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I'm new to forum and loving it so far. There's a ton of good advice and info available here and so that's why I would like to ask my question here instead of at one of the local shops. Seems like I might get more of a sales pitch in a store. I have been vaping for a couple months now and have recently decided to move to a mechanical mod. The mod I chose is the Panzer by MCV with an 18650 Sony vtc4 and I'm using an Aero tank @ 2 ohms. It seems to put off a decent amount of vapor but I'm curious if I can get much more without going to a full rebuildable coil. Let me know what you all think if you have any ideas or if I'm stuck for now. Thanks everybody.


The only way I can think of to get more vapor out of that setup is moving to a 1.5ohm coil head, and even then the difference will be minimal. Rebuilding the kanger coil heads with cotton allows for more vapor and flavor, but in that case you would be better off just moving to a Kayfun or the like. I personally think the nautilus puts out more vapor than the aero-tank, but again the difference is minimal IMO.

Hope this helps, and welcome!


Here is what I'm using. Authentic Panzer with Sony 18650 vtc4 inside and Kanger AeroTank with 2 ohm coil. Not sure if the mod and tank combo matters but there it is.


I really like the 1.5 Ohm coils (over 2.0 Ohm) with my AeroTanks, especially when using a static-Voltage battery. I've used the 2.0 in them and vapor is "anemic" by comparison (again, static-Voltage).

Now, if you are using a VV/VW device there is little difference because Wattage can get set constant, or Voltage can be varied to achieve similar results between the two. If I set my MVP on 9W, the difference between 1.5 and 2.0 Ohms is not noticeable. But, on a static voltage device like your Panzer (or even an eGo), there will be a difference between the two because Voltage is constant and Coil Resistance is the variable.


Don't forget your pg/vg ratio in your juice. Up your vg and you'll get more vapor


Oh cool so there is an option for my setup to produce a bit more vapor. I'll have to try that. I appreciate the welcome and the info guys.


If I were you I wouldn't go above 70 VG. Any more than that and you run the risk of gumming up your coils faster. :)


I got the 1.5 ohm coil at the local shop and did notice an increase in vapor production however I am also getting a much harsher throat hit. The liquid I'm using is 18mg nic and it's a 60/40 blend. Is the nic level to high? Or should I get some higher vg content? Sorry if these are silly questions and thanks for the help.


Higher nic level produces harsher throat hit. Also, more PG in a liquid can do the same. The 1.5 ohm coil could also affect throat hit. I prefer a 50/50 blend with a 1.8 ohm coil just for that reason. Your mileage may vary and it could be a combination of factors.


OK cool looks like I just need to play around with different combos. I'll experiment a bit and hopefully find a happy place. Thanks again and of coarse keep the advice coming.


This is also one of those times when it's good to have a variable voltage device. If you have a 1.5 ohm coil, you could just turn down your voltage and that would also help to off set the harshness.

For fruit flavors, on a 1.8 ohm coil, 50/50 blend, 12 mg nic, I go down to 3.3v. For a bakery flavored juice like apple pie (same set up), I turn it up to around 4.0v. The Vision Spinner and Vision Spinner 2 are great work horses and my go-to battery. My Magneto, iTaste VTR, Provari mini, etc. are all great devices but I prefer my Spinners. :)


I just might have to pick one of those up. Definitely gotta try a higher vg and lower nic content. Aren't the itaste devices variable as well tho? Or would that not be as good an option?


The nic content can make a difference in harshness but you'll want to keep a higher nic level until you're off the analogs for some time. It will help cut the cravings and will help with the withdrawals from the myriad of other carcinogens and other noxious things in regular cigarettes. If it were me I'd check the PG/VG ratio and the resistance of the coil first. Nic level would be the last thing I'd touch -- for now.

Innokin iTaste has several different types of VV and VV/VW selections. Only you will know what works best for your situation. The only reason why I suggested going with a VV battery to start is so you can have a dependable battery that's relatively simple to start. Like you're finding out with trying to dial in the tank and juice and such -- do you really want to mess with even more stuff on your battery while you're still learning? For me, that would be the one more additional part of a learning curve I'd prefer to let wait until later when I'm more confident in what I'm currently using. That's just my two cents. YMMV. :)

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