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Hana Mod


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I just placed my order of a Hana Modz DNA 30 clone with a Kayfun V 3.1 RBA clone... first clones I've bought... first RBA also... should I get good vapor from the combo? If it weren't for clones, I'd never have ever gotten a mod... I can't afford 250 for a real Hana... I paid 70 dollars total on the pair... what I'm getting at is we're these good choices, and will they work well together? Maybe I should have gotten a dripping atty... feed back please.

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I'm new to all of this, I will find out what I like and don't like, thanks to clones... otherwise, I'd have no money for nice vapige. Lol... I have an itaste mvp v3 now but just some ****ty atty tank... I've had a bunch of kanger tanks but I keep breaking the glass in them... so I can never keep one for long... I'm hoping I will be satisfied with my RBA I bought. I'm also hoping it is rather quick on delivery... I ordered from Fasttech... a lot of people hate on them... but it's a 6 mo. warranty so if it's defective, or I don't like it, I will send it back and get something else... you don't get that option anywhere else you get clones from... and I'll actually get mine instead of people who ordered from illvapes who could possibly never see theirs, or their money back.

I'm new to all of this, I will find out what I like and don't like, thanks to clones... otherwise, I'd have no money for nice vapige. Lol... I have an itaste mvp v3 now but just some ****ty atty tank... I've had a bunch of kanger tanks but I keep breaking the glass in them... so I can never keep one for long... I'm hoping I will be satisfied with my RBA I bought. I'm also hoping it is rather quick on delivery... I ordered from Fasttech... a lot of people hate on them... but it's a 6 mo. warranty so if it's defective, or I don't like it, I will send it back and get something else... you don't get that option anywhere else you get clones from... and I'll actually get mine instead of people who ordered from illvapes who could possibly never see theirs, or their money back.

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