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I read somewhere that you actually want HIGHER resistance on a VW mod like my iTaste MVP 2.0, as it'll use less battery power. Basically that lower resistance is only beneficial to mechanical mods (and maybe VV mods?). Is this the way others grasp this as well? It makes sense, if the wattage is controlled by the mod, the benefit of reduced resistance being increased output, there's no reason to go for lower Ohms.

Posted (edited)

Incorrect... Higher resistance coils draw more Amps to fire the coil, per Ohm's Law.

For example, a 2.5 Ohm coil cannot be fired at a Wattage higher than 10W because of the 5.0V limitation on the MVP, as this maximizes the output. But, a 1.5 Ohm coil at 10W will only be firing at 3.9V, thus drawing fewer Amps, and depleting the battery slower.

Think of resistance in terms of weight... and you're the battery... It's easier to lift a lighter weight, longer, than it is to lift a heavy weight... both will exhaust you, but the heavier one will do so much faster.

On a VW MOD, the Wattage is set, and will be achieved (up to a limit), regardless of the coil resistance used. The MOD only varies the Voltage to achieve the Wattage selected. There is no increased output, only savings to your battery life by using a lower resistance coil.

Now, a lower resistance coil can achieve a higher Wattage (up to 11W limit), whereas a higher resistance coil (over 2.3 Ohms) will max out the Voltage limiter before reaching the 11W limit, due to the increased resistance. Here's a chart to show the relationship between Wattage selection and Coil choice, and the Voltage required for those settings:


Edited by Earthling789

I prefer to stay at 1.8 ohm or lower.

I build coils between 1.2-1.6ohm but my pre build aspire coils are 1.8ohm

I agree... on a static-3.7V battery (ego or MOD), I prefer 1.5 or 1.8 coils in my Kanger tanks... I get a good vape, good flavor, and extended battery life (compared to higher resistance coils).

But on a VW battery, setting a specific Wattage, will not matter what coil resistance you select, as long as it is not too low or too high for the circuitry to adjust Voltage to maintain the Wattage selected (based on the chart above).

As you can see, a 1.2 Ohm coil on an MVP, cannot operate below 9.5W or above 3.63V (at 11W), as any higher or lower setting will be outside the operational parameters of the battery's circuitry / protection limits.

Using a 1.2 Ohm coil and setting the Wattage at 8.0W, and the battery will auto-default to the closest operational limit, which is 9.08W @ 3.3V (minimum operational Voltage setting) or 9.5W @ 3.38V (minimum operational Wattage setting), based on the coil resistance.


should also note 1.2ohm is often the lowest resistance many vv/vw mods will fire.

My vamo won't fire anything below 1.2ohm.

There are vv/vw mods that will fire below 1.2ohm though like the DNA30 mod which can fire sub ohm coils. Those are very expensive mods though...


Cool thanks guys. I asked because I also understood it as described. Had me confused as heck, since the poster had a sensible explanation. Had me really questioning my knowledge!

Thanks folks.

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