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I don't smoke cigarettes but I do enjoy cigars, though not every day. Concerned about the health impact from my cigars and due to the ever strict laws regarding where I can enjoy them I decided to try an e-cig. I first tried a VUSE. While it was awful in taste I liked the concept. After research I ended up finding a nice vape shop in Panama City Beach called VaporTimePCB and I tried out real e-juice and vaping. It was not only significantly better than the VUSE it was better than my cigar. No bad breath and I didn't smell like an ash tray. Wife was pleased as well.

I bought a kangerTech EVOD kit to get me started and I am really enjoying this, even on my condo patio where smoking is now Illegal with condo security looking for violators! I have family who smoke pretty often and I intend to show them this as an alternative.



I smoked cigars for 30 years, and vaping has been the only method to get me away from burning plants! As FishGuy said, EVOD kits are great. Find a couple of good flavors and enjoy!


Ex cigar smoker here, as well. Started with the basic cartos, then the vv/vw mods. Vaping is an excellent way to keep the cigar cravings away, while opening up a whole new world of flavors and gadgets. About to move into rbas. It's been 7 months since my last cigar, and I inhaled ten a day. Don't miss it a bit.


Thanks for the warm welcome. Enjoying the switch so far. Only smoked one cigar on vacation and didn't enjoy it nearly as much as my EVOD. I do miss the cigar flavor though and I hope to find an eJuice to fill that void.


Welcome! I was a smoker that quit, for the most part. I smoked cigars 2-3 times a week. I started vaping and have not had a cigar or cig since. Welcome to the forum!


IIve smoke cigars for 20+ years but only three or four a week. I know I wont quit cigars but being done with ciggerttes is really nice!! There is something to this Vaping thing and its good.


welcome! have you tried the cigar flavors? you might find something you like in there!

I am trying one now that is pretty good but does not quite hit the mark for what I am looking for. I just ordered another one and will keep searching. If someone has any suggestions on good cigar e-juice I am interested.


I smoked cigars for 30-years, and Liqua's Cuban Cigar flavor is really good... and if you like them a bit sweeter, you can always mix in a little vanilla or black-cherry or Raspberry to lighten them up a bit. A few drops of cinnamon really makes it pop nicely too.

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