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When you say stuff like "my night fell apart quicker than a tank cracking juice can melt an evod tank" and your co-workers look at you like you've just gone stark raving mad.

I work in healthcare so yes, my nice quiet evening can go south that fast!


It must be something in the water or air... today has been a real PITA for me too... I feel like a cracked tank, lol


When you can pick out the smokers' rooms in a motel just by walking past the door ............ You Know You're a Vapor.

When traveling, you look for vape shops to visit on your stops ............ You Know You're a Vapor.

When you spot a stranger carrying one of those "funny looking things", and strike up a conversation ...... You Know You're a Vapor.

When you wear a t-shirt printed with "Dude! It's Only Vapor" ........ well........


@mtdobies, it's just that HOF weekend is a HUGE thing around here. And the excitement builds up to the Grande Parade and the HOF enshrinement. Everyone can feel the excitement (kinda like kids at Christmas) and of course that filters down to the residents of the home. Our facility is along the route of the parade and last night they ALL knew the parade was today. Oy vey!

@aufin, yep, that sounds like me alright! Well, except for the t-shirt part!

@Earthling, right now I feel like a shattered tank!


VapeMama you can get one of those tee-shirts at Vape Dudes. I have 2 of them. They sent them to me as a gift when I placed an order. What do you do in healthcare? I'm a nurse.


I hear that christov11! I just cashed out a small account I had so I'm trying to decide on the "next" vape gear purchase. I think I have it nailed down, then I change my mind. Oh the perils of SHINY-ITIS!

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