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Health hazard?


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HI I am new to the form. My name is Joe. Someone I spoke with had some pretty interesting theories about e cigs. Was wondering if anyone could get to the bottom of it. He said e cigs put moisture into the lungs. not a problem for a nonsmoker but maybe bad for a long term smoker. when you smoke for years "tar" a black compound made up of the 7000 chemicals regular cigs contain, builds up thick on your lungs. Your cilia, or tiny hairs on the lungs, witch move to clean your lungs, stop functioning exacerbating this build up. When you put the amount of moisture on your lungs e cigs contain, you wet this tar causing it to break up very rapidly and release large amounts of this tar into your bloodstream in a short time (v.s. cold turkey or patch quits). Your cilia function normally again witch speeds up the process even more . Your kidneys Can only process a certain amount of toxins at a time. This may cause you to store the tar chemicals in fat cells at an increased rate vs quitting cold turkey. It might also increase cancer risks for a short time. Any reasonable thoughts on this matter? I quit smoking using e cigs a few weeks ago. I notice a difference in my ability to breath better and taste better. Haven't noticed any negative side effects but was a little dizzy in the first few days when I woke up in the morning. Could've just been too much nicotine though: ) I appreciate your responses and have theories for a legitimate medical study that could prove or disprove this idea in a relatively short time considering most medical studies. Thanks again for trying to figure this out if possible!

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That's a question best left for a Pulmonologist, and I'm pretty sure none are on this forum.

As for water vapor... you expel water vapor while breathing... it is a natural function of Oxygen metabolism in the lungs. Regardless of the humidity level of the air we breathe, the air we exhale is always near 100% humidity... because our lungs are naturally moist already.

Studies have shown that we expel upwards of a pound of water (about a pint) through normal breathing during the night, which is why you get moisture vapor accumulating on the inside of a tent when camping, and why you always weigh less in the morning than you did when you went to bed! We also (all of us) breathe in water vapor normally, every breath, every day... it's called humidity!

PG and VG (to a lesser extent) are also humecants... they bond with moisture and prevent it's absorption, which is why vaping drys you out... Vaping is not like breathing in steam from a sauna...

Edited by Earthling789
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A lot of were heavy smokers for long term and have quit smoking using vaping as a substitute. A lot of us are being scrutinized because of other health issues and I have not heard of anyones physician having any negative comments on our having quit smoking. I also have not had my physicians find any negative effects caused from vaping and all are very happy with my general health as it is using prescribed medications for the health problems I have. I have heard a lot of interesting theories from folks who are against vaping but they are theories that don't seem to correspond to our real life experience.

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When I told my doctor that I had stopped smoking and started vaping she was very pleased, and when I showed her my vaporizer she asked me to have a puff to let her see how it works, an that was while I was in her surgery. So I think she looks on it as a great idea and not something to be too worried about. After vaping for a couple of months I found myself coughing up a lot of gunk from my lungs and now I can breath better than ever before.

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