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Since this is on my mind and I'm running out of ideas for contests, the prize this time comes straight from Fadora.

Compenstine has donated some juice (10 ml bottles), for your vaping pleasure. He says you get to pick what flavor and he'll customize it till the cows come home. This means you get to pick the flavor, the PG/VG and nic level.

Take this will a high level of sarcasm:

What am I looking forward to next week? <-- add sarcasm here.

Hopefully, Monday morning. Early.

Here's a hint to get you going. I have never in my life known anyone who likes doing (or getting this done) to them. Ever. :)

Posted (edited)

Shivers :cry:

Comp, is this in response to my contest answer or you having to customize the bejeezus out of a juice? Lol

Tam, there are soooo many places I could go with this... but I'll start out with the obvious...

Brazilian Wax? :D

I think a Brazilian wax would be more pleasant. :)

Same with mammogram. Lol

Edited by Tameiki

In that case, I'll stick with Mammogram! I don't know a single woman that looks forward to those :)

The answer is universal and applies to men and women. It does not discriminate. :)


Haha... something painful and unpleasant... not just for women...

Refinancing your house!!


It is painful and unpleasant, but not the answer. Good one, though. :)


Being tied to a chair and forced to watch Sharknado AND Sharknado2, back to back :D

Is Sharknado 2 out already? The first one was so bad it was good -- and a guilty pleasure. I like your answers, though. :D


Is Sharknado 2 out already? The first one was so bad it was good -- and a guilty pleasure. I like your answers, though. :D

Yes, it was released last week... watched it twice so far, and an encore is tonight on SyFy... yes, a guilty pleasure of bad B-movies!!


Yes, it was released last week... watched it twice so far, and an encore is tonight on SyFy... yes, a guilty pleasure of bad B-movies!!

I'll have to set the DVR to record it then. Thanks!


You're getting a pedicure... no, wait.. that's supposed to be fun... :)


Yeah, wouldn't wish that on anyone... not even my worst enemy :(


You're getting a pedicure... no, wait.. that's supposed to be fun... :)


You're on the right track, it's medical/health related. Yeah, colonoscopies are not fun from what I've heard. And pedicures can be extremely painful in the hands of someone who is not gentle.

You're coming up with some excellent answers, just not the right one. :(

Posted (edited)

I'm beginning to see a pattern here... 50 other members let me narrow it down for them, so they can swoop in for the kill :)

LOL! You got me! You've seen through my nefarious plan. Aaaarrrrrggggghhhh! :lol:

It's either that or you scared them off and you've got the playing field all to yourself. ;)

Edited by Tameiki

I gonna say have your teeth drilled or pulled

And the moth man is a winner! :)

Yeah, I've got a tooth that's dying so there's a root canal and paying for a crown in my very near future. Like Monday.

PM Compenstine your choice of flavor, nic level, and PG/VG ratio. He'll get that out to you next week. Congrats! :D


Dang, Crush... that was my next guess... "get a filling"

Hey, you've been a great sport playing in these contests. PM Comp your shipping address, the flavor you want, nic and PG/VG ratio. I'll make arrangements with Comp for the juice. My treat. :)


Had a root canal done on one tooth years ago and that dentist wasn't that bad, people made it out a lot worse than what it was. I take my daughter to that same dentist now.

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