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I'm gonna get a Kay fun lite. Am I going to be able to reach 2.0 ohms? I'm using a vamo v5 and is this a good rba to use with the vamo? If not what rba do you recommend that's rebuildable. Thanks


You seem dead set on 2.0 ohms. Why? I almost always vape with sub ohm coils (around .8) and rarely wrap higher than 1.5 (ish) coils. Less power means longer battery life and they heat up fast and stay hot. If you want a cooler vape, try a longer drip tip or something like CherryVapes Universal tip.


He may have one of the new mods that don't really down regulate. The lowest they go is battery voltage squared divided by resistance.


See if this works.


This is assuming you`ll be using a 1/8 in. drill bit like I do.

I really would`nt worry about a couple of tenths in any direction until you know what does what.

The Vamo cuts off at 1.3 or 1.2 ohms (depending on its sensitivity) so you can not go below that range.




I use a Vamo V5 and a Kayfun

My coil is 7 wraps of 32ga on a 5/64 drill bit gives 2.1ohms

Works great on the Vamo 2.1 is the sweet spot for a vamo

Flavor is good from 4watts all the way to 15watts

you wont get humongous vapor but willk get fantastic taste

Posted (edited)

I run 6.5wraps with 32g and come out to 1.6ohms. works perfect in my KFL+ and vamo V5.

Ignore the wick..I was taste testing flavors and using it like a dripper with scrap pieces of cotton. I normally have more wick than that for a regular build so it doesn't flood.



believe me when I say: you don't need 2.1ohm to get a nice vape from a kayfun. It's a completely different experience from a pre-built coil/tank setup....

the vape is much much cooler from a kayfun, the volume of vapor is at least 10x more than any regular tank, and the flavor is ridiculously strong.

and if you wick it right (it will take some practice and learning to get it just right) it will never get a dry hit...you can chain vape it back to back 5+ times in a row without taking a break and it will keep right up with you without vapor getting hot.

Edited by Mr Smith

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