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mixing question please help

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Ok so I'm mixing up my first batches of flavors and somthing going wrong and I'm trying to figure out what flavor is there with a nasty after taste so I'm wondering if it's 2 much flavor or to much pg or vg so 2 start this out ....is it possable that 2 much pg will cause a bad taste or is it tasteless .... my mix is 70 pg 30 vg 10% sweet tart flavor and 10 mg nic vg base .... main pg reason is because it's for my kayfun

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As a baseline stick with mixes of 5ml to start with. Use no less that 18% for most flavorings and I would not go higher than 40%. Depending on your target ratio add PG or VG to that. Always count your Flavoring as PG unless it states No PG or doesn't have PG in the ingredients. Your nasty taste may be the flavoring. Some are just bad. Let it rest for a day or two before testing it. You will, in most cases, get a better flavor. PG can add a burn to your nose and TH. For your tank, do a 50/50 mix and you should fine for wicking.

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The mix is mathematically currect it's just the flavor don't taste right it's either 2 strong flavor or possable 2 low and I can taste the what I'll guess is pg being my biggest bulk I may try vaping just the pg then vg to see their solo taste and judge from there and even it out its all trial and error till you get it right :p if I'm not mistaken

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Your right it is trial an error. I was not questioning the math, more the amount of flavoring. ;) Try adding 1-2% sweetener (Cotton Candy) to it. But 10% is quite low. I have the FA Sweet Tart flavoring here and it is a little harsh, but adding sweetener mellows it out.

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VG can mute flavor PG is the flavor carrier. The higher the VG the higher the flavor % you would want to use. For the most part if the PG and VG are 100% pure you would not really have an odd flavor from either. Some VG is between 95 and 97% pure and can add a strange taste. Wicking can add strange flavors, Some flavors do not hold up to heat or sub ohms. These are all factors in flavor.

Cotton Candy needs to be around 30% to taste it as a single flavor. As an additive it acts more as a sweetener.

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Ahh ty for that i mixed my cotton candy at 10% lol 50 50 pg vg 10mg nic so that's why it was tasteless hell it don't even have much of a smell and atm I'm just using a 1.3 set up cotton wick in a kayfun my sub ohm stuff will come later

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Ok well after work I'll be going home and mixing a ton of 3ml bottles 2 try and get these flavors right then mix my 10 ml or 30s so far i made 3 10 ml bottles should i pitch those out or is it fixable

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ok well one of 2 things is going on here as i feel high as hell lol either my nic isnt currect str 100mg per ml so i gotta get a test kit or its because im puffing like crazy trying to see my flavors lol but either way its safe to say i better get a test kit ....im mixing 1 ml per 10 ml bottle so that should be the 10 mg im going for btw my mix came out perfect sweet smooth and lots of flavor

.5 cotton candy

.5 sweet tart

1. 100% nic



= 10 ml / 10mg nic with a 60 pg /40 vg

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