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Thought I had vapor tongue but the new mini cured that- what flavor!! I am very happy with my Vision 11 and my nautilus and it has resurrected my vaping experience. I know some of you do mods ect and have fabulous vaping machines but for a novice vaper, I don't think I can do much better than this setup. Paul


It seemed that mine got better the more I used it as if the bvc had to break in. At first it was better than my other tanks but just a little, after a weeks use it's way better than my others (aspire et-s, protank3 and iclear 30) I'm too on the go for any RDA/RBA on a mod although one day. Kinda hard to drip riding down the hiway at 75mph, but my mini on my spinner fits my needs.


I just got the 'regular' nautilus. I wasn't a big fan of dual coils before having this tank, but it sure sold me on them! This thing is the bomb!


I agree as I had standard duel coils and really felt that single coils provided more flavor. The BVC's are a totally different story. The flavor is amazing. I am really considering buying another Nautilus because I don't like the idea of going back to the other tanks I have. Paul


I just cannot bring myself to spend that kind of money on one tank lol nor the coils that go with it.


Mine was $22. I bought 2 extra coils, so I wouldn't have a "stockpile" if I didn't care for it. I think I'll have to go a 5 pack the next time!


I'm totally sold on the Nautilus mini and its vertical coils. The flavor I get rivals the HH.357 and I get even more vapor. Now, to see how long the coil lasts with the juice I use... :)


For those with the non-mini version: The new Bottom Vertical Coil heads are interchangeable with the non-mini Nautilus

From what I have been reading it gives insane good flavor and hits, due to the construction of the head being about the same as an old carto...

Just got the mini nautilus myself and Im in love



Basically instead of the coil laying horizontally with a wick running through it, this one is built with the coil vertically in the center of ceramic based wicking material

The wicking material goes all the way around, and I'm guessing the reason its soooo good, is that the coil is heating up a lot more material than a standard wick


Tell me you Dont Vape going down the road at 75mph,


But on the other hand a RBA is just a rebuildable tank,

Yup I do alot of hiway miles at times. Get alot of funny looks too lol.......I was looking at RBA but the mini has me happy for now.


RBAs give great flavor and vapor but it sounds like your already getting that, so why change?

I do like the price difference & versatility, from building my own rather then premade coils.


I'm going to pick up another mini for a back up down the road. I've been hanging around my b&m and they let people come in and build a few coils free. I was talking with their juice maker and he let me build a few coils, test and wick them in one of his spare rda's. It was interesting and alot easier to see than the bdc's that I've made up for my tanks lately. Although the mini is a great tank there isn't any comparison to rba/rda.


My love affair just ended, after only 5 days I had to replace my coil. I put the lower ohmed one in. I do vape high VG (50/50) and am thinking I may have to lower it? I can't buy coils for it if I'm going to have to replace them at that rate!! Paul


Bebop- I read a couple of posts where they were claiming 3 weeks on a coil-far cry from 5 days. Hoping it was just that particular coil as I do not want to spend 3 dollars every 5 days!! That's 18 dollars a month coming out of my beer money. Also, I am looking for things I may be doing wrong. Paul


No I get it paul. Just funning with you. More likely its the juice. Different juices gunk up coils differently. One of my juuces kills a coil in half the time as another juice. Hey, you could always buy cheaper beer. :)


You tell me where they sell Dogfish Head 90 min IPA at a cheaper price and I'll go there-love craft beers. On the other hand, you're probably right about the juice. I've seen 50/50 that poured thin and 70/30 that seemed quite thick. With the help by the people on this forum, I'll figure it out. Thanks for your input Bebop. Paul

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