airholes per side and a 26g Gplat dual coil build at .23 ohms resistance. Wicked with rayon cellucotton and a 3mg max VG dripper version juice from vapethedragon.com It spits vapor like an angry beast. It also dries up the wick and juice well in about 3 pulls. It goes through juice like crazy but the clouds are the densest I've ever seen let alone pulled into my lungs. It's kind of scary but also very fun. I can't do more than about two quick one second pulses and I've only got it turned up to 100 watts at about 5 V. I don't really know what else to say it's what I was hoping for but I guess I wasn't expecting it. Cloud competition material for sure.

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you guys got me all excited now... :wallbash::sorcerer::thumbup::2guns:

where di you get it? :dribble:

I had one on preorder from kidneypuncher.com but they kept pushing back the ship date because pioneer4you was having issues with their case supplier I guess. I decided to get another one that was in stock from a seller on ebay. I didnt really plan on getting two but I had the RDA's already in a pair so I guess it will work out fine.

It's cranking out super dense clouds. I know I'll probably not be able to use anything but 3mg nicotine juice with a low build at 100+ watts but that's cool. I'm going to use it for some cloud competitions at a local vape shop. Maybe with some 24g or 22g kanthal I'll be able to push past 100W if I go .2 or lower. The gplat wire though just heats up really quick and hot. It's pushing 5.7V and about all I can handle even with short pulses on the fire button. It's definitely been worth the money so far. Just like the IPV 2 but supercharged. I don't care for the extra size but with the amount of power you have to have 2 batteries. The five preset power options is a nice upgrade if you swap out different RDAs and keep the same builds on them for a while.

I dig it though a lot. I don't care much for the new hex style screws on the case but they included two phillips screws with the package so you can swap them out if you want.

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im probably going to be looking into that for a nice gift from me to me for christmas lol

YES I SAID CHRISTMAS... its coming... a lot faster than we all thought!!!!

I gotta get my vapelyfe mod before.. ive been eyeing it for months and friday is the day i pull the trigs

that being said though this box sounds freaking awesome. a local shop just received a 100w box from... i think sigelei and they dont know what price yet but they were thinking 150-200... which is over the top for me knowing that online it can be found for 100$

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  • 1 month later...

picked up the IPV3 150W today, so far love this thing, but I'm pretty new to vapeing and all....seems to work well for the atlantis and kanger turbo I got..

havent got into building my own coils yet, but soon I think I will.

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