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How am I supposed to store the Screwdriver between uses? Last night I have had the Screwdriver leak all over the place, drain the battery and melted a cartridge. The button at the tip is tricky because it is easy to accidentally depress when I try to prop it so that the juice will run into the atomizer while resting (this is when I think it drained the battery and melted the cartridge). If I prop it the opposite way I am worried about too much juice running into the mouth piece. If I let it just rest on its side it leaks all over the place. :doctor:

Posted (edited)

I've never used the screwdriver myself, but it sounds like the real issue here is your carts leaking. Do you top them off before storing the unit (overnight, etc.)? Have you tried the direct drip method? Eliminating the carts from the situation may eliminate your problem. Just a thought. As to the melting of a cartridge... that's a little scary, you may want to remove you atomizer when not using it, or find something you can use to store the screwdriver that prevents it from switching on.

Edited by GDub
Posted (edited)

This is what the Screwdriver looks like.

Use an m&m minis tube the king size should fit perfectly. they are a little bigger around than a quarter.

Edited by Gazoo

You shouldn't be getting leaking like you describe. I have three Screwdrivers (two Mk 1s and one Mk2) and have never had that problem. Do your cartridges fit very loosely? Are you overfilling them? As far as the button pressing issue goes - putting the SD in a tube and/or unscrewing the atomiser a bit will work. I just carry mine in a shirt or jacket ("top") pocket so the SD won't get "squashed" - that way I have no problems

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