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hi guys,

I'm wondering if any of you have experienced a sore mouth from Vaping? I'm thinking that it could have something to do with the juice getting into my mouth or on my tongue. Sometimes I've even noticed that on my tongue or on the inside of my cheek, I'll get what feels sort of like a cold sore, BUT its on the INSIDE of my mouth, not the outside as in the case of a cold sore but it feels sort of raw and hurts. It will go away, then it will come back in a few weeks.

Whats odd is that my mother and uncle who vape also, have mentioned the same thing, and I didn't mention my situation until they had told me first. Thats too much of a coincidence I think for it just to be random which is why I'm wondering if anyone else has had anything similar happen.


Hmmm, I havent had that happen, nor heard of it. However, one thing to consider- you mentioned that they vape as well. Do you "share" PV's with each other. You may have inadverdantly passed the "cold sore" back and forth to each other.


Actually, this happened to me as well! I didn't think it was the juice per se, but rather the way I started drawing from the e-cig.

I have the 901 automatic and it's considerably heavy then a traditional cigarette since I would have it hanging from one side of my lips. lower cheek area would slightly scrap again my lower teeth causing this irritating. Now that I support the e-cig and draw straight on instead of hanging from my lips or sides, I don't feel that slight 'cold sore' type of irritation anymore, I seriously thought it was something to do with the e-cig, I could be wrong though. Just my experience so far.

Posted (edited)

Hey Chris, here is a small fact i found.

The exact cause of most canker sores is unknown. Stress or tissue injury is thought to be the cause of simple canker sores. Certain foods - including citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables (such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries) - can trigger a canker sore or make the problem worse. Sometimes a sharp tooth surface or dental appliance, such as braces or ill-fitting dentures, might also trigger canker sores.

Could be from the foods you are eating, or maybe your drinking more soda or juice while vaping. Could also be from the constant pressing of the mouthpiece thats rubbing your lip against your teeth or your cheek contraction when you take a draw from your e-cig. Give it a week or so and it should go away, try taking a q-tip and putting some hydrogen peroxide on it and dabbing at the sore. :thumbsup:

(Moving to health and safety)

Edited by Sinikal

It has happened to me and I attribute it to the increase in juice (drinking) that I've been consuming during vaping. I haven't had one since I switched to water or Diet Coke while vaping.


I've been getting them also.I think it could be from the nicotine.We're getting it much more directly than from an analog.Prolly stronger too.



  On 11/23/2009 at 12:09 AM, keenan said:

Hmmm, I havent had that happen, nor heard of it. However, one thing to consider- you mentioned that they vape as well. Do you "share" PV's with each other. You may have inadverdantly passed the "cold sore" back and forth to each other.

OF COURSE WE DON'T SHARE THE SAME E-CIG! I've actually got about 4 different models and a total of 20 just for myself ALONE. I change filters every 2 days. I do know that one particular juice I had when I used it, my mouth would be sore all over. It came in a dark brown glass bottle and used the eye dropper with a black rubber end. I can't remember if that particular juice came from China, or if I got it from here as I threw it out about a week ago.

I'm wondering if maybe I can switch to VG instead of the PG and maybe that will help. Considering that at least a few of you guys have also experienced something similar, I'm surprised we haven't heard more on this, and a way to avoid it or something. My fluid intake has not changed at all since I've been vaping.


  On 11/23/2009 at 1:05 AM, chrisahx said:

OF COURSE WE DON'T SHARE THE SAME E-CIG! I've actually got about 4 different models and a total of 20 just for myself ALONE. I change filters every 2 days. I do know that one particular juice I had when I used it, my mouth would be sore all over. It came in a dark brown glass bottle and used the eye dropper with a black rubber end. I can't remember if that particular juice came from China, or if I got it from here as I threw it out about a week ago.

I'm wondering if maybe I can switch to VG instead of the PG and maybe that will help. Considering that at least a few of you guys have also experienced something similar, I'm surprised we haven't heard more on this, and a way to avoid it or something. My fluid intake has not changed at all since I've been vaping.

I shouldve been a little clearer, I apologize. What I meant was, as they are like a novelty to some, letting someone take a hit off of yours with a new flavor, or something like that. When I get a new flavor, i let my son and wife try it out. Thats one way you can pass a cold sore, as well as other things. I didnt mean to imply you were unsanitary. Again, Im sorry.


Another thing is that people tend to use the same mouth piece over and over again. Make sure you give it a wipe down with some rubbing alcohol to make sure it's clean, same thing goes for the cap and threading around the bottle.


  On 11/23/2009 at 1:05 AM, chrisahx said:

I do know that one particular juice I had when I used it, my mouth would be sore all over. It came in a dark brown glass bottle and used the eye dropper with a black rubber end. I can't remember if that particular juice came from China, or if I got it from here as I threw it out about a week ago.

From the packaging it sounds like Johnson's Creek liquid. It's made here in the US, and usually one of the best.

I'm kind of wondering whether or not you may be allergic to either the flavorings or the PG. Those kind of food (flavoring) allergies run in families, too.

You might try switching to a different type of flavor and see if that helps.


  On 11/23/2009 at 2:27 AM, Christopher said:

Another thing is that people tend to use the same mouth piece over and over again. Make sure you give it a wipe down with some rubbing alcohol to make sure it's clean, same thing goes for the cap and threading around the bottle.

THATS what I meant to say !


When I first started vaping I experienced chapped lips for a week. I was using pre-filled NJOY carts. When I switched to Dekang liquid it went away. Could have been the weather change though.


  On 11/23/2009 at 3:04 AM, BirdDog said:

Has anyone noticed a change in their bite and maybe some soreness with the jaw muscles?

No, but THAT can be a problem !


This was in the "Info Area" of VaporTalk:

.) Mouth Ulcers / Canker Sores - multiple folks have experienced this. Oral ulcers are a common result of ceased cigarette smoking, affecting about two out of five quitters. The nicotine being absorbed through your mouth can also exacerbate this, as folks using nicotine gum also have experienced these mouth sores. After you vap, drink something to rinse your mouth out. This will get the nic out of your mouth and not give it a chance to sit there and irritate your mouth tissue and cause a sore.


  On 11/23/2009 at 3:04 AM, BirdDog said:

Has anyone noticed a change in their bite and maybe some soreness with the jaw muscles?

Stress has those same symptoms. Maybe your responding to a decrease in nicotine.


  On 11/23/2009 at 3:41 AM, jeffb said:

Stress has those same symptoms. Maybe your responding to a decrease in nicotine.

I should have started a new topic. I am pretty sure that it is from the mouth piece, not juice. I have had a lot of stress right now, no decrease in nicotine. Could be a combo of both. I have noticed this when I got my 801. They have the flat tips.


  On 11/23/2009 at 3:46 AM, BirdDog said:

I should have started a new topic. I am pretty sure that it is from the mouth piece, not juice. I have had a lot of stress right now, no decrease in nicotine. Could be a combo of both. I have noticed this when I got my 801. They have the flat tips.

I get this too, with my 901, but i usually attribute it all to the way i was drawing for the first week when I got it, I was puckering up a lot and drew my jaw out more.


I've gotten a lot of canker sores from nicotine in general. I was on the gum for way too long, more than a year before I switched to vaping. I pretty much had them continually when I was using the gum, and what sucks even more is my family is very prone to getting them from stress, and other non nicotine related factors..

All that said, since I've switched to vaping, I have only gotten a few, although I can;t tolerate any juice in my mouth anymore, because of the prolonged exposure to straight nicotine from the nicotine gum I used. If I do get juice in my mouth, I have to thoroughly rinse my mouth out for at least a minute. If I don't I will be assured of sore gums and or a canker sore where the juice made contact with my mouth tissue.

I have also gotten some canker sores from the rubbing of my cheeks on my back molars, particularly with my Janty Stick, when I first got it.. I was having trouble with the atomizer and was sucking my cheeks in way too much against my teeth. I got the atty problem fixed which in turn fixed the draw and haven't been having too many issues since then.

In all, after I vape I try to rinse my mouth out with water, and If I don't have a sink around or anything at least gulp some water down to clear out my mouth and this has alleviated the canker sore problems. I spoke to my dentist about all of this, and he is the one who suggested that I rinse after I vape. He said that the rinsing along with the mouth's super fast healing should keep me fixed up, and all in all was supportive of vaping vs the gum, and especially smoking. He said of the three, that vaping was by far the "healthies" of all three.


I'm with Hawk on this. If I get liquid in my mouth or on my lips i make sure I rinse with water or other liquid. I do find I drink more water with vaping--bit of a dry mouth at times.

some people are more prone to canker sores than others--I am one of those that gets canker sores for various reasons--e-liquid is a definite cause for me.

BirdDog--I have heard this a few times. from vaping very heavily or holding the e-cig in their mouth--much heavier than a cigarette.


I've been getting acne again...I'm 24 and haven't really had acne since I was younger. I moved right when I started vaping; but, it could be new silk sheets, effects of quitting cigarettes, or vaping. I hope it's not vaping, but every day my face get a few more. I still look alright, it's just annoying to not have them for so long then for them to pop up again.


  On 11/23/2009 at 5:29 PM, NeRo9k said:

I've been getting acne again...I'm 24 and haven't really had acne since I was younger. I moved right when I started vaping; but, it could be new silk sheets, effects of quitting cigarettes, or vaping. I hope it's not vaping, but every day my face get a few more. I still look alright, it's just annoying to not have them for so long then for them to pop up again.

Years ago, when I was in my mid 20's, I developed something called "Adult Onset Acne". I'd never had acne as a teenager so it came as quite a shock.

When I went to the doctor, the first thing that my dermatologist asked me was, "What is going on in your life right now?". I told him that I'd just moved to a new city, started a new job as a manager of new office, gotten engaged and bought a house, all within three months. He looked at me and said, "I'll treat you and give you some medicine to help, but I suspect that this acne will disappear on its own when your life settles down and you are less stressed".

The doctor was absolutely right. The acne disappeared with six months, as swiftly as it came, it went away.

Stress can be really tough on the body sometimes, and can even get to the best of us.


  On 11/23/2009 at 2:27 AM, Kmel said:

From the packaging it sounds like Johnson's Creek liquid. It's made here in the US, and usually one of the best.

I'm kind of wondering whether or not you may be allergic to either the flavorings or the PG. Those kind of food (flavoring) allergies run in families, too.

You might try switching to a different type of flavor and see if that helps.

I'm adopted, so there's nothing running in the family on this. Plus with others experiencing this effect, I think we all really need to admit this is a potential problem/issue AND that if we are ever going to get national attention or acceptance, it better be something that is easily rectified. If its the PG causing this problem, can VG be used effectively? The juice that I threw away which seemed to be the most irritating was NOT Johnson Creek, I'm pretty sure this juice was made in China, in fact I even stated I thought it might have been a juice I placed with a direct china E-Cig order. I hate the fact that this happened. These things have helped me quit smoking outright, and I know if I stop using these, I'll go back to analogs in a second. I've just started to enjoy being able to vape virtually anywhere I go now, so to have to quit is something I definitely don't want to happen. I think I'm going to send an email to one of the USA juice suppliers and tell them about my experience and see what they say? Surely with as many people on here having experienced this, or something similar, they will have some answers.

I remember a a month or two ago seeing a youtube video if this guy who used snoosh (a pre-packaged mini tobacco from Sweden) soaked in Vegetable Glycerin inside an empty cart of a Kissbox. He said it produced a satisfying vapor AND that if ever a ban were to come about, this would get around it. (Whether thats true or not, I don't know, I'm only repeating what the guy said) I actually ordered some snoosh after I saw this video, but I have yet to buy any VG and try it. Although with this problem occurring, I'm definitely going to be ordering me some VG this week!


  On 11/24/2009 at 2:01 AM, chrisahx said:

I'm adopted, so there's nothing running in the family on this. Plus with others experiencing this effect, I think we all really need to admit this is a potential problem/issue

I am not trying to cover up anything. I just have had none of these symptoms which is kind of weird for me because I am allergic to just about everything, including having severe allergic asthma and pretty much being the poster child for skin allergies. (My dermatologist actually called in his nurses to see the severity of my reactions to the patch test and then asked my permission to take photos. I was mortified.) Doesn't mean that it isn't real for you, just that the worst symptom I have ever had from vaping was to get the hiccups from swallowing juice. I am usually the canary in the coal mine for allergies -- but it seems that this is not the case with me and vaping. Took to it like a fish to water.

I am sad that you are having this problem.


Thanks for the info, I guess it could be all of the change in my life that happened so suddenly. I'll wait it out and see, either way it's not that bad so I'll live.

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