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New to vaping with a vtr.


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Welcome to Vapor Talk. :)

One suggestion is to change the flavor you're vaping periodically. If you vape only one flavor you lose the ability to taste it after awhile. If you don't have a different tank, I'd suggest you get some to keep different flavors in and change them out. After vaping a different flavor for a bit, when you go back to the original one, you should be able to taste it again.

Also, vaping dehydrates you so you need to increase your water intake. That will also affect how well you taste your juice. :)

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I you just quit analogs then your tastes will change. What I used to like when I first stopped smoking, I don't care for now since my taste buds are coming back.

I also have a vtr and love it, but definetly get another tank or 2 so you can switch out on the fly and not have to clean your tank.

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