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I am having a bit of trouble with my BVC coils flooding. It seems to me my style of vaping floods everything!

Here at the house, It is no big deal. When I am on the road it seems much worse. I don't think that I can really call it flooding, because it doesn't leak. It seems to be such a rich vape I am getting partially unvaporized liquid in my mouth. It isn't enough that it tastes terrible, but I feel it in my throat and it gives me terrible heartburn. I also see it on the bottom of my drip tip. I was vaping on my MPV at 11 watts. I tried going lower and it seems to make it worse. I can't go any higher with any of my APVs. I tried blocking 3 of the 4 wicking holes on the coil and it didn't seem to make a difference. It was 100 degrees today so my juice was a little thin.

Any ideas?

MPV 2.0 @ 11 watts

Nautilus (full size) ; 1.8ohm coil ; largest air hole

60PG/40VG 24mg liquid

Posted (edited)

You can drip with the nautilus?

Sorry I just realized this was of NO HELP whatsoever... im editing this since I dont know how to delete it!

Edited by christov11

I assume youre talking about the mini. Heat and juice 60/40 could be a factor. But it usually meanns the coil needs replacing. Are you a chain vaper? Leads to quicker coil degradation. At least i find this to be true of the full size nautilus. How many mls of juice vaped before this happens?


Actually it is a mini coil in my full sized Nautilus. Coil only has about 2 days on it. I have been through quite a few of these coils. They don't burn out or get to tasting muted. I just change them because they keep letting juice up the tube. The flavor is great, it is just unburnt juice on my tongue that is driving me nuts. This thing puts out the vapor, I just think I need to change the way I draw on it. It isn't flooding like the dual coils where it gurgles and leaks through the bottom. All of the new coils have gurgled a bit, but never leaked. I have tried it in both the full sized and mini and get the same result.


Oops, sorry

I am not a chain vapor. I do take 2 - 3 long drags, then put it down for 20 - 30 minutes and do it again.

It has about 5 ml run through it.


Although I do not have this problem with my Nautilus mini, it does happen to me when I direct drip. How I get around that is to use very long drip tips. The drip tips are so long that the juice never has a chance to hit my mouth. My favorite is the pipe style stainless steel, around 2.5" in length. :)


Now that you mention it. I switched to a shorter than stock drip tip. It is only a 1/4" shorter. I will go back to stock until I can get a longer one. That might help! Thanks

I wish i had a more powerful battery. When I had this trouble with the original dual coil, I went up a few watts and the problem went away. I am setting on a max of 11 watts and can't go any higher.

Posted (edited)

I'm only vaping at 4.0 volts *1.8 ohm coils), and not having that problem.

If you don't do this already, try this:

Put the drip tip to your mouth, push the button for just a second or so before you start taking a draw. That might help keep the juice out of your mouth?

Edited by Tameiki

I will try that. I have many weird vape habits. I caught myself taking multiple short, hard drags today for some reason. I took very long easy drags on analogs. People used to make fun of me they said I could smoke a short one in two drags!


Good points all

I have found that running a little higher voltage on these coils really helps but it follows that you have more splashing and more condensation. Good call on the drip tip Tam.


I just got my BVC coils in and the first few hits are dissapointing to say the least. the flavor is no better than the natulius dual coil and not quite as good as the kangar coils on my aerotank. i'll give it some time to see if it gets better (and will try it on a different juice) but i'm not super excited yet on the flavor. the flooding issues you talk about i get on the nautilus dual coils and will probably get on the single coil too. I only get it on the coils i'm limited to 11W though. strangely it seems on my evic supreme if i bump up to 11.5 watts that issue goes away.

  • 3 months later...

I filled my tank, in 20 minutes all the juice was gone. These leak really bad , I used all my coils with no luck at all. Juice gets in my mouth, juice leaks from the air holes..


I filled my tank, in 20 minutes all the juice was gone. These leak really bad , I used all my coils with no luck at all. Juice gets in my mouth, juice leaks from the air holes..

Bad or knock off coils, or knock off Nautilus. Or you have some fundamental error in assembly.

Where did you get the tank and coils?

  • 1 month later...

Well, I exhausted my supply of BDC for my Nautilus. All of them lasted through 30+ ml of juice, and could have probably gone longer, but they started getting tight on their draw. Only one had a minor flooding issue, once, and it was probably due to a drastic temperature change.

Now that I've been running BVC in my Nautilus, the flooding happens every day. Any time my tank sits unused for more than 6 hours (overnight), the coil floods and gurgles. Cleaning the base, blowing out the coil, etc. has fixed the issue for the immediate moment, but it just happens again and again. The BVC have not seen any temperature changes, either... not even left the same room of my house....

Using a higher Wattage helps a little to "clear/lessen" the gurgling, but sitting for hours means zero power applied to burn off the excess, so flooding occurs.

I don't think there is an issue with leakage around the upper tube-threading, because they tend to stick in the center-tube when the base is removed, although not nearly as badly as the BDC do. I also don't believe there is an issue with my juice because I've used the same 50/50 juice in my Nautilus for both style coils. I honestly believe the wick material is too thin or too loosely packed on the BVC.... Oh, and I've tried BVC from two different packages, one from Sweet-vapes, one from V|T store... both sets of BVC leak over time....

With a tank that costs twice as much as an AeroTank, and coils that run $2.50 each... I expect better performance....not coils that leak/waste expensive juice. My AeroTanks have nearly the same flavor, at less cost to operate... maybe I have a bad Nautilus (even though it showed authentic, and came from a reputable supplier)?

At this moment in time, I'm thinking real hard about cleaning my Nautilus and giving it a time-out on the rack (in the corner, in the dark, with no TV privileges) until it decides to cooperate :)


I have had my nautilus mini for about 4 days now and i found out it is a knock off but i am still running off the original installed BVC coil and i am on the 6th tank-full and only issue i have had is a little gurgling and the occasional drop or two shoot up and hit my tongue. So all in all i love it, and i bought it from a shop in jax florida called black hat.

Sorry so many of you have had these issues because i really think it is a good product. Best of luck to fixing the issues.


When I let my tank sit filled up for a few hours it'll have some juice built up in the tube when I come back to it.I just do what I do with my KPT's when that happens.Cover the tip with a paper towel and sling out the juice.other than that I love the Nautilus, I've had this same coils in it for about three weeks now and its still performing great.

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