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I got up this morning to put together my new Provari and on the first page I hit my first problem. The diagram says and shows I should have a tip that goes on the end of the Provari. It says the tip inserts into the Atomizer. If it is not in the box is there any chance in is in the inside of the Provari? Is it OK to take the top of the Provari off to look for it? It is a mini 2.5 so is there a possibility that I am not suppose to have one? I waited all week to put it together because I was working and got up at 3:00am because I was so excited about putting it together. This just breaks my heart if I have to wait for a tip to come through the mail. Just to test it my tank screws right into the end of the Provari so I am hoping it is a part that I don't need.


It should have come with an atomizer which has a tip. If it didnt, dont worry about it since you are probably just going to be using your tanks.

Vape away! ( and let us know what you think) :)


OK, I did it, I put it together without it and don't seem to need it. I love this little pink piece of heaven Provari. It is not nearly as hard to set and set up as I thought it was going to be. I stuck with my KPT 2s with the air adjusters on the bottom.I followed mamabirds lead and dressed her up real pretty too.That reminds me I need to post this in her post where we have been dicscussing Provaries. I'm going to post her picture there. But Bebop, to answer your question. I LOVE IT!


Yes my Provari is great as well. Even tho it doesn't see daily use anymore, it's not going anywhere. It's the original style w/ upgraded internals.

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