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Is it really worth it to get a cheaper clone of the Kay fun. I'm looking to buy one but don't want to waste my time and money on a clone when I can get the real thing and be set. Thanks


There are good clones out there... from good manufacturers like Infinite, HCigar, EhPro, etc. And, they are usually between 25-50% the cost of an original.

I would not hesitate to buy a KayFun clone from any of the companies listed above... I'm actually looking to buy a EhPro or HCigar version in the near future.

  • 1 month later...

I have a KFL+ 1:1 clone from EHPro. No issues, threads are clean, quality is good, less than 1/2 the price of an authentic. Other than my Vapor Shark mod and my future Eden Rose, I'm happy with clones. I think the only authentics I have are my Kanger tanks (regular and Mega).

  • 1 month later...
  1. i recently stepped up from the kanger mega tank.I bought the kfl ehpro clone last week,run it on my elvt mod 4.5v 12.5w 1.7 ohm coil....I love it!
  2. easy to use,no leaks aslong as you do your part.
  3. produces a lot more vape than my mega,i mainly wanted to get away from the bum kanger coils i been receiving.
  4. as stated....quality is nice,everything fits well,little maintence.i just wish the air holes were bigger than whats supplied.i removed the 2 bottom screws.....i still want more air,but im used to my megas air flow all the way up.stock airflow is about the same as the mega opened 1/2 way.
  • 4 weeks later...

great tank. not hard at all to build coils... plenty of youtube videos on how to do it. we are always more than willing to help!

tell you what tools you need, etc.

Posted (edited)

I have a kayfun clone as well as a russian 91%. I love them both and they are what really got me into vaping with rta's. That being said I have found that I love a more airy draw as I do lung inhales vs mouth to lung. I have since bought and have been using a fogger V4 due to its more airy draw compared to my russian 91%. I have since bought a Lemo by eleaf and a Vox edition orchid v2.5. I havent vaped with them yet as they are at home and I'm at work but look forward to vaping with them as they both have airy draws and are tooted for having great flavor.

You can't go wrong with a kayfun or any one of the clones listed above. They have great flavor but if you want more of an airy draw I would look into the Fogger v4 / V5, the Orchid or the Lemo (just my opinion). Keep in mind the Fogger is dual coil and can be a pain to build on if you are inexperiencedn due to its smaller deck size. From the reviews that I have read (and I read tons of reviews before I ever purchase anything) the Lemo and the Orchid both have larger decks compared to the kayfun/russian making them easier to build on.

Edited by dragongunner

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