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Well I finally picked up my first mechanical mod, I got a hades 26650 with a hades 28mm rda, vapelyfe insulated drip tip, a mnke 3500 mah battery and a 30ml bottle of juice all for 44$ shipped

I built the rda with 28g kanthal and did a parallel duel coil wicked with organic cotton.

It came in at .33 ohms which is well under my safety zone for my battery

Well here it is in all it's glory lol



He is sweet and shipping is super fast. Always returns emails quickly your right.

I can't wait for my juices to come in w my hades.. I totally agree bubbabossjuice is a great place to buy from and way affordable.


How do you like using a mech + RDA compared to what you were using before?

Nice setup by the way


I like it way better. The only downside I can see is I'm going through juice like crazy, but that's to be expected since I'm sub ohming. I'm actually trying to sell/trade one if my VTRs now and get another mech and some rda's.


Gorgeous set up, man. Feel your pain on going through juice like crazy too. Ive actually started rationing myself to special moods/occasions for my mech and rda since I was burning through so much liquid. Kinda like how I treated pipe tobacco or cigars back in the day.


I don't sub-ohm but when I drip at night I go through juice like it ain't no thing. I don't want to think the amount of juice I would use up while sub-ohm.

But yea, the flavor is good and the clouds, oh the clouds


I've been DIYing my own juice for close to 2 weeks. I really like honeydew so I made some of it up at 90/10 VG/pg and 20% flavor. Let it steep for over a week. Dripped some of it and it was just so so, then I added 1ml of sweetener to it and shazzam, perfect drip flavor for sub ohm. I made a 15ml bottle and I'm about to make a 30ml bottle tonight. I've got some strawberry and cream flavor coming tomorrow so I hope I can get it to turn out just as good.

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