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I`ll stick by my logic.

The sky is falling the sky is falling!

Oh and next let's ban laptops cause they use multiple stacked 18650's and some a$$hole is bound to overclock his CPU and send shrapnel out amongst all the innocent babies!!!



The sky is falling the sky is falling!

Oh and next let's ban laptops cause they use multiple stacked 18650's and some ******* is bound to overclock his CPU and send shrapnel out amongst all the innocent babies!!!


You want to compare apples to oranges go right ahead. Pssst, your comparing apples to oranges dude!


WOW! Lots of butt hurt here.

Umm, there`s an ointment for that bud. Try it.

Having read some of your other posts, Im going to suggest to you,

There is a point where you really should just "listen".


You want to compare apples to oranges go right ahead. Pssst, your comparing apples to oranges dude!

OK I'll try one more angle to try to get through that tin foil hat.

You do have a point,it's been shown in the past that mis-use of a product can cause restrictions

on that product.However just because you participate in something doesn't give you the right to

decide how everyone else gets to participate.That should be decided by a majority. Comps :) are not necessarily bad if there are reasonable safety rules

in place.There will ALWAYS be Darwin award candidates who push the limits and YOU will never change them.

Vaping is now seen as a revenue source by big corp and big gov so it's already going to be regulated and taxed

but even if it's banned there is enough info on this site alone for people who are determined to keep vaping

to do so.

And by the way,if you're treated like crap for doing something you shouldn't judge the actions of others who do it.

Maybe it's just your attitude about it since I and a lot of others have had good reactions from the public in

general and even the local police.


yeah but it could be fun and educational tho hehehe

Joe, education is always good. Just remember that other members are going to read this in the future, and instead of education it could be more like entertainment.... Facts are the best way to educate, banter will likely not help the cause IMO.


Joe, you make a good argument for freedom of expression, I get it. And I personally wont give up one once of liberty for added security, I get it. What I`m really trying to convey is that your argument will never hold any water whatsoever with the anti vaping establishment that has already formed around us. It may be different in Bama, Maybe you don`t pay attention to the rest of the union. But here in California, we are fighting for our rights with every once of reason we have. In New York, they want to ban all ecigs period. You would be breaking the law if found vaping in public. This aint my tin foil hat talking, this is the reality in New York. Try advertising a cloud comp in the city of NY, see how many do gooders you get to come out and shut you down. In Iowa, absolutely no ecig juices or anything ecig is allowed to be sold on line, I cant buy a damn thing from Iowa. Your can argue passion all want, but you cant argue the facts as they are right now. You have a good set of facts, almost no one blows themselves up. But every now and again, someone goes kaboom. You can argue with every once of passion that I am dead wrong, and every now and again, someone will prove me right.

I would be willing to bet the average vaper has absolutely no interest in these competitions, and can understand logic when its put fourth reasonably.

But let natural selection take its course, of course.



I think most of us that vape are casual in that choice, meaning we vape but don't keep track of every political impact across the country. This doesn't meen that we don't care. As with any cause, some are more active than others. I aslo believe we all want the same thing, to have the ability to vape and enjoy a less harmful way than analogs. For us, as a comunity of vapers to push and pull constantly against eachother is not going to help anyone IMO.


I'm just gonna jump in here because its an interesting discussion anyway.....

Of note - it's usually the guys pushing the envelope in any endeavor that end up innovating the subject and bring better progress to the greater scene. It's true in just about any field. Much of what us casual vapers enjoy on a daily basis was spawned by guys sweating in the workshop looking for new and better... so I don't think it's completely healthy to squelch that kind of activity in general. There will always be idiots and we will suffer set backs from them for sure. Responsibility is still key and maybe our responsibility lies in continuing to inform those who will not be informed no matter, that tje benefits of vaping still far outweigh any destruction caused by the not-so-bright.



Yes, politeness goes along way in getting the message across. Please have a google at whats going on in the UK and vaping. Their government is really trying hard to get it banned across the board. Those people are scared, and with good reason. This could be coming to America.

If we let our comfortableness continue on to complete complacency, they WILL win the argument.

All is good, as long as Iv been able to elucidate the consequences in this matter.




Bebop, I agree that our ability to have the products we now enjoy took inovation and effort by ppl in the past. I can't thank them enough for the oportunity to enjoy what I can today.

Happy, I'm not saying that regulations here or abroad are in the best interest of ppl who want to vape. What I'm saying is that as a whole, vapers would likely not want to be judged based on their activisim. In other words, if you don't speek out or know the latest political actions you're a bad person/vaper. To catagorize ppl based on that is wrong IMO. Most are just trying to get by and reduce harm to themselves. I don't deny that supporting any organization that promotes our rights as vapers is a good thing!


Okay, let's all play nice here. Don't make me stop the car. *stern look* This topic is a very good chance to impart some much needed safety issues concerning batteries. Let's not devolve this into an argument. We now return you to your regularly scheduled "POLITE DISCUSSION."


You know, as a dedicated vapor that loves the hobby, I would encourage anyone and everyone to frown on cloud comps. Make then the bane of the vaping world. Oh ya, you cloud comp? What a dumbass! Lost any teeth lately?

They are simply childish. Its like handing out dynamite to children then telling them to have some sort of competition with it.

Its all very subjective anyways, and in no way does it improve the public opinion of the vaping community.

Especially when this happens, and it will always happen when you are trying to control a stick of potential dynamite.

Just saying is all, :?)

Whoa... that's one way to alienate a segment of your demographic market as a premium supplier. :)
I'm not cloud chaser nor participate in any competitions, but I respect everyone's vaping methodology, or how they spend and choices in their gear for that matter.
Not sure if this post is an attempt to be edgy, entertaining, or expressing how you really feel about how others vape. If you are truly conveying concern about the possible ramifications on safety and how it may impact regulations, there are more objective ways in expressing them without prejudice.
Organized competions or not, somewhere, someome, without the proper equipment and know-how will have an accident. At least with venues like these, you have experienced cloud chasers mentoring others new to the scene. And kudos to the organizer for temporarily shutting it down to hold a safety course. Maybe in the future, all events will hold one prior to the start of an event.

OK, So I had an opinion and I expressed it.

All the left is going to remember are two things, cloud blowing competition and accident.

You all can ma-line that all you want. You all can attack me for just stating the fact that something is dangerous to the point it could easily be used against the community`s freedoms.

Have a great Vape day.


OK, Just to clarify myself in case no one was reading, or got swept up in instant prejudice.

I attacked an idea. Its my opinion that adding a competitive component to chasing in the public arena is a bad idea. I may have illustrated that in a way that those that have a stake in the idea took offense too. I knew it was going to start a fire, but it was based on sound facts. If it is`nt discussed with all the facts put on the table, you can bet your best juice the other side is not listening to the facts.

If I personally singled out any single person for a personal attack, I`d like it quoted please? Just suggesting someone should listen is not a personal attack. Attacking an idea is discourse, nothing more. If you take it personally, I guess maybe I don`t know, out of my control really.

If i`m too sensitive, well, I`m not the only one. And my feelings will grow back. All feeling grow back. Feelings ar`nt facts.

But I do grow tired of swimming up stream, so I`m out of this discussion.

Posted (edited)

Wow. You are very defensive, VapeHappy. My comments about personal attacks was to warn others not to attack you on a personal level.

And I am done with this nonsense.

The next person who comments in this thread that's off topic and makes a negative comment that's personal to anyone...will get a warning.

Edited by Tameiki
Posted (edited)

Id just like to point put that f1 racing, nascar and moto GP are all dangerous extremes of relatively safe practices of the average populace. And yes, they are also regulated, but mostly for a fair playing field, not safety. Just because its potentially dangerous doesnt mean it should be frowned upon.

Edited by Heldar

OK, So I had an opinion and I expressed it.

All the left is going to remember are two things, cloud blowing competition and accident.

You all can ma-line that all you want. You all can attack me for just stating the fact that something is dangerous to the point it could easily be used against the community`s freedoms.

Have a great Vape day.

I cannot speak as to the tact you used to convey your message but this specific post I couldn't agree with more. I see cloud chasing competitions and all the pushing the limits of equipment overall as the biggest single threat to our continued freedom to vape as we want. It's a lot of the reason I post so much less than I used to because it's all you see anymore and instead of complain I abstain lol.

And I mean no insult by anything I said toward anyone but it's just how I feel and in no way directed at anyone. Right now we have our right to vape and you can do it any way you want but that could change quickly and things like competitions and cloud chasing highlight the small % of Vapers out there and take the focus off quitting smoking cigarettes imo.

  • 3 weeks later...

okay, I haven't been doing this long, nor have I been cloud chasing for long. But let's have some common sense about something before we go judging someone.

As long as you know what voltage your battery is putting out and you are using only the safest of batteries(FRESH ONES AT THAT)
and what your resistance is and make sure there are no shorts the likelihood of loosing teeth, and or appendages is slim to none.

This isn't like handing a child dynamite? I have to ask...how much do you really know about battery chemistry and electricity outside of vaping? Like I said above...your chances of a quality fresh battery failing in this way without any shorts are slim! Even then you would suffer massive burns from the battery venting and the temperature of your mod heating up long before the battery in the video catastrophically failed.

Everyone was like "OMG YOUR GETTING AN RDA DONT LOSE YOUR FINGERS DONT LOOSE YOUR HAND BLAHBLAHBLAH" when I decided to get into rebuildables and cloud chasing. it just takes some common sense folks. Does it have it's dangers? Of course it does....anything dealing with a high drain battery pumping out 30+ amps on an extreme sub ohm build has it's dangers. However you can mitigate a lot of your chances of harm or loss of equipment with some common sense and battery safety.

  • 1 month later...

I would rather take the attitude of live and let live rather than assume that anything someone else does that I do not like is somehow an attack on my personal freedoms.

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