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Hi Everybody,

I am interested in learning more about ecigarettes I am just wondering like everybody if it really works when you want to quit smoking and if it is not dangerous for my health.

I dont want to quit smoking poison to start inhaling another one.

Thanks for your help and all the information you can provide me with.



Well I can say two things;

Testimony abounds when it comes to ecigs and their benefit to help others stop smoking. Nearly one for one people report 2 major things: quitting smoking and an improvement in health as a result. No one here claims vaping is healthy but everyone claims it is healthier thsn smoking by a VERY wide margine. This is emperical evidence for sure.

The Health and Safety forum has lots of info and links to various aspects of health issues. I reccomend reading and watching everything there.


My wife and I quit smoking by vaping. She quit immediately and I followed a few days later. No issues with after meals morning coffee or the alchoholic beverage either. I'm sure it's not completely healthy but compared to a cigarette and the amount of toxins and carcinogens well.......vaping is undoubtably a move in the right direction. We both breathe alot better now and the wheezing is going away. We're not out of breath just walking up stairs or any incline for that matter. We've kept the nic level high for now because we're long time smokers. Next week we reduce the nic to 16mg. At first it was trying not hard by any means because we didn't have to go outside anymore for the nic fix alot of old ways changed because we could vape about anywhere at any time. So ya there were some mental adjustments. We tried a analog 3 weeks after we quit and well it was nasty and smelled bad. Personally it's worth it actually noticing the lungs clearing and feeling better. No more smell on clothing and exuding from the body after coming in the house. The best bonus for me is the money savings. The two of us would spend $11 a day on 2 packs and now it's $10 a week on 2 bottles of juice. Does it help you quit? Definately yes we smoked for over 30 years. Was it hard? Not really but there was an adjustment and learning curve. My only regret is that we didn't try it sooner. If you do decide to try take the great advice here into consideration ask around to see if there's a good shop in your area that you could go to for help too. We have a great place that helped us and only sold us what we needed they are always there for us when we need help too. Anyway welcome and I hope you find what your looking for good luck in your quit.


hello. I have used it to quit smoking and my health is closely monitored and my doctors don't have any concerns .


My wife and I did the same. I Had my last cig the first day I started vaping and my wife followed later that week. It's been well over a month now and I already notice improvements in my breathing, sense of smell and taste, and physical endurance has improved because I don't have to stop as much to catch my breath. So I answer this question with a very sincere yes. I will agree with TX biker on the learning curve but it's not a bad adjustment. Much more freedom than with the cigs for sure. Good luck to you whichever path you choose.


By pure chance, today marks 4-months since my last analog! My last physical (three weeks ago) shows me to be in FAR better physical condition than I was in February, and my wallet is a tiny bit fatter by saving 80% over the cost of analogs (compared to vaping). My doctor said my lung capacity has more than doubled... like growing another lung... and my bronchial wheezing (and cough) has completely vanished. My blood tests show "healthy" numbers normally seen in a 20-yr old. I've even lost a few pounds, too! I use to have issues just walking to the mailbox or a walk to the car in a long parking lot, but now I feel I can do back-flips all the way there and back (or at least jog the distance). A few weeks ago, I did a 12-mile hike with my sons and didn't feel the need for an ambulance or Oxygen tank... I felt like I could do another 12-miles (and the 23-yr-old was worn out)....

So, yes, smoking is polluting your body with hundreds if not thousands of toxins/carcinogens... The jury is still out on what long-term issues we'll suffer from vaping. The ingredients in juices are perfectly safe, but nobody knows for sure what happens at a molecular level when you burn them into an aerosol. That being said... in my book vaping is the ONLY successful method for me to quit analogs, and a far safer (and cheaper) method than Chantix, patches, etc... Remember also that nicotine is not the enemy... nicotine occurs naturally in nearly every fruit or vegetable you eat (albeit much smaller doses) :)

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