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Things to expect in the future...

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The site is growing at a steady rate and we're getting over 40,000 views a month. As such we are constantly improving the way the site functions. If the site slows we will move, if the members need more space we will try our best to get it. I'm sure you have already noticed the lack of SQL errors since our recent server move. Our original server just couldn't handle the traffic. We managed to get the site moved over to the new server and running again in less then 10 hours. Impressive!

We are currently using Invision Power Board to manage our forums. We will be moving over to version 3.0 in the next couple of months. The staff and I are running a hidden BETA board that is running quite well. Which is great! So what will the new board feature? (By the way the board change will not be as dramatic as the last change, just a different look and easier use of control panel features, you shouldn't have a hard time adjusting at all it will also take less than an hour at the most to implement the new board)


There will be a great focus on usability and streamlining functions. The introduction of a new template engine is something we are very excited about. Search engine friendly URLs will not only make our community more interesting to search engine spiders but allow for more human-friendly linking. The SEO on it's own should bring in a ton of new members. You guys, I'm sure, will be experts by then


The overhauled BB Code manager will allow forum administrators greater control over how users interact with the community. What does this mean in a nut shell? Easier ways to implement videos. That has been the biggest complaint and we're working on it!


There will be quite a few new features but, for now, we will save those for our upcoming posts to reveal what's new. A quick sampling: user reputation system and easier video embedding. New posts will also display on the front page. User Blogs and IB Gallery will be something to expect in the future.

I have also created a new forum area for members to submit suggestions and feedback to us:


Other Notes:

If you haven't already seen it, here is our Movie Trailer we just whipped up for our shows. It's more for humor than anything else :) Don't forget to hit the HQ button to see it in High Quality

You can see more of our videos by visiting our new show area: http://www.esmoketalk.com/shows/index.html

I will also PM a link to our top posting members for a sneak peak at the new board. :)

See you around on the board!

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