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So I ordered one online and couldn't wait until it would be delivered in two days so I bought one locally also, Two is still better than one in the vaping world, right? :)

This clone has a center post that isn't long enough to make contact on my Stingray clone, If I loosen the post to reach it fits loose and leaks into my mod.

Anyone run into this?

It works as is on my Nemisis with the adjustable top pin just fine.

How about leaving the dripwell bare of cotton except for the wicks? Or do you find a small layer helps keep juice more in place?

Sadly the one I bought today was black and a copper acv ring, my one in the mail is stainless.

The coating may get sanded off if it starts looking beat up like I'm sure it will.

Oh and BTW, The Magma is the best darn ANYTHING that uses a coil and wick.

Best flavor hands down, but also produces massive vapor even on a .6 ohm thuper sekret Thundercat coil build!

Lol j/k I'm just a normal skilled vapor.

Posted (edited)

I Dont add the extra cotton just cut em longer and lay them on one side of the well, stays in fine and I keep filling them till they're kinda way full give it a sec and fill again.

I like mine .5-.6 its a great coil not secret simple, :whispers behind hand: got to find out secret coil build.

The magma and clone usually have a longer connection then I've seen on others. That's odd..

But if you can make it work Cool .

I did go down to .3 and it wasn't a nice Vape for me.

It produces nice clouds doesn't it lol.

Have fun and congrats.

2 is always better than 1

Edited by Mtdobies

My rayon should be here soon so I'll leave the wicks a bit longer next time.

I found a single wrap of a thin oring around the end of the post snugged it up and left it just a bit longer so the connection now fits my Stingray.

Mine came with two premade coils that looked like 22 gauge and it came out too .2 ohms, way too hot for me. I went threw juice way to fast with it also.

I did a 30g twisted dual coil at 10 wraps at .6 and I find it perfect. I prefer flavor over clouds but I can still do massive ones if I want too.

With my Double Cross rda I stuck with 18mg, but now I'll be ordering 12mg and even some 6MG.

I always think it will be impossible to make a better rba/rad and the next month they prove me wrong.


I do occasionally go up to 12 when I'm testing juice but since I Vape almost exclusively on my magma these days I'm pretty happy at 6 nic even 3-0 nic.

.2 would kick my butt, I am so happy at where I am w .5 I'm sticking w it, I like wrapping 28g.

However Mothy sent me twisted wire and I'm gonna try that tonight.

I can't wait..

Clouds are fun building is more fun but I couldn't taste anything on a regular tank set up. Was hating buying new juice until Josh talked me thru getting the magma.

I'm really shocked about the center post, mines long on my stingray, takes some fiddling but I like it.


Luckily all my new juice I just ordered was 4 bottles of 12mg, so that worked out.

The clone was in a box saying "cigreen" on it, that store I bought it at I'm pretty sure buys from fasttech.

It seems the 510 threaded post is short on the Magma making the post too short also, my stingray always needs fiddling when putting something new on it. The Nemisis is a lot easier to work with imo.

Ok, back to vapen!



Please for the love of beer and hookers, Check that your mechs firing button can hold the fire button safely with a heavy Magma rda on it.

It had never been an issue before, but it was tonight.

It's a copper mod and heavy anyhow, Plus it had crappy magnets in the switch.

So I burnt my fingers when I picked it up, and burned them further trying to get the end cap off.

Luckily all that was lost was my wick which tasted burnt also.

The VTC5 cell was hot, but fine. But much longer I'm sure a fire would have happened.

After a rewick I still taste the burnt juice unfortunately.

I also just found replacement magnets online and using my Nemisis' bottom which was already upgraded to much stronger magnets afterI bought it.

Posted (edited)

Glad you got thru that one okay.

ya I've done it pulled

Battery down to 2.4 no venting but boy was it hot

Now that that's past it should be smooth.sailing. clean the Magma and run hot water down the airflow holes let it clean out I did it w a needle. Now no burnt juice taste.

Really glad your OK.

Edited by Mtdobies

The cell only went down too 3.5v and looks perfectly fine, I'll mark it so I keep an eye on it.

I should have rinsed the mod, but the burnt taste is finally going away.

I've always had issues with the Stingrays switch due to the floating top pin and binding in the switch.

But should all be smooth sailing now, errrr I hope. Lol


.9 I bet the taste is incredible.

It's pretty darn good, still trying different builds and stuff on this rda to see what it can do with vapor and flavor. So far, anything I throw at it makes awesome flavor and clouds!

Its a fact! I went down to .3 was way to hot for me, built single strand duel coil @ .5 loved flavor and vapor there too. Just haven't gone higher ohms. Its perfect for me the clouds are great flavor is good.

Different builds are fun and I want to try some but I use it so much now hate to interrupt my vaping on it to build. Thinking a patriot is in order.


I am trying out different coil builds too. Currently at .5. It is a little warm than I am used to with .8 but it actually taste great with bakery flavors. I could get used to that. :)

Anyone getting better flavor when coil sits higher above the airhole... like flush to the top of the posts or just a tad above it?

Posted (edited)

I go up a bit, seems like better flow to me

I love bakery flavors so now I have to go build a higher ohm lol a .8 thx

Edited by Mtdobies

I'll be shooting for .9ohms when my rayon shows up.

.6 is a bit warm still for my tastes.

I was able to justify the purchase of the second Magna knowing I could vape one and test coil builds on the other.

Imo cream based juices I love that are lite in the flavor dept. Don't do very well at very low ohms.

A few things I love about the Magma is the deep juice well that holds double what my smaller Double Cross rda does.

Also it's 22mm so it looks natural on an 18650 mech, and the bigger build deck allows for more coil configurations without worry of it being too close to the posts or sides of the cap.

I do wish someone would build a air intake in the top of the cap instead of level with the deck so juice won't leak out if you happen to overfill it.


Yep! I like the same kinda juices. Wish the place you recommended had more options .

I'm thinking about the higher ohm.

Yea I hate the juice oozing too so I just slowed down a hair and doesn't happen as often. Lol


I'm really loving this rda with my new box mod. I can build a dual coil at 1.5 ohm and get all kinds of flavor in a 30 watt range, 50 is alittle much atm for me lol.

Posted (edited)

Yeah I guess it will also depend on juice too though, some do better lower and higher. It won't really burn, especially with the juice wells nice and full. If your just running single coil, when you take a hit, hold it so the coil is facing you, and pick up the bottom of the mod so the juice runs straight to the coil and wick. Powerful flavor shot everytime!

Edited by yeroc1982

A VW mod works just like a mech, we just adjust the resistance instead of the watts to do the same job.

Coil surface area,airflow and wicking have to be more optimum to keep scorching from happening.

It's a heck of a lot easier to hit a button to adjust the watts on a VW mod than it is to build a new coil and change the resistance with a mech.

Until the new high amp VW mods like the DNA lines usually a VW mod couldn't do what a mech does.


I go up a bit, seems like better flow to me

I love bakery flavors so now I have to go build a higher ohm lol a .8 thx

I meant bakery flavors do well with warmer vape, and at .5 seems to be the sweet spot for me on bakery flavors. Sorry for the confusion.

I got Vulcan RDA by VLS today. They are dropping the price since the clones are rolling out soon. I guess they do not want to get stuck with a large inventory.

I still like the magma better but I only did a quick .8 dual build on the vulcan - tighter air draw, does not produce a lot of vapor, and a toss up on flavor between magma and vulcan.

Then again, I have yet to play with it long enough to draw a more objective comparison. It is sexy as hell though. :)

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