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I know its summer and I shouldnt worry but in winter it gets hella cold here.

Have any of you frozen juices? is it good to do it for storage? it is bad for the juice because of the ice crystals forming?

Im just wondering in case I forget some in the car. I would just go buy more but you never know where the next shop is!

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I leave some liquid on my boat and when we are not on it we do not run the air so I keep my liquid there in the fridge but not the freezer. I have seen it debated and a cool dry place is best, fridge not bad, and freezer not advised has been the seeming consensus of opinions I have read.

With that said I do not think it will hurt the liquid to be in freezing temps. Like batteries, heat is the main enemy.

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Unless it has a lot of water in it, it will not freeze. The freezing point is around -20 to -50 depending on the water content. It will get really thick, but just let it warm to room temp and shake well it will be fine.

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I live in Nw Montana only about 60 m from the border as the crow flies.

I've had -30 and lower and although the juice in my tank jelled much like diesel fuel will it didn't get worse it was on the ice fishing and exposed to weather for several hrs, No problems w it harming the tank or juice.

Just made it difficult to Vape like it would be w full VG actually a bit worse, but stuffed it in my pocket in a couple minutes it was fine. Juice did the same.. left in the truck by accident, It survived.

Battery didn't hold a charge well seemed to affect it more.

Its gonna be a cold one this winter I'm thinking, stay warm.

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I think we should bring it peronally to florida... spend a couple weeks there to escape old man winter! What do you say mtdobies? haha

Nice to know though I didnt think it would gel more than freeze but youre completely right.

As for the battery, maybe cold is good for storing the battery but when theres a discharge... would it discharge more energy?

were getting into physics now haha

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Ya I think fla would be a nice change, we can visit dragongunner, he won't mind. Extra help watching the juice bwuahaha

It seemed to work my vv3 down pretty fast by the first good cold ice fishing trip, noticed holding charge dropped each time.

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