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I start with Capt. Blacks Dark (Cavendish). Heat in PG for a couple days at 110F-120F then let steep for at least a week. Then I filter thru mesh SS. Then a big turkey injection needle does the rest of the filtering with tightly packed rayon and 5 micron felt run thru 3x. Then I plug in the recipe calculator for 50/50 pg and nic of choice.

It tastes almost the same as a stronger RBFS Caven Fever. I mix at 20% extract.

This is probably better than any commercial Cavendish's I've found.

The other is a C&D Missippi Mud, same process but you only need 15% extract. The perique is without a doubt more authentic than any of the commercials, its just like a good pipe smoke. Highly recommend.

Pretty much have to use a dripper for full flavor experience. But there's decent 30W regulated tube modes now (Seven30/Segelei 30) that make it easy to vape at 0.75 ohms and 18-20W. Wicks last 1 to 2 days. And you can buy premade 1.5 ohm coils on ebay that last a month, so maintaining the RDA isn't much more time consuming than a clearomizer.

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