Speakeasy Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 We probably all know what it's like to be approached by people who have questions about the e-cigarette. But last night I got a question that frankly really stumped me. I was talking to a highly sceptical non-smoker, who has never smoked, who's wife was really wanting to quit analogs and seemed really curious about my 510. I got a new one last week. It's got the mega batt and it's stainless steel. She thought it looked really cool. So I'm talkin' to the wife, and she's acting like a kid, she's so excited. I let her try it even. It made her cough pretty bad. Of Course, I'm usin' 36mg juice. But her husband looks at it like its some kinda drug paraphernalia. I say all the stuff that we say about how its H2O vapor and doesn't give off second-hand smoke. I told her about how much cheaper it is than analogs. And I can tell this guy is just convinced that I'm some how rippin' them off. I mentioned that you buy them over the Internet and might as well of said that you have to buy them from Satan! Well she's just all into it and I can tell she really wants one bad but her old man just isn't impressed at all. He finally asked me about the nicotine and he asked me whether the nicotine his wife was exhaling could be inhaled by him or others. I was so dumb-founded by the question that for a second I couldn't respond. He noticed this and I think he thought right there that he had figured out the catch or something. I asked him if his wife smoked analogs around him and if he's ever felt addicted to cigarettes by being exposed the second-hand smoke, but the damage was already done, I think. By not supporting his wife's desire to do something positive about her smoking, he may be hurting her instead of protecting her from Satan. Anybody else have experiences like this?
Jeffb Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 In this particular instance I believe the husband wants her to completely quit smoking and in his mind vaping is the same thing. There is nothing that you could have said to change his feelings. Yes I do believe this had everything to do with feelings and not rational thinking. You could have pulled out scientific data that vaping cures cancer and the common cold and his mind would not have changed.
Sinikal Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 whether the nicotine his wife was exhaling could be inhaled by him or others Ive thought to myself the same question. I dont think anyone has anything to worry about as far as inhaling second hand nicotine. The vapor dissipates way too quickly for any inhalation. Unlike smoke, smoke lingers. Just keep that in mind
Speakeasy Posted November 22, 2009 Author Posted November 22, 2009 (edited) Yeah, these were older people,(50s)and he was pretty sceptical. You r right, of coarse, but I'm wondering now what to say to someone who might think that nicotine is expelled. I don't know. I'm pretty certain that all the nicotine is somehow catalized or something. I mean, how often do you find non-smoking/ex-smoking bartenders hooked on second-hand nicotine? Is it even possible with nicotine, you think? I honestly don't know.... Edited November 22, 2009 by Speakeasy
Travis798 Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 Yeah, these were older people,(50s)and he was pretty sceptical. You r right, of coarse, but I'm wondering now what to say to someone who might think that nicotine is expelled. I don't know. I'm pretty certain that all the nicotine is somehow catalized or something. I mean, how often do you find non-smoking/ex-smoking bartenders hooked on second-hand nicotine? Is it even possible with nicotine, you think? I honestly don't know.... I believe the FDA report did find trace elements of nicotine in the expelled vapor. What we need to make people understand is that nicotine in its self is not the devil. It's no more of a drug than caffeine, which I also have a pretty severe addiction to btw. It has been shown that those who use nicotine have a 50% less chance of developing Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease. It is used to help treat Tourette's syndrome, helps with symptoms of ADHD, can act as a pain reliever (coffee does this as well), and has other therapeutic uses. Just ask the guy if he eats Celery, Papaya, Coca, Tomatoes, Potatoes, etc as nicotine is found naturally in all of these.
keenan Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 This guy definitly sounds like he was a no-sell from the get go. Shame on him. He;s more concerned about HIS being subjected to MAYBE second hand nicotine, than he is about his wife inhaling arsenic ? Duh ! That makes about as much sense as a candle in a wind tunnel.
Christopher Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 You know what I would have told him? "Of course there is nicotine in the exhaled vapor" Easy. This sounds like the type of guy who knows there is something wrong and is waiting to hear the deal breaker. I work with assholes like this all the time. So instead, tell him the answer he thinks you don't want to say. A blunt "verbal ***** slap" as we like to call it, usually work with those types of guys. Just let him know that it's not perfect but many have already quite smoking by switching to the ecig. Let him know it's available in the store (this is important) but that it's much less expensive online. People are used to gimmicks coming from the Internet, if you let them know it's available in locals malls, but that the Internet sells them for Cheaper etc then it looks like your actually "having his back" That or just have him call the Vapor Talk Hotline. I'll take care of him.
vapemudgeon Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 You know what I would have told him? "Of course there is nicotine in the exhaled vapor" Easy. This sounds like the type of guy who knows there is something wrong and is waiting to hear the deal breaker. I work with assholes like this all the time. So instead, tell him the answer he thinks you don't want to say. A blunt "verbal ***** slap" as we like to call it, usually work with those types of guys. Just let him know that it's not perfect but many of already quite smoking by switching to the ecig. Let him know it's available in the store (this is important) but that it's much less expensive online. People are used to gimmicks coming from the Internet, if you let them know it's available in locals malls, but that the Internet sells them for Cheaper etc then it looks like your actually "having his back" That or just have him call the Vapor Talk Hotline. I'll take care of him. Now THATS why your the boss !!! Great answers Christopher ! And speakeasy, that has always been my argument about "Second hand" smoke..... If its enough to kill then why aint it enough to addict ? DOINNNNNNNNGGG!
keenan Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 "Verbal ***** Slap" ! ROFL ! I love this guy !
Sinikal Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 That or just have him call the Vapor Talk Hotline. I'll take care of him. MUAHAHAHA!!!
Fenwick Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 This is a question that I have been looking for an answer to. My wife brought it up because we have a one year old. I never smoked in the house or around the baby. But, I went buck wild when I started vaping. Once I started getting better devices, I started fogging up rooms and the car. At first we didn't think anything about it. But, then we started wondering, is it a good idea to vape in the car or the same room as the baby? I don't know. I am sure that it is not the same as second hand smoke, but we don't know enough about the true effects of this stuff yet. I still vape in the house and in the car, but not when the baby is sitting there. I really would like to know if anyone has any real research on this topic
Speakeasy Posted November 23, 2009 Author Posted November 23, 2009 (edited) Ok, ok, lol, let's just all settle down, here, lol. It has to be only trace amounts. You only absorb a fraction of what you inhale, even with analogs, right? For a baby in a car, it might not be a good idea. I'm not gonna go there, but I can't believe it's of any great consequence. Hey Chris, by your response should we assume that this issue has been written about before? DO you know much about this? Edited November 23, 2009 by Speakeasy
Schizophretard Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 If you exhale enough second hand nicotine that it causes a physical effect on the second hand inhaler then you can be sure that you are going to over dose. Our lungs are designed to absorb and they do an excellent job. Sure there will be second hand nicotine just like there is second hand oxygen from normal breathing but you will be dead if you received your oxygen only from second hand breath. As tar starts leaving your lungs and they get more healthy from vaping you will absorb more of the nicotine. Your lungs no longer have to try to absorb 4000 chemicals. Nicotine can be absorbed into the skin. Imagine how much of it is absorbed into healthy lungs.
SteveD1 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I just crack the window in the car to make everyone feel better.Something about the Vapor looking like the real thing just makes them uneasy.In the house I just dont blow it in anyones face...I did not smoke indoors either.I try to keep any flavors that leave any trace smell off my list..Sorry RY4 lovers this one lingers..
Travis798 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Okay, why do I feel the extreme need to go "verbal bitc h slap" somebody? I guess it's getting late enough I can get breakfast when the local cafe opens before going to bed, maybe someone will give me the chance there lmao.
NeRo9k Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I love the responses. Speakeasy, I hate when people are like this, they only see and hear what they want. If he doesn't want to consider his wife's health, that not only effects her but himself also.
VapnRealtor Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I just hate when people make negative assumptions and jump to negative conclusions without ever even doing any research on the subject. I by no means know everything there is to know about vaping but I know alot more than most non vapers out there and when someone says " Your just trading one habit for another" it totally makes me want to ***** slap them. Cause if you can't see how much better E-Cigs are than a regular cigarette you just arent too bright IMO. Over the weekend I went to visit my Mother and my stepfather just found out about the E-cig.I told him I have not had a cigarette in 6 weeks about it he immediately gave me a negative look like I was a naive',dumbass and said " You really didnt quit cause your still using that". It raised the hair on my back a bit and tried to explain but in his mind it's evidently all about the NICOTINE. PFFT Whatever I know whats up but man it gets frustrating at times dealing with ignorance. Derek
jmhester Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 (edited) Yeah, I went through this in another post. I think it's some kind of ego thing with some people. How could you possibly know something so cool and I've never even heard about it? Or maybe it's a I'm-better-than-you-because-I'm-not-hooked-on-anything syndrom. When the truth is that most americans can't even control what they put in their mouths on a day to day basis. But God forbid we find a way to enjoy ourselves and be healthy at the same time. I realized a long time ago that most liberals don't care about health, humanity, or the environment. They care about controling other people and making them conform to their beliefs. Diversity through conformity! Haters mostly hate other people to succeed. The same folks that are busting our chops about vaping instead of going cold turkey are the same ones that would be hating on you if you won the lottery. Dumb. Personally, I hope you all win the lottery and remember me in your wills! :P Edited November 23, 2009 by jmhester
keenan Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 (edited) @jmhester - Couldnt agree more ! Those type of people have names - Ellen Corbett , Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore , Barack Obama , Nancy Pelosi ....... the list goes on and on. They believe thier way is the ONLY way, and INSIST that everyone conform to it. Those that dont are sub-human and dont deserve the same RIGHTS that they have, the right to CHOOSE. There was once a sick and twisted little hypocrite from Austria who had the same opinion and views. His way or the gas chamber. I REALLY dont see a difference between them. Edited November 23, 2009 by keenan
jmhester Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Man, we are a grouchy bunch today! Must be the holidays! Just got back from Thanksgiving shopping and found some Dulses waiting on me. Time to chill and relax before somebody get's hurt!
Speakeasy Posted November 24, 2009 Author Posted November 24, 2009 Lol, this turned into a pretty good thread. Thank you Schizo. I truly wish I would have had that frame of thought while talking with that guy. Of coarse, your perfectly correct, and I should have thought about it like that. And, if he can't believe me, then I can always use Chris' argument, being just as correct. I guess I did get to , in the end, by taking a large percentage of his chips that night. During those next 4 hours at the table I had mentioned several times to all the players that without the e-cig, I would have to take frequent smoking breaks outside, like the other smokers. A fact that poker players like. But when I mentioned the cost benefit, all the smokers went But, like what the Realtor spoke of, I also got a look from others like I actually haven't quit anything, which bothered me too. And when I mention that I haven't had an analog in over 20 days, people seem as if they don't really believe me or something. Not because of the product we're talkin' about, but because I think that non-smokers sometimes have this perception that your probably lying, or something. Like my willpower is in question. They don't say it, but just look Hey, I've been sayin' all along that if these tree-huggin' duck-squezzers don't stop messin' with my nicotine addiction, there's gonna be a hate crime. Oh, and Chris. You suggested that I use the argument that a guy can buy e-cigs in the mall, but that they are much cheaper to purchase on the net, in the event when I may be talking to someone leery of buying on line. Um, we don't HAVE malls, bud. I live in WYOMING, remember? We have our own gene pool up here. I mean, we're still on the freakin' barter system! We had a parade in town last month to celebrate our newest traffic light. This is where the stage coach route ends. If your recently canceled balloon ride would have brought you over Wyoming, the locals would have shot at you for fear that you might be taking their herds. The fastest moving entity around here is the mail. Neon signs were outlawed here in 1956 because they spook the horses. A high school diploma is considered higher education. I removed a jelly bean from a father's ear yesterday after he got it stuck while showing his son how it can get stuck! It's not hard to sneak up on these folks, if you know what I mean.....
keenan Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 "I removed a jelly bean from a father's ear yesterday after he got it stuck while showing his son how it can get stuck! It's not hard to sneak up on these folks, if you know what I mean" LOL, ROFLMAO !! That was great Speak ! Sounds like when they retire in Wyoming they all move across the street from me in FloriDUH !
Speakeasy Posted November 24, 2009 Author Posted November 24, 2009 "I removed a jelly bean from a father's ear yesterday after he got it stuck while showing his son how it can get stuck! It's not hard to sneak up on these folks, if you know what I mean" LOL, ROFLMAO !! That was great Speak ! Sounds like when they retire in Wyoming they all move across the street from me in FloriDUH ! Every word is true, lol. When we heard the news about 9/11, our local sheriff formed a possy. The passenger gate at our local airport is an actual gate. My girl friend's mother a 66 years old Wyoming native, and she's never met a black man.
nana Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 That sounds a lot like small town Nebraska. LOL When I see something on t.v. and they say it's available "anywhere" or "any grocery store", etc., I just have to laugh. I always want to tell them they aren't even close. I know it's not something we can not find within 100 miles - if even in the state. But, we do have a mall about 80 miles away. For us, that's close.
Schizophretard Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 Lol, this turned into a pretty good thread. Thank you Schizo. I truly wish I would have had that frame of thought while talking with that guy. Of coarse, your perfectly correct, and I should have thought about it like that. And, if he can't believe me, then I can always use Chris' argument, being just as correct. I guess I did get to , in the end, by taking a large percentage of his chips that night. During those next 4 hours at the table I had mentioned several times to all the players that without the e-cig, I would have to take frequent smoking breaks outside, like the other smokers. A fact that poker players like. But when I mentioned the cost benefit, all the smokers went But, like what the Realtor spoke of, I also got a look from others like I actually haven't quit anything, which bothered me too. And when I mention that I haven't had an analog in over 20 days, people seem as if they don't really believe me or something. Not because of the product we're talkin' about, but because I think that non-smokers sometimes have this perception that your probably lying, or something. Like my willpower is in question. They don't say it, but just look Hey, I've been sayin' all along that if these tree-huggin' duck-squezzers don't stop messin' with my nicotine addiction, there's gonna be a hate crime. Oh, and Chris. You suggested that I use the argument that a guy can buy e-cigs in the mall, but that they are much cheaper to purchase on the net, in the event when I may be talking to someone leery of buying on line. Um, we don't HAVE malls, bud. I live in WYOMING, remember? We have our own gene pool up here. I mean, we're still on the freakin' barter system! We had a parade in town last month to celebrate our newest traffic light. This is where the stage coach route ends. If your recently canceled balloon ride would have brought you over Wyoming, the locals would have shot at you for fear that you might be taking their herds. The fastest moving entity around here is the mail. Neon signs were outlawed here in 1956 because they spook the horses. A high school diploma is considered higher education. I removed a jelly bean from a father's ear yesterday after he got it stuck while showing his son how it can get stuck! It's not hard to sneak up on these folks, if you know what I mean..... LOL! In my town we don't even have a traffic light and we only have one store. We call it the Corner Store. It is a gas station that no longer sells gas but still sells bait. No body knows the nationality of the people that run it. They say they're Iranians but out here even people from India are Iranians. I think it is because my county used to be a major Klan headquarters. Out here there is only three known nationalities, Black, Chinese, American, and Iranian. Our town is so small that if you drive on the main road for five seconds at any speed you would go right through it. A trip to the Indianapolis Zoo is considered a vacation and a trip to Walmart is considered going to the mall. I grew up in Indianapolis and still work there. Whenever someone hears a gun shot in Indianapolis everyone assumes someone is dead but out here in the sticks we assume someone is dead when the shot guns and AKs stop. At night when the coyotes and wolves stop howling I know Bigfoot is near by and I have to go outside with my SKS to protect the chickens. We have only one cop so If someone has a problem with their neighbor they challenge them at Thunderdome! Welcome to another edition of Thunderdome! Listen on! Listen on! This is the truth of it. Fighting leads to killing, and killing gets to warring. And that was damn near the death of us all. Look at us now, busted up and everyone talking about hard rain. But we've learned by the dust of them all. Bartertown's learned. Now when men get to fighting, it happens here. And it finishes here. Two men enter, one man leaves. And right now, I've got two men. Two men with a gut full of fear. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. . .dying time's here! He's the ball cracker. Death on foot. You know him. You love him! He's Blaster! The challenger, direct from out of the Wasteland. He's bad. He's beautiful. He's crazy! It's the man with no name! Thunderdome's simple. Get to the weapons, use them anyway you can. I know you won't break the rules. There aren't any. Remember where you are. This is Thunderdome. Death is listening, and will take the first man that screams. Prepare! Two men enter, one man leaves!
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