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I found out something I wish I hadn't

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I still seem to need one or two analogs with my morning coffee. Working on kicking those last couple, but going down from 30-40 a day to two is great progress. It also saves my poor dawgs a little verbal abuse, at least in the morning.

When I smoke, I cough -- a lot. Yesterday I was vaping 0 nicotine and smoking. The juice soothed my lungs and stopped the cough. Wish I could un-know that!

New rule in my house: no vaping and smoking at the same time. Suck it up, you danged addict, and cough up a lung when you hit the analog. No vaping until the analogs are wrapped back up in cellophane for the day. All that negative reinforcement will make it easier to quit those last couple.

For any noobs who are still smoking and vape nicotine with your analogs, please be careful. I don't think vaping gets it to your brain quite as fast; none of that ammonia and other junk to make your lungs absorb it more quickly. It could be a recipe for a little nicotine overdose. Just IMO.

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I started vaping Nov. 1 and in between I had my analogs at one point I actually smoked a pack, Jan 22 I had my last hit after a surgery and realized the constriction it cause in the blood supply, which resulted in pain in the arm I'd just had surgery on.

I can't imagine what it does to the brain, heart etc. Don't want too. It was enough to finally make me say I won't have another ever!

I still had cravings and played w varying nic levels until I changed to lower ohm coils and slightly warmer vapor.

Now I find I Dont want or crave a analog, my dogs are thrilled, seriously! They would steal my pack take it into the yard and rip it up..

my female would sneak up behind me and slap my analog out of my hand.

Breaking the dang thing, I'm totally serious.

Dumb dogs right?!?!

Good for you vaping 0 nic and not doubling up in the chemicals & nic.

It takes a while to totally get your head wrapped around the no smoking thing. Dont be hard on yourself.

The dogs love you anyway, they'll be happy when you quit you'll feel better be happier and they won't be breathing the smoke. They'll smell better too.

Play w different eliquid, different levels of nic take it slow and find what works.

Withdrawal stinks but if your having a ton of it, maybe your nic isn't high enough, I chain vaped when I started because I went too low.

We didn't start smoking yesterday the hand to mouth habits so hard to break, but it'll happen.

Keep up the good work.

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I appreciate your struggle to quit your last couple of analogs and I wish you luck on your quest to finally get off of smoking but I have one bone to pick with you and that is your use of the word "overdose".

You may have a sensitivity or allergy to nicotine or some complex problem with nicotine use and some other health factors leading to your symptoms but you are nowhere near "overdose" levels of nicotine. You are probably using 1/20 or 1/30 of the amount of nicotine that is commonly used by anyone smoking or vaping and that is well below any levels approaching "overdose".

Toxicity with nicotine is a serious matter but this is not what you are dealing with here. Good luck on your quest.

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Thanks, Mt,

I'm one of those weirdos who actually enjoys the feel of smoke in my lungs. Vaping comes close to it, but it still feels like something's missing. It might be all those other chemicals, or maybe my brain is just fried from all those years of CO and can't handle all the extra oxygen. At least my chronic smoker's cough is making it a lot less fun.

I got that working for me.

I may take a stab at a little higher nicotine, again, but I'm still running scared from that horrible overdose I got early on.

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Remember, a lots going to change as you leach those chemicals out of your system.

Sensitivities to certain things, taste goes off, all kinds of special stuff.

I liked the inhaling part too, I went to a different type of setup and am extremely happy.

Nic really isn't the bad thing IMO as people say.

I thought it was a nic reaction too and turns out I had a strange pg sensitivity, and a detox going on, as well as suddenly after 36 yrs I had oxygen affecting my toxic lungs, :joke:

Coughing can get worse, crap cleaning out of your lungs.

You'll figure it out. People here are super helpful and supportive.

Try not to get frustrated.

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Yup, patience.

Bebop, I know that "overdose" is a really highly-charged term. Again, more fodder for the Anti-Smoking Nazis.

It can run the gamut from a mild headache and palpitations to a full-blown "Call 911!" tragedy, which is what comes to most people's minds.

What I had was moderate: a skull-splitter, very rapid heart rate, nausea, lightheadedness, and blurred vision. Definitely not a "Call 911," but no fun, also, and it took me nearly 24 hours to come back to normal.

I am sensitive to nicotine, because of the extremely low-nic analogs that I've smoked for years, and my mess-up was a Perfect Storm of stupidity: vaping too high a nicotine level, smoking at the same time, and diluting my juice with no gloves and a sloppy technique.

So, when talking "overdose," I'm speaking in very broad terms and not wishing to scare or offend anyone.

Sorry if I upset you.

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