jmhester Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 At my age, I really shouldn't give a crap what other people think but since vaping I get a reaction out of old friends that chips me off! They just think "well your really still smoking. You are just doing it different". I even had this kid at work say I was cheating! He was pissed that I was doing it in the office, never mind that it was harmless and keeping me working rather than hanging out wasting time with the smokers. I get this from smokers sometimes, too. Seems like they don't understand that you are a non-smoker. I guess in some ways it's misery loves company. The non-smokers just say "your still addicted to nicotin and that's harmful." I would love to say it's a lot less harmful than that mocha latte your swilling down with 25 tablespoons of sugar and 1000 grams of fat! And you just paid more than a pack of analogs for one cup of that crap! Like I said, I shouldn't care what they think since at 53 years old I can hold my own for 3 - 5 minute rounds with kids literally half my age. But it ticks me off none the less. Have any of you gotten these kinds of reactions from people?
Christopher Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Yea I get this every so often. It's all a matter of perspective. The problem is the anti groups have given smoking such a bad reputation (and well deserved) that people look at nicotine as an issue as well. Rather than associate nicotine with say caffeine they associate it with a cigarette which of course = bad. These of course are the same people usually who down 2 redbulls and a cheeseburger. Then turn around and say "well no body died from drinking an energy drink" It's funny for years people have always said "Jeez it's 200X you would think they'd create a healthy cigarette already" finally we're on that path (although we can't technicality say it's healthy) and the first thing people do is hate on the device. The more things change the more they stay the same, humans are interesting creatures to say the least. As they say haters will be haters.
Sinikal Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 One of my co-workers is 60yrs old here at the shop, he is what i call an "Oldtimer" Everything he does is "Oldschool" Really smart man and a great tattoo artist, but, he is stuck back in the caveman days before computer ways of designing tattoos so when it comes to technology...he doesnt really have a grasp on it. Any how he is always telling me, "Eventually you want to drop that electronic doo-hickey, then you will REALLY be smoke free." I dont know really what to say when he says this, usually i just say "Yea someday, but for now, at least im off the toxic crap!" Lol! It kind of gets me a little upset because....i like nicotine, and to be honest, i dont want to quit vaping! My mom is also concerned that i will be hooked on electronic cigs the rest of my days. But its better to spend 10$ every 2 weeks on juice with no probable medical bills than 60$ a week and guaranteed cancer lol! Dont let it get to ya Hester!!
nana Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I have to agree with you about the mocha part. I'm always amazed that people pay those kinds of prices for a drink. No offense to anyone who does, it's just not my thing. Maybe it would help to know that when I started smoking, I paid 45 cents per pack. I said I'd never pay $1. per pack, then said I'd never pay $2., etc. Of course that's what addictions do to us. Anyway, everyone may think I'm a bit strange, but I quit smoking in public a long time ago. I couldn't handle people making comments about it and telling me I was ruining other peoples lives, etc. I smoked in my car or around others who smoked, but not in public. So, maybe because of that, I still don't vape in public. I'm so new to vaping that I still feel odd saying I'm a non-smoker. I know I am, but sometimes I feel like I'm lying. Maybe from so many years of smoking and now I get to vape and it's so close to smoking. I don't know. I just know sometimes I feel guilty - like the time I told the dr. I'd quit smoking. I didn't say I was vaping and felt a bit guilty about. I'm sure I'll get over it though. But, I don't feel like other people should be making comments about it since I'm pretty sure they know next to nothing about it. I suppose it's because they see the vapor and think smoke. Everyone is so conditioned to think that second hand smoke is killing everyone, that they just can't get around that maybe. But wouldn't you think that once they were told how much better it is, they'd be okay with it? Maybe the smokers are just jealous? I guess there are just a lot of people out there with a lot of opinions and they feel like it's their duty to inform you of their opinions. Wanted or not. I wouldn't, but I know of a lot of people who would. Hey, I still feel odd giving my opinion on here even when other people are asking for it. lol
nana Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 One of my co-workers is 60yrs old here at the shop, he is what i call an "Oldtimer" Everything he does is "Oldschool" Really smart man and a great tattoo artist, but, he is stuck back in the caveman days before computer ways of designing tattoos so when it comes to technology...he doesnt really have a grasp on it. Any how he is always telling me, "Eventually you want to drop that electronic doo-hickey, then you will REALLY be smoke free." I dont know really what to say when he says this, usually i just say "Yea someday, but for now, at least im off the toxic crap!" Lol! It kind of gets me a little upset because....i like nicotine, and to be honest, i dont want to quit vaping! My mom is also concerned that i will be hooked on electronic cigs the rest of my days. But its better to spend 10$ every 2 weeks on juice with no probable medical bills than 60$ a week and guaranteed cancer lol! Dont let it get to ya Hester!! It looks like I was writing at the same time you were, Sinikal. As soon as I put my post up, I saw yours and just had to comment on it. I find it interesting that your mom is concerned about your vaping. I have 3 (grown) kids and I'm the one who got all of them started on vaping. My youngest daughter started the same day I did - with hours of finding out about it. We told my oldest daughter about it and she started a couple weeks later. My son was interested, but hadn't gotten around to ordering an e-cig. He was at my house this weekend and I gave him my whole DSE901 kit. I figured I wouldn't be using it anymore anyway and if it would at least get him started, I was thrilled. And I don't care if they are hooked on it. I know what it's like to be hooked on analogs and then to be off of them and if my kids are off of them, then all I can say is, YES!!!!! Maybe if you could let your mom know that there is another mom out there who feels much better about the vaping than the analogs for her kids, it might ease her mind just a little bit.
StevenP Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 My dad thinks I'm cheating, he quit cold turkey and thinks vaping isn't really quitting cigarettes but acknowledges it way safer then sticking with traditional cigarettes. I loved smoking but because of the prices and the health issues associated with analogs, this seems to be the most affordable, the most enjoyable and more healthy alternative to smoking, I just usually tell people, "I quit smoking "cigarettes" but I didn't really want to quit "smoking"" with added quotation hand motions. Eventually, I'll quit entirely. I'm going down in nicotine and even found myself without vaping for a whole day a few days ago. But for now, I want to enjoy this moment.
Sinikal Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 let your mom know that there is another mom out there who feels much better about the vaping than the analogs for her kids, it might ease her mind just a little bit. Actually last week i e-mailed her an interesting article with a ton of facts about e-cigs. I was on the phone with her a few days ago and asked if she read it. She said she did and was happy that i wasnt inhaling 4,000 chemicals into my lungs anymore. I think she is content with me vaping after i sent her that article, but i just have a feeling she would rather me be doing nothing. She smoked for 12yrs before having me, maybe she is just mad because she had to quit cold turkey
NeRo9k Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I had to have many conversations and answer a ton of questions from my mom. I got frustrated that she wasn't understanding. She eventually got it after the long conversations and the overload of articles I sent her.
keenan Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I used to get SOOOOOOOOO much crap for my smoking, and it was deserved because I smoked 3 plus packs a day. But I always told people to kiss my white Irish arse, DO NOT judge me for doing something that is 100 % legal in 50 states ! i havent had any negative reactions to vaping, I almost wish someone WOULD say something to me so I can open up a can o whoopas* on them. StevenP 1
variven Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 I get it from Mother-in-law constantly !!!!!!!!!!! That's still addiction over and over and over.I ignore her with grace and dignity.I'm Southern lol,I can't tell her to **** off.Everyone else I just tell them it's my new N.D.S. N=Nicotine D=Delivery S-System Then I tell them to **** off!!!!!!!!!! Vari
vapemudgeon Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 I get it from Mother-in-law constantly !!!!!!!!!!! That's still addiction over and over and over.I ignore her with grace and dignity.I'm Southern lol,I can't tell her to **** off.Everyone else I just tell them it's my new N.D.S. N=Nicotine D=Delivery S-System Then I tell them to **** off!!!!!!!!!! Vari I'm, with you vari ! I'm 51 and to HE$% with 'em all. My boss says "I decided to quit so I just quit and you're a wus if you don't" ! And I say I like to smoke and really didn't want to quit... But my lungs were feeling a bit.... nasty ! I found vaping and I really enjoy it ! So again I say to HE%^ with 'em all !!!!!!! OH, and "Have a nice day" !!!!!!!!
Speakeasy Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 Great posts.. I think we all need to remember that we aren't smoking any longer. Regardless of whether people understand these HUGE benefits or not, we know that what we're doing can hardly even be likened to analogs. We vapers should start approaching this topic from the knowledge that it IS safe, not just "safer". What do you think the success rate of quiting analogs with the personal vaporizer is, compared to other forms of NRTs? I personally feel that the popularity of the e-cig will, and has been, growing exponentially. I think it can be compared to the cell phone and it's predecessor...
variven Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 Not to mention people who DON'T smoke can still vape! Just use 0 nic.Get all those wild flavors lol! Vari
Jeffb Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 I always got crap from people at work because I smoked. Everyone seemed to have a loved one who died of lung cancer and I became the focus of their anger and condemnation. When I got my e-cig, I showed that thing off like a girl with an engagement ring. People loved it and always wanted to see it work. I'm doing my part to be a good ambassodor for the cause. StevenP 1
kitsune Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 I know I have replaced one addiction with another. Vaping has been better for me than smoking, but in the end It is another addiction. The same goes for those that have quit smoking and chew nic gum continuously or eat or what ever else replaced smoking. I have explained to many that it is a Nicotine replacement device--like the gum and the patch. I have taken to using the term Nicotine inhaler--less negative terminology. There will always be ignorance And there will always be those that see it as 'cheating'-- We are 'cheating' the tobacco companies out of their cut We are 'cheating' when we can vape and smokers can't smoke I Just smile and say 'cheating' is the best thing that ever happened to me !!!!
Schizophretard Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 I rather vaping being in the category of smoking and chewing then in the category of the patch and gum. We enjoy much freedom to vape right now only because it is new. The likely future is that it is either going to be taken over by Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, or BANNED. I'm 28 years old and nicotine addiction is usually and most likely for me a life long addiction. We must look to the future. The freedom we enjoy is most likely not going to last our lives. Which future do you want? One where it is controlled by Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, or BANNED? I rather buy a PV from Marlboro then getting a prescription from a doctor. I believe that if it is seen as an alternative to the patch or gum we will have more problems then if it is seen as an alternative to smoking or chew. Also, I believe it makes the likelihood of a ban even more likely. I rather be compared to a smoker than someone on the patch. I think one reason why we maybe called cheaters by smokers at the work place is because in a way we are cheating them. We used to have to wait for our smoke breaks. We used to be the disgusting minority. Now we are basically saying to the group we were once a part of,"I'm not one of you. I'm a nonsmoker." I rather smokers be on my side because people who have never smoked wont be because they can't relate. People who have never smoked will always have a "QUIT OR DIE!" view of smoking. If we "cheat" by mimicking the hand to mouth and blowing out "smoke" behavior but behave as nonsmokers then no one will accept us. The smokers at work will think we should be treated like them by having smoke breaks and the nonsmokers will believe the same plus believe we should "QUIT OR DIE!" I believe that only partially behaving as smokers will give us no allies and we are a bigger minority than smokers. I'm going to team up with the smokers because if I go it alone I will lose more of my freedom to vape than I can handle. I'm going to mimic the behavior of smokers the best I can which means smoke breaks and no smoking in nonsmoking areas. I lived like that most of my life and don't mind it much. What I don't like is being unhealthy from smoking. I'm going to live like a smoker and educate others about the truth of vaping. I'm not going to get in anyone's face about it.
Adam Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 I get crap from people all the time. I either get "you look like an idiot smoking that stupid thing" or "why dont you just quit... i did" and i just tell them to bug off, only i use more colorful words... I dont give a crap what other folks say so i cant say that it really bothers me
Speakeasy Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 I get crap from people all the time. I either get "you look like an idiot smoking that stupid thing" or "why dont you just quit... i did" and i just tell them to bug off, only i use more colorful words... I dont give a crap what other folks say so i cant say that it really bothers me Any person, whether ex-smoker or non-smoker, that says things like that to someone who is trying to help themselves and their family is clearly speaking without thinking. It's like criticizing a fat man for the way in which he is successfully loosing weight. Or even telling a drug or alcohol addict who is succeeding in their sobriety is failing due to the method that is keeping them from abuse. Ridiculous, immature, and very weak.
Jeffb Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 I showed my PV to lady at work who knew I used to smoke. She said she was so proud of me but asked when am I going to completely quit. I immediately thought of this thread and smiled. I told her my goal is to get to 0 nicotine but I actually enjoy vaping and I don't have any plans to stop. She looked at me like I was f@##n stupid. It didn't bother me at all. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions. No matter how ignorant.
icarus Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 (edited) I just ignore the ones that complain because if they didn't have vaping to complain about they would find something else to complain about. Some people seem to look for something to get upset about and they always seem to find something. If it's not vaping or smoking it will be the way someone talks or the way they walk. More power to them they are welcome to go through life complaining they aren't happy with something about their life or themselves and that is the reason they are complaining it has nothing to do with the person or thing they are complaining about I hope for their sake one day they can find some peace. I love vaping, was so tired of my son telling me he didn't want me to die everytime I went outside and lit a cig , at least I know my son and my family are very happy now that I am no longer digging myself an early grave. Edited November 26, 2009 by icarus
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